Music Banter

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Chula Vista 05-25-2015 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1593772)
I would have given you an infraction or 7 by now/\^

Is that what they're calling it these days.


RoxyRollah 05-25-2015 08:04 PM

No thanks. it takes all I have not to ban, or force skip you in there.

I'm not drunk with power like that you know.

Pet_Sounds 05-25-2015 08:06 PM

I'd shut down the Current Events subforum.

RoxyRollah 05-25-2015 08:07 PM


Chula Vista 05-25-2015 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1593778)
No thanks. it takes all I have not to ban, or force skip you in there.

You really need to lighten up. Let me help you.

YorkeDaddy 05-25-2015 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1593781)
I'd shut down the Current Events subforum.


RoxyRollah 05-25-2015 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1593786)
You really need to lighten up. Let me help you.

Dude, I wouldn't let you help me with anything.Not one thing.You are a little to strange for me.

Chula Vista 05-25-2015 08:44 PM

Strange by MB standards?

F*cking A!

Paedantic Basterd 05-25-2015 11:22 PM

I would probably attempt to resolve some sort of childish petty drama between two inane users, remember why I quit, then quit again.

Key 05-25-2015 11:54 PM

If I were mod for a day, i'd make it possible for Chula, Roxy, and Yorke to no longer use every thread for their back and forth banter. 90% of the time I just skip over their posts unless they're quoting something I said. Gets tiring after a while.

Guybrush 05-26-2015 04:27 AM

I'd make guides for stuff, keep indexes of threads, run writing competitions, members compilations, album clubs, etc. all in the hope of turning MB into the kind of place where community participation and writing work (reviews etc) is appreciated and rewarded.

Little of this requires modship, but it helps.

Enforcing rules is a mess here. Rules are more guidelines than anything and that causes chaos. Enforcing rules is tedious, ungrateful work and the current situation also makes it very personal and more difficult. Every mod is (was?) expected to figure it out, but basically .. If the right person calls someone an ass, there's no consequence. If the wrong person calls someone an ass, there might be repercussions. This creates an environment where if the right person ever experienced repercussions, they would take it personal. It would be personal because a mod has gone out of the way to punish that person in an unusual way.

It causes inconsistent rule enforcement, generally little of it and butthurtedness when it does occur.

It would be better to use the infractions system in the board and punish each occurrence of rule breaking similarly (ex. 5 point infractions for trolling). A mod would never have to ban anyone, just hand out infractions. Temporary bans would follow naturally from the infractions system (an excess of 10 infraction points means you're banned).

I brought this up earlier when I was a mod (complete change of rule enforcing policy), but generally met with resistance.

RoxyRollah 05-26-2015 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1593868)
I'd make guides for stuff, keep indexes of threads, run writing competitions, members compilations, album clubs, etc. all in the hope of turning MB into the kind of place where community participation and writing work (reviews etc) is appreciated and rewarded.

Little of this requires modship, but it helps.

Enforcing rules is a mess here. Rules are more guidelines than anything and that causes chaos. Enforcing rules is tedious, ungrateful work and the current situation also makes it very personal and more difficult. Every mod is (was?) expected to figure it out, but basically .. If the right person calls someone an ass, there's no consequence. If the wrong person calls someone an ass, there might be repercussions. This creates an environment where if the right person ever experienced repercussions, they would take it personal. It would be personal because a mod has gone out of the way to punish that person in an unusual way.

It causes inconsistent rule enforcement, generally little of it and butthurtedness when it does occur.

It would be better to use the infractions system in the board and punish each occurrence of rule breaking similarly (ex. 5 point infractions for trolling). A mod would never have to ban anyone, just hand out infractions. Temporary bans would follow naturally from the infractions system (an excess of 10 infraction points means you're banned).

I brought this up earlier when I was a mod (complete change of rule enforcing policy), but generally met with resistance.

No modship, needed then have at it.^ Doesn't TH already do this with journals? I actually asking seriously because I think he (TH) puts in a an effort there.

We don't have an in fract system in place now? Like not even a little?

Guybrush 05-26-2015 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1593876)
No modship, needed then have at it.^ Doesn't TH already do this with journals? I actually asking seriously because I think he (TH) puts in a an effort there.

