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sleepy jack 12-09-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 420872)
Then why did you say "like I stated before" whatever... it doesn't matter

I've said before on the forum. I never specified when.


OKay... and? Yea Bob Dylan is genius of course... so... I'm not trying to say that MJ is the BEST BESTEST songwriter on the planet. I know that there are alot of other better song writers. Just because there are other better songwriters doesn't mean his a terrible song writer because his far from it. I'm not saying his the GREATEST his one of the greatest songwriters to me. MJ music is very meaningful his writes about real stuff and his personal life. Its just what you take from it and what you get out of it. I love TDCAU its a good meaningful song but you didn't like it... thats you.
It's not meaningful, just because you take a deep topic and write forced lyrics about it doesn't make it meaningful.

I don't understand all that jibb jive you was saying but who gives a flook about rhyming, timing and how the words flow. Alot of the greatest songs ever are just lyrics read over beats. There is no rhyme just someone reading over instrumentals and it flows good. Art comes in different forms bro, its all in how you preceive it. Were talking about LYRICS not about how it flowed (which it did successfully) anyway... I mean what did you get out of the song? You making it seem like the lyrics were irrelavant and it had no message. Dude was preachin the truth and both videos was on point to. So what? A five year old could have wrote some of the things Bob dylan wrote. Its not about how it was written its the message. Just like Man in the Mirror another MJ classic that had a good message its irrelavant to this convo because he exactly didn't write that song but my point is MJ always had meaningful songs that got people thinking about the state of the world. We are the world, he wrote that along side lionel richie. He did alot of charity songs and just all his music was real especially when it got down to his private life because I feel for him and the ish he has to go through.
Forced rhyming, cliched imagery, all that is the making of bad lyrics. That's why its irrevelant. I don't give a shit what you've been through if you can't illustrate it through words well you're not a good songwriter.


Its good to stick to your ground and defend your position but your just only seeing black and white its no room for blue. Everything has to be right your way and if its not it just sucks and it also has to suck to other people. You haven't at all given credit to MJ. Your assuming things you have no clue about. I don't understand how you can say MJ is so overrated and his this and that but you haven't listened to all his music, looked at his vids, or anything. Your basing your explanations on what you think not what you've heard or seen. Your making it seem like his not talented and your underrating him. His much more than that. His extremely talented.
I have to listen to everyone of his songs to say he's overrated? That's bullshit, I just have to listen to one album to come to that conclusion.


Crow you need to stop with this probably crap and assuming ish once again. Just listen to the music and then make an opinion. How can you make an opinion before you listen to the song? Thats your definition of criticism. Its stupid because you haven't heard him play and you haven't listened to any of his music like that. You want to be so opinionated but you have nothin to prove because you haven't listened to the music. Michael Jackson creates art and puts alot of time and effort in the work that he does. His been doing it practically his whole life, MJ loves what he does. His not about the awards and record sells. He loves making music and entertaining people, he wouldn't be doing it for so long if he didn't. His sells alot of records because his music is good.
Selling lots of records doesn't mean good music, going by that logic tons of crap like Britney Spears is good music. You can go on about that being apples to oranges all you want but the fact is the same logic can be applied to any of this crap thats being passed of as music today.


You don't want to listen to his music fine but stop saying he probably can't play and I'm pretty sure... because its retarded because you haven't listened or seen for urself.
I've listened to Thriller, Bad and Off the Wall and heard plenty of hits. You're treating it like i've never heard a Michael Jackson song in my life, i've heard plenty.

Then don't
but don't sit here and judge something that you have never heard.
You have not heard "plenty of Michael Jackson" music because if you did, I wouldn't be hearing; it probably sounds like this... im pretty sure he can't play instruments and this and that, whatever. You try to judge base on what you believe not on what you heard or seen lol oh yea and those "credible sources"
Are you serious? I don't have magical powers. I can't hear a guitar chord and tell you who just played it, sorry.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-09-2007 11:06 PM


You don't need to skool me on what criticism is. Whats goin down here is ignorant childish criticism thats backed up with no intelligent reasons and biased explanations. How can you honestly unbiasely criticise something when you already have your mind made up? How can you criticise something when ur not lol really listening to the lyrics and paying attention to whats being said? No... your so busying trying to figure out a lame a$$ reason out of air as to why the song/ lyrics suck when you haven't even sat down and really listened to it.
Oh shut up

