Music Banter

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Alfred 02-18-2011 09:30 PM

Dayvan - She's like that really innocent looking girl that you meet on the first day of high school but then you find out she's a total skank. Basically like that cept based on photos she looks really innocent and youthful but listens to tons of crazy weird stuff that I don't even listen to.

James - Has easily the best taste in music of the high school-aged kids on here, but half the stuff he posts about on here is probably boring as piss. Also, LEAVE DAYVAN ALOOOONE. :finger:

djchameleon: I've taken more notice of his posts lately, he's a pretty funny guy all things considered and nice to have around. We need to game sometime.

FaSho: He's still ill.

s__k: Pretty cool guy, you wouldn't know that English is his second language.

TheCunningStunt: Single-handedly responsible for a large portion of the best and worst threads and discussions. This forum certainly wouldn't be the same without him.

James 02-19-2011 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1007293)
James - Has easily the best taste in music of the high school-aged kids on here, but half the stuff he posts about on here is probably boring as piss. Also, LEAVE DAYVAN ALOOOONE. :finger:




Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1007188)

You should hear yourself speak




Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1007184) really wowed us with your overly insultive appalling type comments... theres no end to your animalistic type forum behavior...I wonder whats next?

I'm just a careless rebel.

jackhammer 02-19-2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1007176)

Very pretentious and a lot of the time comes off like he thinks he's better than other people. I respect his musical knowledge and stuff, but there's no need to act so high and mighty.

Nothing too do with thinking I'm better. I am just more forthright with my opinions. A few members on MB are far more harsher in their critique ( sorry for using a pretentious word) than myself but can get away with it because they can argue their corner better than me.

I am probably the least pretentious person you could come across and anyone who can admit to listening to hair metal and an obscure Funk band that no one has heard of and enjoy both is someone that may be worth listening to once in a while even if you don't agree with them.

Very very disappointed with a (in my eyes) respected member agreeing with the notion that I am pretentious (not yourself in this instance).

If I do use longer words than people can understand then I apologise profusely.

James 02-20-2011 03:45 AM

Well, I haven't really spoke to JH much personally. Just taking my opinions from things I have heard him say. Nothing to do with long words, I don't mind long words. Like your comment in the 10 Essential Rock Albums thread. Just came off really stuck up to me.

ThePhanastasio 02-20-2011 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 1007281)
ThePhanastasio: Seems like a really chill person. Would love to get to know better

Thank you! :)

Sansa Stark 02-20-2011 02:22 PM

I used to think Jackhammer was a bit pretentious as well, until once he annoyed the **** out of me with it in the shoutbox. He apologised later for it, now he has my respect.

djchameleon 02-20-2011 05:33 PM

It’s so loud inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said
I can’t take back the words I never said

With that said, I shall begin my list

When this thread was first created, I really hated it. It was page after page of you guys stroking each other's egos and I was left off of every single list like I didn't exist what so ever
Back then I was a bit insecure as well so that was one of the main factors in why I stopping coming around here. I used to make threads and talk about music but I felt like I was invisible
no one cared enough to mention me on their silly list.

this list is for members from the past or that post infrequently now

savannah - I hope everything is going okay with you and you aren't letting life get you down. I remember how late nights going back and forth about random stuff all over threads everywhere with Satchmo fun times indeed

Satchmo - I see you log in but I don't think you post as much as you used to so that's the only reason you on under this part of the list. I remember you being very charismatic and an excellent writer. Your musical taste is jazz and funk was
always a delight for me to read about.

Kervorkian logic - you always rubbed me the wrong with your hatred of vanilla and savannah. I think it was just some female cattiness bull**** but w/e the reason it bothered on bullying and I really didn't like you for it.

Cardboard Adolscent - I loved to see you intelligentically masturbate all over the boards. I never knew what your music taste was like but i followed alot of what you said in the politics section

Swim - I would have liked to get to know you better but you only hung up mostly in the indie/punk sub forums so I didn't get to converse with you much.

Sleepy Jack - you turned me onto patrick wolf and I will never forget that. Sometimes your sarcastic posts didn't agree with me but they were tolerable and weren't over the top.

333 - I loved your "in your face" openess about basically everything. I think that's why we got along so well and we also bonded over some nice bootys I have to give you
credit for calling me an ass consciouseur because i use that title today.

Holdyoualways - Our friendship lasted long after she stopped posting and she helped through some rough patches so I will always be thankful for that and we bonded over our mutal love for Rise against/AFI.

wolves - we talked from time to time but I would have liked to talk to you more too bad I disappeared and that didn't happen.