We don't have an in fract system in place now? Like not even a little?

Been there done that! Today I'm not invested enough in MB to bother with it if I'm to be perfectly honest. I might consider investing time and effort in MB again, but only if I could run the ship :p:

The site has (always had?) an infraction system, but it's never been used the way it's supposed to. There are plenty of more good arguments why it should be used. For instance, infractions go on a users permanent record - so they actually have a record. It makes it much easier to co-mod as mods are better informed about how users are punished and rules are enforced by other mods.

Plankton 05-26-2015 08:02 AM

Dammit. I thought this was a Yes thread with a typo.

Btw, Chula's not strange, he's just really, really, REALLY freakin old. Old people tend to take the mundane and make it mundane.

RoxyRollah 05-26-2015 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1593899)
Dammit. I thought this was a Yes thread with a typo.

Btw, Chula's not strange, he's just really, really, REALLY freakin old. Old people tend to take the mundane and make it mundane.

:laughing:. Mmmm I have thought that, before just old and creepy.

Chula Vista 05-26-2015 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1593899)

Btw, Chula's not strange, he's just really, really, REALLY freakin old. Old people tend to take the mundane and make it mundane.

Dude. You turn 50 in how many days?

Plankton 05-26-2015 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1594051)
Dude. You turn 50 in how many days?

I don't know, many? Besides, I still have that youthful glow.

DwnWthVwls 05-26-2015 09:06 AM

Age doesn't matter. Oldness is measured by how far down your leg your balls hang.

Chula Vista 05-26-2015 09:13 AM

Jebus, now I remember why I stopped smoking weed. Feel like total crap this AM and am pretty sure I made a complete ass of myself last night here and in Plug.

But I can't remember a bloody thing.

City is a great album though. Thanks BL!

DwnWthVwls 05-26-2015 09:31 AM

You didn't do anything stupid in plug.

Janszoon 05-26-2015 09:36 AM

If I could be mod for a day I'd demand foot rubs from everyone.

fiddler 05-26-2015 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1594063)
If I could be mod for a day I'd demand foot rubs from everyone.

Sure but I'm using a hot iron :D

Plankton 05-26-2015 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1594063)
If I could be mod for a day I'd demand foot rubs from everyone, and put Kool-Aid in all the water fountains.

I'm voting Jansz this coming election.

Aux-In 05-26-2015 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1594054)
Jebus, now I remember why I stopped smoking weed. Feel like total crap this AM and am pretty sure I made a complete ass of myself last night here and in Plug.

That's why I only drink socially when in certain settings. I don't see how people do it on a continual basis. I get massive headaches from it.

YorkeDaddy 05-26-2015 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by aux-in (Post 1594093)
That's why I only drink socially when in certain settings. I don't see how people do it on a continual basis. I get massive headaches from it.

Could be that some people DON'T get massive headaches from it

simplephysics 05-26-2015 11:36 AM

Once you start abusing alcohol on a constant basis hangovers are few and far between. You've really gotta push the envelope to feel like absolute **** the next day.

Pet_Sounds 05-26-2015 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1593781)
I'd shut down the Current Events subforum.

I'd just like to clarify this, since Wpnfire brought it up in another thread. I'd shut it down because it doesn't particularly interest me, I rarely read it, and it seems to cause a lot of ****storms. My comment wasn't meant as a serious critique--after all, this is in the "games, lists, jokes, and polls" section.

Trollheart 05-26-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1593714)
Limit Troll to 100 words per day max.

Why not just shoot me in the head and have done with it?

Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1594051)
Dude. You turn 50 in how many days?

You don't seriously expect someone who is almost fifty to remember when they're fifty, do you? Come on: we're just waiting for a grave to become available so we can climb in!

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1594053)
Age doesn't matter. Oldness is measured by how far down your leg your balls hang.

And that goes double for the men! :)

The Batlord 05-26-2015 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1593868)
I'd make guides for stuff, keep indexes of threads, run writing competitions, members compilations, album clubs, etc. all in the hope of turning MB into the kind of place where community participation and writing work (reviews etc) is appreciated and rewarded.

Little of this requires modship, but it helps.

