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Old 12-03-2010, 07:17 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Eh, mixed feelings i guess and here's why.

This past week I was at the bar with some old friends and smokin buddies I hadnt seen in awhile. And they were talkin about this legal herb. I had never smoked it before or really heard much about it but my crappy town was dry, no good bud to be had... So i went to the unimart and picked up a gram bag of Black Magic. It definitely got me high. I smoke din my car on the way home to my parents house and I was crazy paranoid talking to my mom haha. It's like... you dont get the munchies, and its not the same high as weed. It smells amazing, like really strong blueberry bubblegum.

All things considered though... It's $18 for a gram. And when you look at it, it's basically like the shake at the bottom of a bag, but it must weigh different cause it looks like about 2 grams. It burns differnet than bud though, it's definitely a lot harsher on your throat too, gotta take smaller hits. In my opinion, $20 is MUCH better spent on a gram of good bud. I got less hits out of a gram of legal herb than I do with bud...

So tl;dr, legal herb gets you pretty high, but for the price of about $20/g I'd much rather just buy some potent stuff.
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