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Old 12-29-2010, 07:21 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Well in that case it is indeed different.
That's why I included the word 'deliberately' in my 'verdict'.

I don't really understand why people don't get how far they can go while drinking. I mean, I've been pretty ****ed now and then, but I never lost control over what I was doing. There were some moments when I couldn't really stand up, and some moments in which I thought to myself 'stfu, you're talking nonsense', but that's really it.
Ghehe, I also don't see the point of getting really drunk. Why go to a party to forget all about it and wake up hangover the next day?

Eitherway. I may seem pretty hard about this. So I probably should tell you that this is one of the three things that make me really mad.
One is racism, another is hurting animals and a third is drunk (or drugged) driving.
Apart from that, I guess I'm pretty compassionate.
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