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Old 02-05-2011, 12:01 AM   #62 (permalink)
Justifiable Idiocracy
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
I think you have something against action movies and also he does so much more than just stylized violence if you are looking at his movies from a director's perspective. it's fine you just think he's overrated and that's okay. I don't, I think he deserves all the acclaim that he gets.
On a totally different note I sucked it up and enjoyed some fun in the snow today...Took a trip to the store and encountered a couple of pitiful souls who couldnt make their way back up a hill. Due to the packed down snow turning into ice and making the roads slick. The majority of people in this area drive trucks and are inexperienced to driving in these conditions. Judging from where they stopped they looked as if they stopped in the middle of their traverse up the hill. Trucks being so light because of the bed are not ideal for icy road driving...provided its not 4 wheel drive as everyone knows im sure. I had planned ahead and took the car with the front wheel drive as apposed to the slick tired light ended truck. I stopped and told them id be back as they looked clueless as to what to do. I returned after my nicotine fix on our fourwheeler to find them still setting in the middle of the road. Coached them into slowly backing down the hill and attempting the other long way around as apposed to the way they were traveling. Dont know if they did but I felt satisfied in my good deed for the year. On the way back I engaged in some fun intentional slippingand sliding and donut cutting fun. Then quickly lost interest and came back inside. To dress in a more relaxing attire than the bundled up feeling. So yeah all in all it was an ok day I guess.
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