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Trollheart 05-02-2021 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Marie Monday (Post 2171236)
Oh god not this again

Of course lesbians have no compassion with men. We trample them in our way to world domination

Meh. You could at least wear high heels. Not that I'm into that. Though of course if I had no choice...

Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171257)
Frown: Peepee poopoo.

Batlord: Peepee poopoo isn't real. It's just some made up meaningless thing people believe in because it sounds flowery and poetic.

Frown: Peepee is the fluid that has been processed by the digestive system and poopoo is the solid matter that has been processed by the digestive system.

Batlord: Yeah you're not saying anything. You're just using loaded words like "fluid", "digest", and "process" as if they're simple concepts you can just plop down in a discussion about peepee poopoo without their own dissertations.

Good word choice considering the subject. :laughing:

Frownland 05-02-2021 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2171267)
Do you mind sharing some of the resources that so successfully brainwashed you?


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2171274)
Dumb ****ing bull**** from a meat puppet in denial.

I figured, but can you be more specific?

Lucem Ferre 05-02-2021 02:41 PM


We've both given empirical definitions to the words you hate and have yet to hear valid criticisms, but okay Batlord. We're the dumb ones because you don't understand. Just dismiss and deflect away.

Marie Monday 05-02-2021 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2171289)
Meh. You could at least wear high heels. Not that I'm into that. Though of course if I had no choice...

high heels suck, and are worthless when it comes to men-trampling. I prefer wearing boots, thank you very much

Frownland 05-02-2021 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171293)

We've both given empirical definitions to the words you hate and have yet to hear valid criticisms, but okay Batlord. We're the dumb ones because you don't understand. Just dismiss and deflect away.

I assume he's just embarrassed to say that Luther is his key influence on the subject.

jwb 05-02-2021 06:13 PM

I'm sitting here looking at how dead MB is and how the only action is still in the free will discussion in the missing posters thread. I contemplate whether to use 30 mins on my only day off to go back and read the arguments and see who is being retarded and how. I decide against it. Did I actually decide not to read this discussion or was I predetermined to go back to scrolling through YouTube instead???

The Batlord 05-02-2021 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171293)

We've both given empirical definitions to the words you hate and have yet to hear valid criticisms, but okay Batlord. We're the dumb ones because you don't understand. Just dismiss and deflect away.

Remember back when other posters would call you stupid and you'd get super pissed off and eventually you just started assuming everyone was calling you stupid and having the biggest complex about it? Well you've really gotten over that **** by overcompensating with this debate bro posturing. I'm proud of you.

jwb 05-02-2021 08:04 PM

Bet MJ was super jealous of that whale getting all that attention from that young boy

Lucem Ferre 05-02-2021 08:05 PM

I just realized how absolutely stupid and full of yourselves you guys are.

You know, because you're still deflecting.

Especially when it comes to Marxism/Communism etc. how vigilante some people can be yet they really seem to have no ****ing idea or plan or enough understanding of the concepts to even explain them to people who don't understand. Like, I literally ask people about it and they can't tell me **** because they probably have no ****ing idea yet I do my own digging and now I can give a better comprehensive answer to questions that they just won't/can't answer.

Edit: Plus, you say cringe things like calling people meat puppets. Well I got a meat puppet for ya right here.

Frownland 05-02-2021 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2171317)

Bet MJ was super jealous of that whale getting all that attention from that young boy

You don't have to melt steel beams to make a building fall though, weakening them is enough.

The Batlord 05-02-2021 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171318)
I just realized how absolutely stupid and full of yourselves you guys are.

You know, because you're still deflecting.

Especially when it comes to Marxism/Communism etc. how vigilante some people can be yet they really seem to have no ****ing idea or plan or enough understanding of the concepts to even explain them to people who don't understand. Like, I literally ask people about it and they can't tell me **** because they probably have no ****ing idea yet I do my own digging and now I can give a better comprehensive answer to questions that they just won't/can't answer.

Edit: Plus, you say cringe things like calling people meat puppets. Well I got a meat puppet for ya right here.

Lol what are you on about? Nobody was talking about socialism and you were only arguing with me.

Lucem Ferre 05-02-2021 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2171322)
Lol what are you on about? Nobody was talking about socialism and you were only arguing with me.

You severely lack reading comprehension skills.

The Batlord 05-02-2021 08:53 PM

I think you lack chill.

jwb 05-02-2021 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171318)
I just realized how absolutely stupid and full of yourselves you guys are.

You know, because you're still deflecting.

Especially when it comes to Marxism/Communism etc. how vigilante some people can be yet they really seem to have no ****ing idea or plan or enough understanding of the concepts to even explain them to people who don't understand. Like, I literally ask people about it and they can't tell me **** because they probably have no ****ing idea yet I do my own digging and now I can give a better comprehensive answer to questions that they just won't/can't answer.

Edit: Plus, you say cringe things like calling people meat puppets. Well I got a meat puppet for ya right here.

wtf lol

Haven't read this argument this far but as the ever wise oracle Roxy once said to me, you sound like you're starting to crack, my man.

