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Thread: The Slut Debate
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Old 12-10-2010, 11:04 AM   #21 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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I don't find women (or men, for that matter) who sleep around to be sluts generally. There's a line, but it would have to be really extreme for someone to cross said line.

For example: A single girl who has multiple sexual partners, a few one night stands she'd rather not talk about, and a legitimate enjoyment of sex is not a slut.

A single girl who has sex for personal gain or consistently sleeps with people just because someone else is interested in the person and they want to shove it in their face, has sex solely for drugs, money, or some other gain, or something at that sort - I'd consider that a slut if it's done on a consistent basis.

Then again, that can just be construed as being a prostitute in some cases, or as a complete bitch in others (the sleeping with people just to rub it in someone else's face scenario).
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