I understand why people don't. I've been trying off and on to get the metal section of the site more involved, like it was a few years ago, but have met with almost total failure until my Metal Album Survivor thread -- and it's relative success likely because it requires a minimum of effort to participate in.

Album clubs die as soon as they're posted. Any "War" thread that pits anything more than songs against each other does as well. Writing competitions? Good luck with that. Getting people to participate on this site is like trying to herd cats. It's generally a case of lightning striking, with music discussion being triggered by some arbitrary thread, rather than a planned out thread by someone trying to really get people into discussion (Trollheart's Love/Hate thread being a prime example).


Enforcing rules is a mess here. Rules are more guidelines than anything and that causes chaos. Enforcing rules is tedious, ungrateful work and the current situation also makes it very personal and more difficult. Every mod is (was?) expected to figure it out, but basically .. If the right person calls someone an ass, there's no consequence. If the wrong person calls someone an ass, there might be repercussions. This creates an environment where if the right person ever experienced repercussions, they would take it personal. It would be personal because a mod has gone out of the way to punish that person in an unusual way.

It causes inconsistent rule enforcement, generally little of it and butthurtedness when it does occur.
I have mixed feelings about moderation in general. On the one hand, I prefer a more casual approach, as I like there to be a low key environment where mods intervene only when actual problems occur, rather than one where people always have it in the back of their minds that anything they say can potentially land them a warning or infraction. The latter just sounds like a benevolent police state to me.

On the other hand, our current system (which is more like I would prefer in general) does naturally lend itself to favoritism and mod laziness. That last was not really a shot across their bow, I'm just saying that, other than cleaning up spam, they don't really mod much, and I imagine that leads to them not thinking in terms of whether a situation actually needs intervention.

And while I think the favoritism issue is going to crop up on any forum, no matter how thoroughly it is modded, there have definitely been instances where certain members were allowed to get away with murder, even to the point where it led to a toxic environment of them being allowed to set much of the tone for the forum in general. I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but if I had been a mod at the time, Sansa would have been gone a long, long time ago, but there was just an atmosphere where we were just so used to accepting her behavior that the goal posts were moved for what constituted bannable posts on her part.

Again, on the other hand, some people clearly are disruptive by nature, and I think should be given a shorter leash than established members with a history of being a contributing member of the community. An infractable post from the latter should be given more leniency and consideration for context than one from the former, since they probably don't have a history of being excessively disruptive.

Chula Vista 05-26-2015 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1594184)
Again, on the other hand, some people clearly are disruptive by nature, and I think should be given a shorter leash than established members with a history of being a contributing member of the community.

And whom deems someone "established"?

Carpe Mortem 05-26-2015 04:20 PM

If I could be mod for a day, I'd ban people whose debates last longer than a page or whose posts are more than three paragraphs.

I'd also ban people with emotions.

Chula Vista 05-26-2015 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1594207)
I'd also ban people with emotions.

The temperature just went down like 30 degrees.

Carpe Mortem 05-26-2015 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1594208)
The temperature just went down like 30 degrees.

My temperature is always down like 30 degrees.


Chula Vista 05-26-2015 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1594215)
My temperature is always down like 30 degrees.


Which is why you are loved so much.

Frownland 05-26-2015 04:38 PM

I would poison the other mods' potatoes so that I could be the only one in power. Then I would do nothing and see the place go to **** via spam overload. Then I would be able to find the best deals on the internet so easily.

The Batlord 05-26-2015 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1594193)
And whom deems someone "established"?

The community in general tends to recognize those individuals all by themselves.

Carpe Mortem 05-26-2015 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1594217)
Which is why you are loved so much.


Goofle 05-26-2015 05:04 PM

If I were a self-mod for a day I wouldn't always respond to everything I read and, in the event that I did respond, choose against hitting "Post Quick Reply" every single time.

YorkeDaddy 05-26-2015 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1594233)
If I were a self-mod for a day I wouldn't always respond to everything I read and, in the event that I did respond, choose against hitting "Post Quick Reply" every single time.

You know if you'd rather post at a tight-lipped, boring forum as opposed to the fun spontaneity of MB I'm sure there are plenty of alternatives on the internet you could go find

I'm also guessing you'd get less than a 100% quality rating if we examined all 7.6k of your posts (lol)

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