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Old 07-26-2005, 07:24 PM   #90 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1
Default Avenged Sevenfold

The metal generation has been suffering ever since the downfall of the early 90's Guns and Roses. But this day marks a day of utter deterioration of this great category of music. The absolute sell out of a once great band, Avenged Sevenfold.

These guys set a standard for other up and coming bands that was hard to be matched up against. The were a breath of hope in a era of power chord ballads and Eddie Vedder wannabes. Purely brutal lyrics and vocals mixed in with sharp guitar licks and thundering drums barely expresses the power behind their music in their first few albums.

City of Evil was looked upon as a marker for their existence to most metal heads. I feel that the middle albums are the make and break times, and friends, this was an absolute shatter. It is obvious that Shadow and friends attempted to force a winner on the pop charts by smearing this utter CRAP onto a cd. When the hell did they all grow a pair of ovaries before writing this garbage???

Avenged Sevenfold went from the ability to play with great metal bands of old to forever being stuck on tour with the no talent ass clowns of Warped Tour. With Shadows squeaking, girlish vocals and the strange, uncoordinated guitar licks of Gates and Vengeance, i feel as though i'm listening to a sh*t face drunk Sum 41 rockin out in a musty garage, over and over and over with every redundant f*cking song on this album. You lose the entire message of the anti-bush muck raking under this headache of chaos. Pathetic.

In light, Avenged Sevenfold has officially SOLD OUT. Not only is the album City of Evil a disgrace to the label of "metal" on the plastic covering on the cd case, it is so staggeringly despicable that i can't even bare to listen to their old sh*t in fear of vommitting in my camaro.

And to think, many people actually have these f*cks' logo tattooed on them. Poor shmucks. . . . Fortunately for them, they can somewhat remove those stains with some pain and serious money, none of which will ever redeem A7X from their own boiling disgrace.

Regretfully and Beyond Pist,

~Rock Until Dead~
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