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Old 05-31-2004, 11:27 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by brokenheartsandfallenhero
Ok you guys lets lay it out like this; Bush has proven to be nothing but a war hungry redneck that could care less what the common man thinks of him, as all republicans often do. He has done nothing for our economy and has only further isolated America from its counterparts in the middle east as well as other parts of the world. In retrospect Clinton did wonders for our economy but represented America in a less than favorable way. What I am trying to say is that when Alejo said that we would protest no matter what I think he was right in a way. He should have said that AMERICA would protest no matter what, but is it really our fault NO! It is our crappy leadership that has weakened our faith not only in government but also in our country. America has always been two faced no matter what party is in office, for example the Korean Conflict and Vietnam were both UN wars and both wars to end communism, but why is it that we didn't attack communism at its source but instead went after small factions in these countries? Because there were Russian leaders in command of the UN both times, we were taking commands from russians while fighting communism, now isnt that a little strange. As long as we allow our children to be dumbed down by our "great" public edu system, that Bush has contributed to, we will always be controlled by a crap government. But if we take action and educate ourselves on how an actual government should be run and how ours HAS been run then we wouldn't be debating this topic right now, so please people get a little background history before you debate and dont just take a side because that was what granpappy did!!!!!
Omg dude, you didnt just say that. I had some honor for you, but now you just lost it all. Are you tyring to say there are conspiracies? LoL, if there was any other factor why we didnt attack the USSR it would of been found by now by smarter people than all of us. Did you just for get about nuclear war? Yeah, lets just go throw our soldiers on foreign land called the USSR and expect them to win. Especially after Napoleon lost and Hitler. Lets not be stupid, the reason we attacked Vietnam was not because the UN told us! The French were there and they quit because America wouldnt help, but then the US comes in with guns blazing trying to impress the world and showing the French how it should be done. Korea was a UN war, but under an American general. He was also fired because he was crazy enough to almost go to war against not only China but the USSR all at once. He wanted to show the communist their "lesson". You know what, if we are so democratic, why dont we respect the decisions of others to have what type of government they want instead of us impossing democracy on them. It is always our fault, because we dont try to change and we vote for the lesser of 2 evils instead of the one we truely wish to vote for. We could reform our democratic process to be much better, but we dont. This debate is one sided because one side only appears to make sense, dont try to be the little middle man asking for peace and consessions from both sides, only one side has proven knowledgable and the other not. If your going to add to this debate, add some interesting facts, not some little unrecognized irrelevant facts. Anyways, peace for tonight, its late.
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