Honestly , i've given jackson credit for what I think he does well and you know it , just because I don't look at him in a starry eyed gaze thinking everything he touches is some kind of musical utopia doesn't make it ignorant or childish. If anyone here is biased it's you. There are bands I love , just because I love them I don't assume everything about them is amazing. How you can claim that people don't listen properly to Jackson after the exposure he's had in the last 25 years is laughable , you'd have to live under a rock not to be able to listen to Jackson , and trust me having heard his last few album I wish I had.
As for having to listen to every single song on every single album well thats something most fanboys trot out you don't need to hear anything you just need to hear a selection , as Jackson puts out about 7 singles an album thats not difficult to do either.

TheCaster 12-10-2007 06:27 AM

this has officially turned into the micheal jackson argument thread

enemyat_thesix 12-10-2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheCaster (Post 420950)
this has officially turned into the ***EST THREAD EVER


DearJenny 12-10-2007 01:14 PM

Absofreakinglutely anything and everything.

From opera to folk to country to rock to metal to rap to avant guarde to classical to musicals to swing to big band to reggae(prob my least favorite though) to ska to punk to pop to goth.

I can find artists I like in any genre.

British_pharaoh 12-10-2007 03:10 PM

well I have Smashing Pumpkins next to Sinatra, Ladytron above Interpol, Jimi Hendrix in the same binder as The Sex Pistols and Jurassic 5
and T.I. with Miles Davis, Bob Dylan and Gotan Project

mjscarousal 12-10-2007 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 420936)
Oh shut up

Honestly , i've given jackson credit for what I think he does well and you know it , just because I don't look at him in a starry eyed gaze thinking everything he touches is some kind of musical utopia doesn't make it ignorant or childish. If anyone here is biased it's you. There are bands I love , just because I love them I don't assume everything about them is amazing. How you can claim that people don't listen properly to Jackson after the exposure he's had in the last 25 years is laughable , you'd have to live under a rock not to be able to listen to Jackson , and trust me having heard his last few album I wish I had.
As for having to listen to every single song on every single album well thats something most fanboys trot out you don't need to hear anything you just need to hear a selection , as Jackson puts out about 7 singles an album thats not difficult to do either.

LOL...ah whatever... man I never said you didn't give him credit all I said was, don't tell me what criticism is, I know what it is. I know MJ isn't picture perfect and I have stated that. I know that lol I know that really no matter how good an artist is, there is always room for improvement in certain areas. Some of you people on here are really underrating MJ thats why I'm just reacting the way I am to some of these comments because I know thats not tru and I'm pretty sure alot of other people feel the same way here to but yes, MJ isn't a golden calf but his not crap under a rug either.

People don't listen to MJ properly because it is tru. MJ has been through ish, with cases, rumors, trial etc for years now. ALL kinds of crap and people get sucked into that ish and when they listen to his music, their not really listening because their so busy trying to judge a person they don't even know squat about instead of judging the music. I just really wish people would seperate his private life from his music. The two don't mix no matter who the artist is. People just need to focus on the music and enjoy his talents.

My thing with "peeps should listen to all of MJ's music". Like you said you really don't have to listen to every SINGLE song an artist has made to criticise. The only reason why I said that is because in MJ's case Quincy Jones produced BAD, OTW,Thriller and helped out with those three main projects. Those albums Q produced were the only ones Crow mentioned he said he listened to supposely but I doubt it.The OTHER albums was all MJ, produced, arranged, composed etc. So in this case it still stands but you can feel any kind of way you want or say whatever. You don't have to listen to Mike. I really could give a... thats just you.

mjscarousal 12-10-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 420877)
It's not meaningful, just because you take a deep topic and write forced lyrics about it doesn't make it meaningful.

and how exactly is it force? Anybody can say certain lyrics were forced. It was a deep topic and the lyrics were deep to. It was meaningful. It wasn't no one two step "I'm going to try to sing about something real", everything he said was real and on point.


