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Creation Date: 01-18-2007 07:32 AM
The Wetter The Better!!
FEAR AND LOATHING IN SH!TTY LONDON ONTARIO BLOG A Savage Journey Into The Heart Of The Canadian Dream
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Status: Public
Entries: 6
Comments: 17
Views: 12,072

In Lifestyle Tested Entry Tools
  #2 New 01-18-2007 12:57 PM
So this is where your protaganist enters and begins The Savage Journey, it is only fair however that I fill in the events that lead up to this. First of all this entry is as much for me as it is for anyone reading it as I am not very forthright with my feelings, so this is the story so far:

A few weeks ago just before Christmas my job changed pretty drastically and it has taken it's toll on my personal life, it would seem that no matter where I turn whether it be work or home I am mostly by myself. I work mostly by myself and all of my day's off which are weekdays I spend by myself because my wife works these days, I am a person who doesn't operate very well by himself because I mostly feel lonely or depressed. Another feature of my change in position is that any overtime has been terminated which means that I am out of pocket and I am watching my expenses, so I try to fill in my free time with things that don't cost a lot of money.

Test #1
Since this has devoloped my company has dangled a figurative carrot over my head of a promotion into road sales, the fact is that I am getting sick and tired of working these sh!tty shifts that do not allow me the time off that normal people have off. Therein lies my dillemma: Do I leave a job that I have significant time invested and a bright future at, or do I roll the dice and try to forge a new relationship with a new company? Uncertainty is clearly a bitch

Test #2

Due to my strange hours I find myself desperate for social interaction which can sometimes lead me to some strange places, a few weeks ago it landed me in a bar at 1:30am where a girl I have known for years bartends and I thought it might do me some good to see a friendly face instead of a dark house and a sleeping wife. My friend was busy serving customers and she had a friend there as well who had came in to talk to her and couldn't so we engaged in conversation together. We had a pretty good conversation going and I excused myself to go for a cigarette, about a minute passed and she came out for one as well. This is when she dropped the bomb on me and asked me to come back to her house, Moses was tested in the desert and somehow I was being tested at a bar called Mustang Sally's (strange how these things work). I politely declined and explained that I was a happily married man however I keep asking myself if I was unfaithful to my wife just being there and having this conversation.

I will add to this later as I have had enough typing for right now
Views: 870 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Tested"
#1 01-18-2007 05:59 PM
adidasss Says:
I have to say that when I read the #2. test my heart raced a bit. Jesus, you're a good man for not doing anything. Respect.

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