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Old 12-08-2010, 04:51 AM   #3224 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by xEMGx View Post
Ah that sucks, I know I'd get the **** scared out of me too, especially if you were stoned, it becomes more easy to take something the wrong way. Luckily, I'm a pretty discrete smoker, so I make a plan when I smoke, everything has to be back to normal by a certain time, I find setting a certain time helps keep me "hidden."

I've seen many people post about bubblers? What is so great about them?
Do their small size really provide a good hit?
I'd had a bubbler for a few years now. The hits are less harsh so if you are smoking a lot it's easier on your throat. You can't really feel how much smoke you are taking in like you can with a pipe so you gotta be careful not to get too huge of a hit then cough it all out. Because there is water though, you gotta clean it more often than a pipe (i never clean my pipe, resin hits FTW!) which kinda sucks. And when you empty out the water it smells strong like bong water. Only thing I don't really like about my bubbler is the actual bowl part of it is a lot smaller than my pipe so I cant fit as much bud in there. I got mine from a friend for like $50, I think they are usually between $70-$100 around here. I don't know, anymore it doesn't really matter what I smoke out of.

I still like 'ripping jigs' or 'pullin tubes' which are apparently local terms but I'm guessing you've done it. Like a home made grav bong. Melt a metal socket piece into the cap of a two liter, fill it with bud. Cut the bottom off of the two liter and submerge it in water (like a little trash can filled with water). Put the cap on after the two liter bottle is submerged with the exception of teh cap. Then light the weed in the cap and slowly pull the bottle up out of the water but not the entire way so the smoke doesn't come out of the bottom. So then you have an entire bottle filled with thick smoke. Take the cap off, inhale as you push the bottle back down into the water. You have probably done this before but it's still one of my favorite ways to smoke just because it conserves a lot of weed and you get a lot of smoke
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