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Old 01-29-2011, 11:19 PM   #725 (permalink)
carpe musicam
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I think you missed the point. I don't see love in your list of elements there As Pratchett might put it, even if you'd grind the universe to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve, you won't find one atom of "love".

It's a name we put on a set of feelings which have an existence entirely dependent on our highly advanced biology and not a force of nature.
Well Pratchett needs more than one finest sieve, there are about 118 (known) elements and it goes without saying they have different diameters, the finestest sieve should be no smaller than roughly 150 picometers.

Why within language there is an understanding of the difference between what is abstract and what is concrete, but Pratchett throws that whole idea out the window?
"...even if you'd grind the universe (concrete) to the finest powder (concrete) and sieve (1st time around a verb) it through the finest sieve (2nd time around a noun), you won't find one atom (concrete) of "love" (abstract)." honestly Tore that goes without saying.

But understanding cosmology, Earth history, Human History can only answers how we got here, not why are we here. If one looked at the whole history of the universe and understand what took place before man appear on Earth one could appreciate the near infinite variables that it took to have the Earth the way it is for it to be inhabitable. I don't think that you could only use science to fully understand the meaning of life, certain science only have a strict system they study, and nothing outside of it pertains to what is being studied. So you need something more then Astrophysics, that encompasses more then one specific system, like the universe. Science is only good for answering how things work in the universe, not why things are....If one believes in God, then one can understand what done for us to be alive.
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