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Old 01-03-2011, 07:53 AM   #248 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Hey guys! I'm sorry for not participating in this thread earlier. I feel a bit guilty, but I had the exam for my thesis on the 21st of December and I travelled to our family cabin to celebrate christmas and New Years with friends on the 22., so the time I have had here has been somewhat limited. While around, I've focused mostly on the threads I feel directly responsible for.

I did this award stuff in 2009 and then, as people have observed, we collected nominations first and then did a voting. I think part of the initial reason was that it would include more people in the process. People could see that someone's already been nominated, so perhaps they would choose to nominate someone else which is basically fun for the people who are suddenly included and who would otherwise not have been. It led to a lot of nominees, so for the voting we went with those nominated the most. It did take some work. I remember I had an excel sheet that I was updating. However, I like to think it worked out alright.

This time, the joy of arranging the awards has gone to Mojo and I assume he'll wrap it up soon. Although I realize some people are waiting for the results, I guess there's no real rush? If there is, I can help by repeating the same process as I did last year.

By the way, thanks to those who nominated me, whatever the category

And Erica, you suck at trolling!
Something Completely Different
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