Like frownland says you don't have to melt steal beams they just have to become weak enough to buckle.

Don't buckle on us LF

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 02:39 PM

Just saying why would I care if people that are just as stupid as me if not stupider call me stupid.

But you didn't learn the context which is pretty dumb of you which adds to my point.

The Batlord 05-03-2021 04:02 PM

I mean it just sounds like you've been holding in this sense of superiority to everyone and then I pushed your buttons and you let go with both barrels and now you're trying to say it's actually about me specifically as if it's normal to refer to a person as "you guys". I mean is that a royal "you guys"?

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 04:24 PM

You're just a **** arm chair psychologist. Like, you try way too hard to pick people's character apart and I have no clue why.

No. It's the people that called me stupid which would be people like you or elph or hawk etc., the average circle jerk of folks, just don't seem to be much smarter than me. While the smarter people, or at least the people that I hold up in that regard, think I'm smart or at least not stupid.

It's not a superiority thing. I don't think I'm super smart. I just don't think you have an intelligence level for me to take seriously in that regard especially when you literally just talk **** to project your own insecurities on me. Even if somebody who I do think is extremely intelligent calls me dumb, like Frown or Marie, then I can't disagree I am kind of dumb sometimes. I'm white trash, of course I'm dumb. But you're also stupid as ****. Much much stupider than you're willing to acknowledge. I'm just more comfortable with who I am than I was back then I guess. Well, I am on medication.

How are you going to scrutinize me for having a superiority complex anyways even if I did have one? Do you just totally lack the self awareness to get the irony or did me and Frown making fun of you legit make you feel inferior?

rubber soul 05-03-2021 04:49 PM

Okay, first of all nice philosophical argument :D

Secondly, I don't think anyone here is stupid. A little demented maybe, but not stupid.

But was shocked to see OH is missing. I went back and discovered he hasn't posted since February. I can't believe he would have left over a time out. I mean, it's not like he's never been timed out before. I'm assuming no one here is able to contact him.

Anyway, dropping in. Nice to see you guys.

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 04:53 PM

Everybody is stupid sometimes.

Marie Monday 05-03-2021 04:56 PM

we're all smart, y'all need to pat yourselves on the back and calm down

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 05:10 PM

Nah, I'm dumb sometimes. If I always thought I was smart I'd never learn anything and would be much dumber.

rubber soul 05-03-2021 05:11 PM

Nah, you are smart, Lucem. Smart people always want to learn.

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by rubber soul (Post 2171415)
Nah, you are smart, Lucem. Smart people always want to learn.

Have you seen my hair though? That's the real reason Batlord doesn't want to believe in free will. He doesn't want to believe someone would actually choose to look like that.

SGR 05-03-2021 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171416)
Have you seen my hair though? That's the real reason Batlord doesn't want to believe in free will. He doesn't want to believe someone would actually choose to look like that.

It's not Batty's fault, he was predetermined to not believe in free will ages ago when Sisyphus originally faltered in carrying the rock up the mountain - as Sisyphus erred (as determined by the Gods), and the rock was set into motion, so too were our fates and destinies, neatly packaged, wrapped up, and sealed - but without a bow.

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 06:19 PM

The Batlord 05-03-2021 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171405)
You're just a **** arm chair psychologist. Like, you try way too hard to pick people's character apart and I have no clue why.

No. It's the people that called me stupid which would be people like you or elph or hawk etc., the average circle jerk of folks, just don't seem to be much smarter than me. While the smarter people, or at least the people that I hold up in that regard, think I'm smart or at least not stupid.

It's not a superiority thing. I don't think I'm super smart. I just don't think you have an intelligence level for me to take seriously in that regard especially when you literally just talk **** to project your own insecurities on me. Even if somebody who I do think is extremely intelligent calls me dumb, like Frown or Marie, then I can't disagree I am kind of dumb sometimes. I'm white trash, of course I'm dumb. But you're also stupid as ****. Much much stupider than you're willing to acknowledge. I'm just more comfortable with who I am than I was back then I guess. Well, I am on medication.

How are you going to scrutinize me for having a superiority complex anyways even if I did have one? Do you just totally lack the self awareness to get the irony or did me and Frown making fun of you legit make you feel inferior?

I don't think you're stupid but it's just super easy to trigger you and I can't help myself.

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 06:21 PM

So you're mad it doesn't work anymore?

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 06:34 PM

Because you're always developing. Next.

SGR 05-03-2021 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2171428)
that's not really satisfactory

it's still a Ship of Theseus

Is every component that makes up the brain replaced by the time you die?

The Batlord 05-03-2021 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171423)
So you're mad it doesn't work anymore?

It pretty clearly worked, son. You wrote mad salty paragraphs.