CitylightsRain - Our mutual love for symphonic metal brought us together and if I remember correctly you were even my noob mentor and helped me out a bit.

MurderJunkie - I always admired your charisma around the forums and how you got along with pretty much everyone. I loved your avatars and I pretty much looked up to you forum wise as how I wanted to be.

djchameleon 02-20-2011 05:35 PM

now to more active/current members

theuglyorgan - I wasn't around when you joined but you are cool peeps in my books, I notice your posts more in the lastest film thread/media section so I don't know too much about your musical tastes
but i agree with your most of your movie reviews. add to the fact that you are a fellow staker like myself gives you more points in my books.

Dirty - You decided to go the troll route of gaining attention when you first came around and attention you did gain. I wouldn't say you have improved you are pretty much
the same person you was back then because I could see through your troll disguise back then that you just wanted to test the system sort of speak and see who the big dogs on the yard was. We have some great
conversations in the sports section and your love for the wu knows no bounds and that's not neccessarily a bad thing. I respect you for it.

Speaking of big dogs

Queen Bitch Plum you are next

Plum - You are straight up childish at times and everything has to be "right" or "wrong". I view that as immature but it is who you are and I doubt you will be growing up anytime soon.
You have a type A personality where you feel like you have to control situations and "win" arguements that don't even need to be talked about. I have gotten into a few
silly arguments with you but I have come to realize how you are as a person so instead of going back and forth forever. I just take the high road and let you think that you have
"won" the argument so that it can help your ego or w/e and you can chit chat about your "victories" with Sugar on AIM. I feel that your beef with Tumor is just straight up stupid.
You know you are a strong person that claims you don't care what anyone thinks yet0 you are going around kicking a puppy just for the smallest reasons. Your ego has lead you to believe
that she is stalking you and admires you in some weird way but that can't be further from the truth. On the positive sides, I like some of your recommendations as far as books go and I always
like to see when you cook something new so keep that up.

Big3 - We have had some interesting conversations over Tom Waits. Over the years it has been fun to see you tear through people so easily and make them look foolish.

JackHammer - You are just awesome all around like everyone gives you praise for. From your in depth knowledge of music to movies and I respect you for that. With that knowledge
does come an air of elitism. At times , I feel like you think you are better than others for it.

Vanilla - I love your personality and how upfront you are about sex and all topics pretty much. Nothing is off limits when it comes out of your mouth. This is a similar quality that I enjoy in 333 as well.
This same quality I believe is why other people hate you/dislike you. They feel you are an attention whore for it but don't worry about them. Haters are gonna hate, its their occupation.

81+ - We don't get to talk much but from the few times that we have spoken with each other. I get the feeling that you are a very intellectual indivdual.

The Cunning Stunt - you have the potential to be funny at times but I just don't get the other times when you are just straight up mean to people for the silliest reasons. Oh yeah I like hating people just because.
Ummm okay that's like picking on weaker individuals just because you can. It's a stupid bully attitude you have and I don't like it but that's just who you are.

Boozinbloozin - pretty cool down to earth guy. Too bad he's a cowboys fan they'll never have a chance again. He's had a rough life so far with his relationships but I think he might be slowly getting over it and coming out better for it.

James - has some self esteem issues but I'm pretty he will get over them as he grows older. He just needs a change of pace and some new damn friends.

Skaligojurah - can be weird at times but one man's weirdness is another man's normality. He's pretty cool guy overall though and his knowledge of jazz is pretty extensive well more than mines anyways.

AwwSugar - I had this long write up but you just aren't worth it imo. You were nice for a bit then something changed and everything is different. You seem like a puppet with Plum as the puppet master.

CanwllCorfe - I love that you are a regular down in the electronica sub forums. I read your journal and get great recommendations on songs/djs that I had no clue about.

downwardspiral- even though we disagree on certain artists here and there I think our music tastes are a bit similar, I could be wrong though.

Dayvan Cowboy - I hate how people pick on you for no reason but you are a-okay in my books even though you can get a little annoying from time to time with the posting of links and random stuff in the shoutbox

I know I left out a few more people I wanted to mention but I will get around to you next time, NumberNine, Aurora, Freebase, right-track, NSW and some others.

Charlemagne 02-20-2011 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 1007281)
just some random people

Charlemagne: Great taste in music

Thank you! I really like yours as well. :)

Bloozcrooz 02-20-2011 07:13 PM

@DJ.......appreciate the comments man..I was shooting for arrogant prick, but down to earth cool guys ok too I guess. Just kidding...always enjoy your posts man your a cool cat thanks.

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