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Arya Stark 12-23-2009 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 789328)
You definitely connected with what happens to be the standout track IMO. What you'll find with a lot of these albums as you revisit them (which you really should do, if you happen to like them even a little) is that you'll fall in love with songs you dismissed on the first listen and such.

The biggest thing to me is the vocals, as I said before, which is why I had a hard time connecting with "Dissolved" and the following track. It stuck out so much, that I can't remember anything else about it, so I will most definitely be listening to some more of that album.

I also realized, since I was commenting as I listened, that most of the things I said were unimportant, I'll really have to work on that.

music_phantom13 12-23-2009 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 789328)
Have you given 'Third' a listen?

Urm... I actually don't think I have... I listened to a couple Massive Attack albums, a few Tricky albums, and some random thing by Portishead when I first started getting into trip hop and honestly none of them blew me away like some of the other bands I heard. Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to say Mezzanine isn't a rather good album at times, but I don't prefer it to a lot of what I've heard. In fact, I have Protection and Blue Lines as well, and I'd say I prefer Blue Lines (don't kill me). Tricky I didn't like at all, and Portishead I just never got around to revisiting. I just prefer stuff like Sixtoo, Telepopmusik, and most of all Dirty Elegance.

Sorry to hijack your thread there Sugar :wave: First review looks very good. Keep up the good work! Also, what did you listen to by The Shins? I definitely feel like Chutes Too Narrow is the most accessible album and probably the best place to start with them. But once you get into the band, Oh, Inverted World is a bit weirder but just as good. I can never decide which one I like more. I'd highly recommend listening to both, don't think Wincing the Night Away (their newest album) is nearly essential like the others.

Arya Stark 12-23-2009 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 789365)
Urm... I actually don't think I have... I listened to a couple Massive Attack albums, a few Tricky albums, and some random thing by Portishead when I first started getting into trip hop and honestly none of them blew me away like some of the other bands I heard. Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to say Mezzanine isn't a rather good album at times, but I don't prefer it to a lot of what I've heard. In fact, I have Protection and Blue Lines as well, and I'd say I prefer Blue Lines (don't kill me). Tricky I didn't like at all, and Portishead I just never got around to revisiting. I just prefer stuff like Sixtoo, Telepopmusik, and most of all Dirty Elegance.

Sorry to hijack your thread there Sugar :wave: First review looks very good. Keep up the good work! Also, what did you listen to by The Shins? I definitely feel like Chutes Too Narrow is the most accessible album and probably the best place to start with them. But once you get into the band, Oh, Inverted World is a bit weirder but just as good. I can never decide which one I like more. I'd highly recommend listening to both, don't think Wincing the Night Away (their newest album) is nearly essential like the others.

Hey there, no worries, hehe.
I have yet to listen to the Shins, I'll hopefully be doing it soon.
Story sent me a link to Chutes Too Narrow, so I suppose I'll be starting with that.
What genre are they? I really have no idea.
Thank you for the recommendations. [=

BTown 12-24-2009 11:59 AM

Nice first review, I'll probably be checking this thread regularly. :)
I'm going to recommend "13 Songs" by Fugazi.

Arya Stark 12-24-2009 12:07 PM

Thank you. [=
I'll take the recommendation into consideration as soon as I listen to the ones before that.

Arya Stark 12-29-2009 04:10 PM

The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow

Okay so my Wi-Fi isn't working very well.
I'm listening to the first song off the album "Chutes too Narrow" by The Shins on YouTube. It's called "Kissing the Lipless."
Honestly, I'm starting to get the feeling I'm not going to be able to get through this whole album.
I like the music, I really do.
But the weird way he sings his falsetto is already driving me crazy.
Further in the song now. I'm actually really excited with the way this is going, though. I like the way the song started, I like everything other than the vocals, and I think I can set the vocals aside to appreciate the rest of the band.
We'll see. [=

I'm listening to "Mine's not a High Horse" now.
I don't like this song as much as the last one I don't know why.
It reminds me of... I don't even know.

I'm trying really hard, guys, but I'm not sure this band is my thing.
I know, once again, that I'm not trying to find my "thing" anymore, I'm trying to spread out. But I'm definitely more open to the first band than the second.

About five songs into it, I'm starting to realize that only a few songs on here are ones I can listen to all of the way through.
I haven't found my niche with this band, but I realize that that's okay.
I'm going to listen to some more anyway, though.

Yeah, I've definitely noticed that this band doesn't do anything for me.
Sorry to everyone who liked it, I'm sorry if I'm offending you.

Overall Summary: I feel like the band sounds older than they are. I don't particularly like them, but I'm definitely glad that I know what they sound like now, and I can have conversations even about some of the songs I've heard. ^_^ What am I taking on next?

lucifer_sam 12-29-2009 04:41 PM

if you can't get through a Massive Attack or Shins album without psychoanalysis i doubt you're going to have success with something more challenging like Public Image Ltd. i appreciate the fact that you're finally trying to step outside your comfort zone but it seems a bit absurd that you've been here over a year and only just started using this place as a music forum.

Arya Stark 12-29-2009 05:14 PM

I've actually discovered a lot of music through this forum.
I didn't just start.

I admitted that I was very close-minded at the start, I didn't even join to stay. It was a project for school.

The basic reason for this thread is for me to listen to music that I hear a lot about but don't know a lot about, not for me to necessarily like it.
There are millions of musicians out there. So I didn't like one of two I reviewed, that's alright. And I'm okay with that.
I've actually heard Public Image, if I'm not mistaken. I didn't like them either.
I don't have to like everything I hear.

If you understand that I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone, you should also understand, by actually reading my reviews, that I'm learning a lot about the way I judge music. And I'm also stepping away from that.

FETCHER. 12-29-2009 05:19 PM

Do I post cd's in here or Pm them to you?

Arya Stark 12-29-2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 791544)
Do I post cd's in here or Pm them to you?

It doesn't matter. [=
Anything you want.

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