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Old 01-06-2011, 03:38 PM   #24 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
I'd argue that's absurd. System of a Down were only nu metal on their surface. I don't think they were the most original band on earth, either. But for a band that was literally selling #1 chart topping albums, they're quite a bit expansive.

Unlike most acts in that position they:

A) were live focused, and could preform their songs without additional production. You didn't go to their shows to see lights, and dancing. You went for music.

B) Albeit, they heavily exploited their political viewpoints to get over(and really very little of their music was related to), they were still selling themselves on music. Nobody got into System of a Down because they wanted to compliment Serj Tankian's Wardrobe.

C) They TRIED to include some influences outside the mainstream norm. Sometimes you hear a bit of an operatic tinge in Serj's voice, or some jazz/swing like bass work, whatever. Sure many bands before this explored it, did it better, and made massive success doing it(Faith No More, Red Hot Chili Peppers) but very few were able to keep as firmly in the spotlight as System of a Down did. From Toxicity to Hypnotize they were pretty much consistently selling number one albums, which means they could be an influence on direction. They were the biggest act in music at the time they were big.

D) Even if not known for their virtuosity they played off each other well as a unit. Yes, the guitarwork was retardedly simple tuned down power chord bull****, and they overused the whole "SCREAM sing SCREAM sing with dual harmonies SCREAM" thing. However, there was a lot of ambition in the arrangement especially during their ultra-frantic songs.

System of a Down appear as a shining moment to me because of these thing, and because they stayed somewhat popular as these things were going out the window. Not that System of a Down is a shining moment for music in general, but it is for the direction of mainstream music which is going back to the way of the Madonna(And Yes, I'd prefer even truly abysmal Nu Metal like Limp Bizkit, or Linkin' Park over this any day).
They most definitely were not the biggest act in music when they were big. And whatever you say they did or didn't attempt to put into their music, at the end of the day the result was no better or more interesting than the other nu-metal garbage of that time period so what does it matter?
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