Music Banter

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Scarlett O'Hara 08-10-2012 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1216281)
I used to think all the members are all boring but I am so wrong.

I actually love two female members who are Burning Down and Vanilla.

I am going to be honest, I want to sleep with both of them. They are both so sexy and they are type. They are models and their voices turn me on. I hear how they talk. Their voices are so sexy.

I am sorry but I wish either Burning Down or Vanilla were my girlfriend.

Eww. No thanks. I wouldn't sleep with you even if I was a trafficked sex worker from Russia at knife point.

Rjinn 08-10-2012 05:43 AM

^ Lol


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1216848)
Why do I get the feeling that half of those are about me? Go ahead and narcissistic in there too.

Probably because you're like a rainbow. *BAD PUN*

That's pretty awesome though.


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1216931)
What do you mean by "shortly responsive?" If you mean ADD then that's

Yea that too, and responds in a short manner. *thumbs to you*

Geekoid 08-10-2012 11:19 PM

I'll throw in my 2 cents. Yeah, I'm a newbie, so take it as a first impression.

Blarobbarg- Blaro has been a very nice member to chat with and is one of the friendlies members I've come across. What I appreciate most about him is his honesty. He's genuine and likes to clear up any false information that pops up here and there; which has been great for me, since I have a bad habit of forgetting to check the facts before posting. His blog has really made an impact on me in the last little while, too. Even though there's a certain level of anonymity on the internet, it can still take guts and courage to share your personal story like he has. I appreciate that.

trollheart- I've had the pleasure of running into trollheart here a few times, and I think he's an overall great poster. Not only because of his ingenious blog (he already knows what I think of that), but because of how he treats other members. He never hesitates to be an encouragement to people, and offers his advice freely and respectfully. He has been a great mentor for new members here, and takes the time to talk to them and make them feel welcome. He kind of reminds me of a friendly shop clerk at a record store, the kind who obviously knows his stuff and whose opinion I respect.

Pedestrian- I see her as something of a role model. Pedestrian is certainly a very creative and engaging member; an insightful writer and an excellent thread starter. She seems to have a knack for understanding what kinds of topics people will respond well to, and her graphics make for an even more enjoyable experience for members. I actually like to stop for a minute and take a good look at all the decorations. It's been a pleasure so far to chat a bit with her on some of the more artsy subjects- i.e. "the art thread" and "to see music." To top it off, she has that perfect balance between level-headed maturity and a great sense of humour that make her such a great mod.

Cru Hoor.. or, ahem... Conchobhar- So much fun. He's the kind of guy that seems to bring with him a sense of camaraderie to every thread. His artistic ability is epic, and he's just so casual and friendly with everyone. Even though he apparently doesn't like being considered a hippie, I kind of see in his posts the embodiment of some of the best elements of a "hippie-" accepting, sociable and creative. His sense of humour is very different from mine, so I doubt we're often on the same page, but I enjoy his posts regardless.

Appleghost- I really enjoy appleghost's poetry, and I think he's got a lot of valuable and insightful things to offer this forum. He seems to be an all around nice guy, and I like his personal take on music and writing.

Mervi- Darned Finn syndrome! Mervi has a lot of great ideas, and has provided some very good points and ideas in several threads already. Another promising newbie as far as I'm concerned.

Derek- Kind of a silent figure among the forums, but a huge contributor to the euro/italo/new wave thread, which has introduced me to some new favorites. I'd love to know where he finds it all, since a lot of it is actually quite obscure.

Lisnaholic- I agree with what most people have been saying. Lisnaholic is a pleasure to talk to, and he runs the FAIR club very hospitably. Even though he's not necessarily an art expert (lol), I like his taste in music and his laid-back vibe. One of my favourite members.

Janszoon- I actually really like Janszoon. He's a really smooth member- has a way with words. His blog entries have been very interesting to read, even though I think our tastes are very different. But even though I don't like most of the music he does, he definitely has a good ear for quality. I also like how he has a knack for asking the right questions. He knows how to concisely cut to the chase when needed, clearing up confusion; and he has great comedic timing- a master of one liners. I can't even come up with one liners, let alone any of the other witty banter he brings to the table. It takes a certain kind of social intelligence to do what he does.

Anteater- One of my favourites so far. Great blogs. I actually also like his official blog off-site too. I like how his taste is generally quite unique, and in some ways has crossover with my own, which hasn't happened much so far. I've appreciated his recommendations and the feedback, too. Altogether a really nice guy and a pleasure to talk to.

FETCHING- Just a great personality all around. Seems like she's really established some solid friendships here over the years. I've never really crossed paths with her, but I just love reading her posts.

Ki- Cool guy. We're not really into the same stuff, but I like his straightforward posting style. He always came off to me as an overall good natured guy. I can relate to feeling of wanting to put myself out there. Coming from a place of isolation into an online community, you don't necessarily want to just lurk in the shadows. It's good to want to feel part of something.