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2171424)
if we're just our physical brains

then how can we even be said to be the same person, quite literally, when the materials that make up our brain replace themselves

something doesn't add up here big time

is it possible that an exact replica of our conciousness could function as a continuation of ones life?

because intuitively I want to say no, but logically what would be the difference between how it happens now

I guess so long as the electrical and chemical impulses making up your thought processes stay continuous you're as good as you can be. Uploading your brain patterns to a computer or a clone is clearly a copy and not a continuation. Teleportation is just cloning with extra steps. I'd be more worried about falling asleep. Your brain doesn't stop but is that really you waking up?

The Batlord 05-03-2021 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks (Post 2171430)
Is every component that makes up the brain replaced by the time you die?

Actually I think I've read that certain brain cells aren't replaced but I'm not sure and I don't know which ones.

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 07:10 PM

:rolleyes: Sure, okay.

Seems more like you were salty about being clowned on TBH.

But I still am super salty about the two most vigilante commulists not being able to give any useful or coherent information to help educate me on it so I had to put in tons of work to sift through all of the uneducated bull**** to actually learn anything. These two fools let me believe socialism is when the state controls the means of production and commulism is when the people control the means of production. Like, I asked and they let me believe that was basically true.

SGR 05-03-2021 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2171433)
Actually I think I've read that certain brain cells aren't replaced but I'm not sure and I don't know which ones.

I thought it was mainly the brain cells in the hippocampus that get replaced. Others might have some level of regeneration, but not full replacement. I believe antidepressants mimic the process of replacing cells in the hippocampus to give those with depression some kind of mitigation with their negative feelings.

But anyways, I'm almost positive that not everything in the brain is replaced. We come equipped with 100 billion brain cells at birth and I'd be willing to bet that not every one of them is replaced.

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 07:16 PM

Don't all of our cells get replaced?

SGR 05-03-2021 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171440)
Don't all of our cells get replaced?

I don't think so.

I think a large majority of our cells die and new ones take their place but for certain parts of our body, that is not the case. Besides the direct replacement of cells, I believe our stem cells have the ability to create copies via mitosis.

Just doing a quick google search now that I'm interested, I found the following from LiveScience (not the best source, but I doubt its really off the mark):


Originally Posted by Live Science
Red blood cells live for about four months, while white blood cells live on average more than a year. Skin cells live about two or three weeks. Colon cells have it rough: They die off after about four days. Sperm cells have a life span of only about three days, while brain cells typically last an entire lifetime (neurons in the cerebral cortex, for example, are not replaced when they die).

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 07:35 PM

And lsd helps grow brain cells. Or mushrooms. IDK. One of them does.

The Batlord 05-03-2021 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2171437)
:rolleyes: Sure, okay.

Seems more like you were salty about being clowned on TBH.

Honestly that was some stone cold drunk trolling logic. I knew I didn't want to start a long conversation but Marie mentioned free will and in my haze I pounced on the opportunity to reignite the ****posting.

But dude you were clearly salty.


But I still am super salty about the two most vigilante commulists not being able to give any useful or coherent information to help educate me on it so I had to put in tons of work to sift through all of the uneducated bull**** to actually learn anything. These two fools let me believe socialism is when the state controls the means of production and commulism is when the people control the means of production. Like, I asked and they let me believe that was basically true.
I'd like to read more about theory but reading sucks and you don't need theory to know that capitalism is inhuman predatory garbage that allows the rich to govern your life and extract wealth from you and enlists your fellow losers to be middle management enforcers and informers on you. Theory sounds good as an idea for what to do after you kick capitalism in the balls but only bourgeouis college kids need it as an impetus to wave the black flag.

The Batlord 05-03-2021 07:46 PM

And mainly cause they're insecure about their parents rolling their eyes at them.

Trollheart 05-03-2021 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by rubber soul (Post 2171410)
Okay, first of all nice philosophical argument :D

Secondly, I don't think anyone here is stupid. A little demented maybe, but not stupid.

But was shocked to see OH is missing. I went back and discovered he hasn't posted since February. I can't believe he would have left over a time out. I mean, it's not like he's never been timed out before. I'm assuming no one here is able to contact him.

Anyway, dropping in. Nice to see you guys.

Hey man! Good to see you after all this time. How goes it?

Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks (Post 2171438)
I thought it was mainly the brain cells in the hippocampus that get replaced. Others might have some level of regeneration, but not full replacement. I believe antidepressants mimic the process of replacing cells in the hippocampus to give those with depression some kind of mitigation with their negative feelings.

But anyways, I'm almost positive that not everything in the brain is replaced. We come equipped with 100 billion brain cells at birth and I'd be willing to bet that not every one of them is replaced.

yeah you must be right. MS is a degenerative disease that attacks the brain cells. I often have to repeat things to Karen many times, over several days, as her short-term memory is ****ed with that disease. One of her doctors once put it very clearly if simplisticly: your brain is shrinking and there are holes developing in it. Nice. :(

Lucem Ferre 05-03-2021 07:54 PM

Bourgeois college kids are the worst. Dip****s that think it's cute to use Stalin as their profile pic do more harm than good to the movement.

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