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Old 01-27-2011, 11:54 PM   #27 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Heh, I was just thinking today about how weird my quirks may or may not be. Maybe some of you can relate. Maybe not?

- I almost always buy identical single serving cans/packs of food in twos. The only reason there would ever be another number than 2 of the same kind of a can/pack of food in my basket is because I probably thought it would look strange that I had two of everything while in the store. I tell myself that I just buy two because more than that would be overkill, and only one wouldn't be enough... I suspect that's just a self comfort.

- I'm phobic about any meat products not being refrigerated or frozen promptly. Chicken especially. What makes it strange is my version of 'promptly' is within 10 minutes after being cooked, and not a damn minute after being pulled out the grocery bag. I think this came from my mother.

- I don't crack my knuckles, but I do roll my shoulders. It's a weird motion that involves extending your arm, raising your shoulder and locking it, then bringing your elbow out and up until you feel a bone pop. You feel it midway between the shoulder and the elbow. I don't know why, but it's comforting. Never got into cracking my knuckles though. Mainly because they don't really crack without ridiculous amounts of effort. My fingers don't bend downward past a 90 degree angle at the first joint. I always thought it was weird when I saw people basically flatten their fingers against their inner palm.

- Ah, here's one. I'm an enormous grammar Nazi... the catch is, I don't really give a fuck whether you're fucking up the English language or not. I care if I am. It's so bad, that if I happen to catch a simple grammatical error in one of my posts, like the lack of a capitalization or even an extra punctuation, I will go back and edit the post. This applies to typing anything. This isn't to say that I'm perfect... but when I do catch something, I fix it.
Strangely, when I write on paper, my shit is all kinds of fucked up. I use correct punctuation, but I capitalize randomly. Not that leetcrap bullshit. There are just some letters I that I naturally write in capitals for some reason.

- I have a certain mentality regarding smells. Some smells that most others find offensive, I don't. Like skunk roadkill. No problem. My own farts? Fantastic. Regardless of what they actually smell like... but if it's someone else's fart, I find it disgusting, regardless of what it actually smells like. Even if it's my own fart and I begin to suspect that maybe it's someone else's, I'll begin to find it disgusting. It's a completely mental thing.

- If you see me walking and randomly patting my right butt cheek, it's because I'm checking for my wallet. Even though I checked not 5 minutes ago.

- It drives me absolutely batty when my hair grows long enough so that the sides hang over my ears. I don't care if my hairstyle becomes the shittiest, most unpopular style in the history of hair... it will not change. Has nothing to do with the military either. I was like that long before then.

- My legs itch when hot water hits them. Fucking weird.

That's all I care about sharing at the moment.
I dunno, but I wonder if that's some kind of serotonin related thing. When I used to take Ecstasy back when, after a weekend of that (for a couple days following), strong emotional moments, even in movies or what have you, elicited an almost physical "zap" in my brain (which others in the same scenario have testified to themselves) that would startle me. There was an actual perceivable graduating envelope of sensation, all lasting a mere second. Like an upward ramp. The perceived physical location was more centered in the brain, but we don't have sensory receptors in our brains, so I would venture to assume that the phenomenon lies in something a bit more esoteric than a sensory receptor being involved... directly anyway.
Interesting either way.
If I were a joking man, I'd say those bubbles were the last of your emotional brain cells bursting.
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