Mr Dave- excellent, excellent blog. I really appreciate people who are as introspective and in-depth as he is, and yet I can still relate to many of his ponderings. This guy's a thinker and a true philosophical mind- a poster that I think adds a great dimension to this forum.

Franco Pepe Kalle- very outgoing and exuberant member. He doesn't annoy me as much as he does some other members. What I appreciate most about him is that he's introduced me to some great African music that I would never have even considered listening to otherwise.

Urban Hatemonger- He actually reminds me of one of my uncles. Says what he means, means what he says, and everyone in the family reacts differently- some more dramatically than others. I assume we're probably polar opposites, but I like him anyway. We probably won't end up interacting much (if at all), but he's an interesting character.

Howard the Duck- I actually like seeing his opinions on things popping up hither and thither. Gives me a lot to agree or disagree with, and keeps threads from dying. I'm sure there's a lot more to him than I've seen so far, so I hope I eventually get to know him a bit better.

bob.- Friendly and smart guy, and very open-minded about music, but I still haven't had many chances to run into him. I like his taste in music, though, so maybe that will change.

I haven't really interacted much with many of the members here, but so far I appreciate what most have had to offer :)

Burning Down 08-11-2012 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Geekoid (Post 1217401)
I haven't really interacted much with many of the members here, but so far I appreciate what most have had to offer :)

You're Canadian so I like you :)

Key 08-11-2012 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Geekoid (Post 1217401)

Ki- Cool guy. We're not really into the same stuff, but I like his straightforward posting style. He always came off to me as an overall good natured guy. I can relate to feeling of wanting to put myself out there. Coming from a place of isolation into an online community, you don't necessarily want to just lurk in the shadows. It's good to want to feel part of something.

Aww hey thanks for that. I always tend to try my best to fit in to whatever community i'm involved with, it's just the unfortunate side effect that it never really comes off that way. I like conversing with people and making friends, so it's good to hear that it's noticeable in a way.

Salami 08-11-2012 11:05 AM

I reckon Durradict and Geekoid are my favourite recent additions to the MB membership, quite opposite in nature really, the former being outgoing and making points of considerable value and often of which I find myself coerced into agreement with, the latter being pleasantly respectful and nice to have around.

Other than that, I'm surprised I've yet to bump into my local MB resident Goofle or whatever his internet name is, but when we meet he will be treated to a fine beverage of his choice bacause from the Englishman more wisdom is divined through drunkenness than when sober.
I find the contribution/moderation of Burning Down refreshing and constructive, likewise with Jess who's so much smarter than people give her credit for. What does make me cringe is seeing people try to chat them up or give them false compliments in the hope of winning affection - for god's sake they're sensible, intelligent people considerably beyond the clutches of lonely, inarticulate individuals on an internet discussion board.
Nice to see NSW is back because she is a warm hearted, maternal figure on these boards who's album sent BACK IN FEBRUARY still is played through my speakers every week.
Frownland is like an American, laid back, blond haired, charming version of me and I genuinely like the chap. A good friend if ever I saw one.

blastingas remains my oldest friend here, and I believe better than most members steers clear of the drama which frequently disturbs the murky waters of MB.

Unknown Soldier - as always one of my very favourite posters, the defender of civil rights, the destroyer of trolls, the purveyor of good music and the exposer of bad music.

Kay - can't remember what your name is these days, fetcher or something like that - anyway you know exactly how much we all love you but I mention you because how could I not?
And time to ask - where on earth is James and Hugo/ Unchained Ballad?

PoorOldPo 08-11-2012 11:15 AM

I have yet to meet a Canadian I did not really like. Sending love your way too Gekoid!

Frownland 08-11-2012 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Salami (Post 1217582)
Frownland is like an American, laid back, blond haired, charming version of me and I genuinely like the chap. A good friend if ever I saw one.

And time to ask - where on earth is James and Hugo/ Unchained Ballad?

Pardon, blonde hair? Oh well, mistakes are mistakes. You're a fine chap as well Salami, glad to see that you've begun posting again. I, too would like to know where Hugo offed to, I was always a fan of his posts.

Salami 08-11-2012 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1217589)
Pardon, blonde hair? Oh well, mistakes are mistakes. You're a fine chap as well Salami, glad to see that you've begun posting again. I, too would like to know where Hugo offed to, I was always a fan of his posts.

Whoops, I do apologise, as long as you aren't ginger then at least the difference in hair colour has been identified. It's been a long time since I've seen a pic of you but for some reason I thought you were blond...

I'm going to assume Conchobhar is the new name for Poor Old Po, isn't Gaelic wonderful? There was a time when I could just about string a few sentences together, now I think the only word I can recall is "spoonog"... anyway you're a fine gent there's no doubt about that!

Unknown Soldier 08-11-2012 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Salami (Post 1217582)
Unknown Soldier - as always one of my very favourite posters, the defender of civil rights, the destroyer of trolls, the purveyor of good music and the exposer of bad music.

I'm a true liberal in every sense.

But I love Pearl Jam

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