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Old 01-31-2011, 08:56 PM   #7241 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Funny thing, actually I did watch and play sports from a very young age, not sure why you seem to have an assumption that anyone who isn't into sports didn't play them growing up. I played basketball, baseball and soccer, and also swam and ran cross-country. I tried very hard for a long time to be excited about it because I thought that I was supposed to be. I collected baseball cards, watched sports on TV, etc. but at some point I just started to realize that I thought sports were boring. I liked being active but I just found playing organized sports to be incredibly dull and watching them was even worse.

If you gotta try to be excited, then you shouldn't be playing sports. Some people have a passion for them, some don't, and it's not a knock on anyone. That's just the truth of it. There's a lot of kids I knew who played sports with me growing up who you could tell just didn't really care much. They played cause of friends or parents or pressure or whatever reason. They just didn't share the same passion I have. The bold part is where we differ. We don't share the same enthusiasm and passion for sports, and perhaps I could have better stated what I was talking about by saying that people who aren't as passionate about sports wouldn't understand being frustrated at losing a game. Just because I'm not competing professionally or at the collegiate level or have tons of fans watching me doesn't mean I don't want to win when i play. I don't go into a game of any sports hoping to lose. Athletic competition is fun for me, and winning is fun. It's like, a guitarist doesn't go into a show and get excited after the lead singer forgot half the words and their band played terrible. Couldn't care less if you find it funny or not, I just know that we have don't have the same passion towards a certain interest, so expecting you to understand where I'm coming from would be a bit foolish.
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