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Ma Cherie's Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-22-2007 07:05 PM
Ma Cherie Ma Cherie is offline
The Forums Sadistic Ghost
hey this is mine, though i'll hardly write heres some current pic of my pets the 13 year old cat: [IMG][/IMG] my husky: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
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In Music Love is dead Entry Tools
  #3 New 01-24-2007 11:14 AM
i felt like posing my song in my blog, no fusses please

Love is Dead

The love is dead
it has died and gone
never forget
that nothing is wrong

count the petals
One By One
love off and love on
this is all you can depend on

Crush the dream, embrace the cold
In the end thats all you hold
tear apart thr flower, oh so bold
and hear the screams the tales they told

the fallen petals bleed and die
and all you do is let out a sigh
Ignore their cry, suffering and sad
all of this means that nothing is bad

the flowers lie
their petals betryed
lying pleading their case abrupt
do not listen their tales corrupt
talks of love and fairy tales
lies of lust their words portrail

the love is dead
it has died and gone
never forget
that nothing is wrong

rip up the plant
and bleed it dry
now is the time
to love or die
Views: 688 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Love is dead"
#1 01-24-2007 06:04 PM
so infuriatingly angsty

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