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Old 12-07-2010, 06:25 PM   #4460 (permalink)
Terrible Lizard
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Butt****, Nebraska
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1. When you masturbate without a porn aid, what scenario do you usually end up imagining?
Varies, I can imagine a great deal.

2. What is the one thing you'd actually kill someone for?

3. If the numeric buttons on your keyboard were individual chances, how many buttons would you push before your luck ran out, and why?
I'm sure this question makes sense on your planet.

4. It's the zombie apocalypse. You have a shotgun with 3 shells, 1 bag of cow brain, and your favorite song on an iPod. Knowing you may eventually be eaten by 5 approaching zombies if no actions are taken, how would you arrange it so that you are able to either escape, or listen to the song. And what song would it be if you chose that route?
Put on "Jesus Christ Twist" use the 3 remaining shells on the first three, beat the other two to death with the barrel.

5. What is the best original idea you can think of, right now?
A space slug with a perchance for alien music and women, after hearing Mercyful Fate believes he has heard the voice of God, he then starts a pilgrimage across the galaxy raising many curious lifeforms to follow his cause.

6. When was the last time you thought you were special, and why?
Don't need to think about it, just am.
-John Martyn
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