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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 01-29-2011, 03:52 AM   #1092 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
fixed. just because he didn't go to jail for it doesn't mean he didn't do anything.
True. But it also means that the prosecution failed to convince an all white jury in a conservative district that he did. The problem with the MJ case was that it wasn't televised, so the man in the street had only what the media said to go on and they were hardly impartial. The media didn't cover what went on in that courtroom at all. They were only interested in what a weirdo MJ was. I was also convinced that MJ was guilty and that he got away with it because he was a celebrity until I read the book by Aphrodite Jones which is based only on the evidence and the testimony that was given in court. The conclusion is simple: there was nothing there. This does of course not prove that MJ wasn't a pedo, but one can never prove a negative. But based on what went on in that courtroom one definitely can't conclude that he was. Comparisons to the OJ trial are not appropriate here. In the OJ trial there were truckloads of evidence that was ingnored. In the MJ trial there was no evidence whatsoever and many of the prosecution's witnesses were very easily exposed as liars.
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