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Old 01-01-2011, 02:17 PM   #4566 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
ThePhanastasio's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Ashland, KY
Posts: 1,679

1) What part of 2010 are you happy to be rid of?
- It was probably one of the more bizarre years I've had; I'm not really "happy" to be rid of it, per say, but I'm still pretty excited and hoping that 2011 will be at least a little bit as interesting as 2010 was for me.

2) What inspired you in 2010?
- Music. Friends. Theatre. Writing. Strangers.

3) Care to share your new years resolution with us?
- I made a resolution to see more shows this year, finally get around to recording an album length recording of original material, and producing another play I've written.

4) How did you ring in the New Year?
- I was going to go camping, but people bailed, so I went to eat in my town, then to my friends' house half an hour away or so where we (most of us) drank quite a bit of Yuengling. Then we went back to Ashland to another friend's house and met his puppy. I think that's where we actually watched the ball drop. After that, I ran into YET ANOTHER friend at the gas station, made plans to meet up with him at about 1:00am, and spent the rest of the time between seeing him and going to his house in the park. 15 year olds offered me gas money in addition to 20 more dollars if I would take them the next state over and buy them alcohol. I was convinced it was a sting operation, so I declined. Also, I wasn't about to take random minors across state lines, even if it was only 10 minutes from the park. Once at my friends house, we drank a lot more, toked up a bit, and had an overall good time. I made it home by 7am, I think.

5) Planning any travels this year? Do tell.
- New England...I'm relocating up North this year, I believe. Should be fun.

6) What is one album that came out this past year, that we all need to hear?
- All of them. Sample all of them. You don't need my opinion on any specific album. Pick one you love.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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