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Old 01-29-2011, 01:30 PM   #11 (permalink)
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fair enough assumptions, based on hindsight. but looking at the past doesn't change the future. the thing about changing peoples' perspectives is that it's already happening. and it's not any one man's efforts or a certain political agenda which has served as the catalyst for this either. it's just science. as our technologies get better, we actually become more able to look into the future by assessing pure data and noting trends and variables and so on and so forth. since mankind's inception we have been taught and conditioned to look at the past as a benchmark for the future (which in a lot of simpler cases is the right thing to do), but now we longer have to count simply on that.

if we looked at the projected growth of the world population for the next 500 years - even if no one believes that without reducing the population we can't survive - we can calculate the numbers involved in assessing the needs of the populace. this was impossible probably 25 years ago.

what people rarely take into consideration is that all this information is actually changing us. technology and it's benefits are directly linked to our evolution. and if that's not changing perception, nothing is.

the hinge is money. the whole idea of this is that money does not only NOT WORK, but it is a detriment to all the people of earth on all social and psychological levels. the funny part, is that we're seeing this plain as day all over the place. bailouts? WHAT THE F*CK? soon enough hyper-inflation will ensue and a can of coke will cost you a million dollars. at which point the people who want to eat will resort to unprecedented violence.

basically, what i'm trying to say in response to jackpat, is that peoples' minds are not made of concrete. should circumstances continue as they are, people will begin to wake at a greater rate and start looking for smarter ways to do things. look at OccultHawk. i don't know who he is, but he fits into a demographic, and part of that demographic believes with all their hearts that the earth can't sustain as many people as it has. that's a global view. and that's all people need. once you have that, you're looking for truth. and once your looking for truth, anything is possible, cuz the world is based on capitalism, and capitalists - at least the successful ones - are liars.
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