Music Banter - I am an addict Music Banter

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Creation Date: 01-18-2007 07:32 AM
The Wetter The Better!!
FEAR AND LOATHING IN SH!TTY LONDON ONTARIO BLOG A Savage Journey Into The Heart Of The Canadian Dream
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In Angry I am an addict Entry Tools
  #6 New 01-30-2007 10:47 AM
Once again my addictive personality plunges me into the depths of yet another crippling addiction. It would seem that I have become addicted to the Canadian breakfast.........................Doughnuts!!!

It all started off innocently enough when I picked up a box of dayolds with my weekly groceries, they are a glazed Krispy Kreme knock off whick are made fresh daily at the grocery store five minutes from my house. I started off with 3 a day and I am now currently up to an entire dozen, I don't seem to be happy until the box is empty. From the second I wake up in the morning my first thought as soon as my foot touches the floor is how I am going to get my fix.

I have to admit that I have stolen money from my wife's purse to feed my habit and it is anybody's guess where the next desperate step could lead me..............I fear theft or sucking a bakers D!ck on my knees on a flour dusted floor. The lowdown on my fat intake due to these delectable treats is as follows:

1 doughnut = 14 grams of fat

12 doughnuts = 168 grams of fat per day!!!

A normal person's daily fat intake is 38 grams of fat per day!!!

It is really strange because I have actually lost weight

I fear the worst
Views: 1326 | Comments: 6

RSS Feed 6 Responses to "I am an addict"
#6 10-28-2012 01:33 PM
johnmp21 Says:
#5 01-11-2009 07:43 PM
Dr_Rez Says:
You should really try Dunkin Donuts. They are mainly in New England but the blow KK out of the water.
#4 06-27-2007 11:18 AM
joyboyo53 Says:
haha... i love the logic of "im losing weight doing it, its ok". just because you are loosing weight doesnt mean you are not clogging your arteries...aka heart disease/failure which is the largest killer in america. a sugary diet like that can lead to development of type 2 diabetes (however you spell it) also. people always tend to worry about the small things like getting mad cow disease or geting aids... when the make up 1/100000 deaths by heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer (smokers), etc
#3 05-17-2007 01:35 PM
I wish i could eat a dougnut and LOSE weight..u lucky son of_____(fill in the blank)
#2 03-21-2007 10:11 PM
jibber Says:
apparently one tim hortons muffin has the same amount of fat as a whopper at burger king. just some fun trivia for ya.
#1 01-31-2007 04:31 PM
Loser Says:
Who cares just as long as your losing weight. On the other hand the fat build up could hurt you so try to stay away for a bit.

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