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 420877)
Forced rhyming, cliched imagery, all that is the making of bad lyrics. That's why its irrevelant. I don't give a shit what you've been through if you can't illustrate it through words well you're not a good songwriter.

Forced rhyming? cliched imagery? thats the same tired bull you said last time. Whats ur point? Cause I don't see it. It was a real good song and the lyrics were real good. Once again there is always going to be someone better than you. There are alot of other good song writers but MJ IS good to. Not ALL songwriters are suppose to write the same way. Forced rhyming? lol who the flook cares about a damn rhythm what the man said in the LYRICS was tru and it hit home. Those were tight lyrics.


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 420877)
I have to listen to everyone of his songs to say he's overrated? That's bullshit, I just have to listen to one album to come to that conclusion.

Now you don't have to listened to every single song but bro you have to listen to more than one album. So you can ultimately conclude that all MJ songs are going to sound just like ALL the songs on that ONE album? You "claimed" you listened to OTW,BAD,Thriller but they were produced by Q the rest of MJ's music was all him so the ish is going to be different.


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 420877)
Selling lots of records doesn't mean good music, going by that logic tons of crap like Britney Spears is good music. You can go on about that being apples to oranges all you want but the fact is the same logic can be applied to any of this crap thats being passed of as music today.

Bro I know this already, I KNOW THIS ALREADY. This is why music sucks now because this is whats happening now with most of the artists out today. Just because you sell 54 million don't mean your album was good. How many records you sell isn't a mirror of the exactly quality of the music. Sells doesn't mean nothing for the music industry today BUT if were talking about an artist like Michael Jackson it means alot. MJ deserves everything his achieved because his music is good. Once again I'm not trying to make him seem perfect but he is successful because his talented and his music is good.


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 420877)
I've listened to Thriller, Bad and Off the Wall and heard plenty of hits. You're treating it like i've never heard a Michael Jackson song in my life, i've heard plenty.

Basically JUST the ones Q produced and helped out with


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 420877)
Are you serious? I don't have magical powers. I can't hear a guitar chord and tell you who just played it, sorry.

Then stop whining that MJ can't play music then

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-10-2007 03:49 PM

You don't really expect some poor sod to sit all the way through turgid crap like Earth Song just to prove a point do you?

anticipation 12-10-2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by mjscarousal (Post 421067)
LOL...ah whatever... man I never said you didn't give him credit all I said was, don't tell me what criticism is, I know what it is. I know MJ isn't picture perfect and I have stated that. I know that lol I know that really no matter how good an artist is, there is always room for improvement in certain areas. Some of you people on here are really underrating MJ thats why I'm just reacting the way I am to some of these comments because I know thats not tru and I'm pretty sure alot of other people feel the same way here to but yes, MJ isn't a golden calf but his not crap under a rug either.

People don't listen to MJ properly because it is tru. MJ has been through ish, with cases, rumors, trial etc for years now. ALL kinds of crap and people get sucked into that ish and when they listen to his music, their not really listening because their so busy trying to judge a person they don't even know squat about instead of judging the music. I just really wish people would seperate his private life from his music. The two don't mix no matter who the artist is. People just need to focus on the music and enjoy his talents.

My thing with "peeps should listen to all of MJ's music". Like you said you really don't have to listen to every SINGLE song an artist has made to criticise. The only reason why I said that is because in MJ's case Quincy Jones produced BAD, OTW,Thriller and helped out with those three main projects. Those albums Q produced were the only ones Crow mentioned he said he listened to supposely but I doubt it.The OTHER albums was all MJ, produced, arranged, composed etc. So in this case it still stands but you can feel any kind of way you want or say whatever. You don't have to listen to Mike. I really could give a... thats just you.

The best part of your argument is that you're angry about people "underrating" michael jackson as an artist and that you also accuse people of not being open and accpeting to other people's views and opinions on music.

Did you ever stop to think that, gee,
maybe not everyone has to think that michael jackson is good
or even like him the least bit?

Think of it like this,
pick a band that you really dislike
now imagine a fanatical advocate of that band telling you all the reasons you are wrong for having an opinion that differs from theirs, and that said band is amazing and you're just not getting it.

No one wants to hear their opinions discredited,
so stop telling people that their ignorant of his music.

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