Music Banter - The Week In Review Music Banter

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Creation Date: 01-18-2007 07:32 AM
The Wetter The Better!!
FEAR AND LOATHING IN SH!TTY LONDON ONTARIO BLOG A Savage Journey Into The Heart Of The Canadian Dream
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Entries: 6
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  #5 New 01-24-2007 03:03 PM
Welcome back to MB's top rated blog folks, I assure you that this distinction was a hard fought one I almost dislocated my finger rating my own blog as FIVE STAR!! What baffles me is the other top rated blog where he only rated himself as one star, must have low self esteem.

So begins another entry of your intrepid protagonists travels through the world of rampant alchohol abuse and the road paved with good intentions, I will give you for your amusement an overview of my week.

Saturday- This is the beginning of my work week so I greeted the cold sh!tty morning at 5:00 am and made myself a steamy pot of Starbucks. I got ready for work and began to head to the soul stealing mecca of corprate whoredom where I currently occupy an ungratifying occupation, I have made it well known that I have officially changed my title at work to "Rear Entry Accociate" due to the fact that I am constantly taking it in the ass for these scumbags.

I am a shortways into my journey and I see my brother's car at an intersection and he begins to travel in my direction behind me, it is only fair that I explain that my brother is a bigger drunk than myself and I immediately jump to the conclusion that he is driving impaired somewhere. I slow my vehicle and point to the side of the road, he eventually pulls over and promply asks me "What the f*ck is your problem? You're going to make me late for work!!". I guess I shouldn't be so judgemental.

Work was S-H-I-T and my shingles were f*cking killing me, so I left two hours early. When I got home I swallowed four Tylenol three's and washed them down with six beers, I then went to bed and slept through until the next morning withought even seeing my wife. She was cool with it though cuz she knows that I am in a lot of pain.

Sunday- I don't remember so it must have been S-H-I-T

Monday- Watched the Arsenal/Man U match that I had taped from Sunday before I went to work, I was pretty electrified over it. I then went to work where my natural high was sucked out of me as quickly as I walked through the door.

Okay, I just realized that I really did f*ck all for the week so I will spare you the misery of chronicling it day by day. Basically I went to work, was in a lot of pain from my shingles, drank a lot of beer because of my pain.

There you have it folks, surely the great American novel can't be far behind.
Views: 997 | Comments: 2 (1 Private)

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "The Week In Review"
#1 01-24-2007 05:58 PM
adidasss Says:
I would just like to note that I read all of this in a Manc accent having just seen "24 hour party people". Thank you and good night....(that was also in a manc accent....a really really bad manc accent).

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