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Old 01-31-2011, 05:11 PM   #736 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin View Post
I think I may have posted in this thread before reguarding a question on the Moses movie. Ive read a lot of different peoples very knowledgeable insight from both aspects of the topic. Honestly each year I get older I find more reasons to lose what faith I have left for beleiving in God. Its been a slow continious battle..I think its more just wanting something more concrete to justify the miracle of things that are good. For instance witnessing the birth of my son. So now that is the last of the reasons for me conjuring the hope of an after life. Just hoping that if something that miraculous could take place. That somehow I could be reunited in a happier place than Earth one day after ive perished. Or that a higher power is somehow watching over my child and protecting him. Other than that ive all but given up my religion. To much contradiction,hypocracy,greed, lust and other every day challenges of life. The only difference is I have yet to really find anyone who on a daily basis isnt guilty of some glitch they have and cover it up with being judgmental of others. There isnt anything that hasnt been said before on this topic im sure and nobody can prove either point. For me im just having less and less to hold onto the more I see how corrupt and hypocritic Christianity can be. Power and corruption play a role in every walk of life and in every life to some extent. Only some dont pretend to hide it by pointing out the flaws of others. Then sitting in judgment and condeming our so called souls to hell. When all along the one doing the accusing is in no position to set in judgment of anyone. Ive seen this all my life and have just grown tired of the same justifacations of the cliche excuses given. Everyone hides their shades of shame by hoping someone worse will over shadow their own. This has been weighing on me for some time now and just thought id share it. The thought of there not being a God is scary for me to say. I want there to be a better place but it just seems more like a fairy tale the older I get. Honestly I dont know what I beleive anymore. Any good argument given from either side is merley opinion and nothing more.
Go find a Zen/Taoist Master / Buddha / Old Teacher and witness someone who is in the world but not of it. The idea of a "better place" is very misleading. Most people aren't content doing nothing. They get bored and look for something to do. But really, having nothing to do is the best place you can be. Pleasure builds and fades, and where pleasure has been pain is sure to follow. It's only when we can be totally content doing nothing that pleasure and pain begin to lose their hold on us. Religion isn't about the "happily ever after" or having someone else fix all your problems for you. Religiousness is about finding yourself, learning to flow with the world, seeing the perfection in creation. Find a master--the true teaching isn't a teaching at all. It isn't an idea or a way to behave. The true teaching is just an invitation into the perfection that's already there. Don't hold on to your faith--you are free to feel however you feel. You are free to believe what you believe, don't let fear keep you from being who you are. Just relax into yourself and let the world take you where you need to go. Have faith in existence, have faith that every experience holds something to teach you, whether you think it's a good experience or bad experience. And, of course, love.
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