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Dezzy 11-13-2005 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by royal
1. hell no
2. my 11 grade english teacher
3. yes

1. can you fight?
2. what kind of cpu do you have?
3. do you consider yourself cool?

1.Yes if I have to. Never go looking for one though.
2. A very large one!
3. I will have to say yes.

1. Would you like a weekend in Manchester, Liverpool, or London?
2. Who did you least like snogging/Kissing?
3. What's the ugliest part of your body?

[MERIT] 11-14-2005 02:03 PM

1. prolly london
2. anyone of the male persuasion
3. i hate my toes

1. if everyone else jumped off a cliff would u too?
2. what will u be doing in exactly one hour from now?
3. fuzzy wuzzy wasnt fuzzy was he?

madeinNY 11-14-2005 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
1. prolly london
2. anyone of the male persuasion
3. i hate my toes

1. if everyone else jumped off a cliff would u too?
2. what will u be doing in exactly one hour from now?
3. fuzzy wuzzy wasnt fuzzy was he?

1. hahaha no that's very stupid.
2. hm...probably sitting at my computer or showering.
4. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy.


1. What's your all-time favorite song?
2. What do you think about the US government?
3. What's the deal with airplane food?

holdyoualways 11-14-2005 03:51 PM

1. probably seventy times 7
2. im apathetic about it. i really dont care.
3. sucks?

1. on average, how many times a week do you visit mb?
2. dont you hate it when people call you sweetie?
3. if there was only one guy/girl left on the earth and it was up to you to preproduce but he/she was butt ugly, would you do it?

madeinNY 11-14-2005 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
1. probably seventy times 7
2. im apathetic about it. i really dont care.
3. sucks?

1. on average, how many times a week do you visit mb?
2. dont you hate it when people call you sweetie?
3. if there was only one guy/girl left on the earth and it was up to you to preproduce but he/she was butt ugly, would you do it?

1. more than once a day...
2. No, I like it. :)
3. no...what do I care if the population survives? I'm going to die whether there are more people on the earth or not.

1. Favorite soda?
2. Description (physically) of the man/woman of your dreams
3. Put things in order from greatest to least: Money, Career, Family, Fun

BlueEyedSuicide 11-14-2005 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by madeinNY
1. Favorite soda?
2. Description (physically) of the man/woman of your dreams
3. Put things in order from greatest to least: Money, Career, Family, Fun

-Yuck...pop/soda is gross..
-Tall dark and handsome...;)
-Family (My friends are my family), Fun, Career, Money

1. Best present you ever recieved?
2. Favorite smell?
3. Favorite holiday food?

Merkaba 11-14-2005 08:34 PM

1. Tickets to a Concert, and I can't even recall who it was now:(
2. An empty box of chocolates. Tis to die for....not that I smell all kinds of boxes.
3. Holiday food? Barbecue? The portable barbecue is god.

1. Do you pirate music?
2. Star sign?
3. Did Bigbird have suspension on his legs or was it just costume?

Gizmo 11-14-2005 08:49 PM

1. Shhhhhh ;) of course not!!
2. Sagitarius on the cusp of Scorpio... YOU try being hot and complicated!
3. costume??? what costume? of course BigBird had suspension!

1. Have you ever confessed your luv to your secret luv'r?
2. This day was the first day of your life... again..........
3. What is your best feature?

jibber 11-14-2005 10:43 PM

1. well, seeing as how i haven't had a "secret luv'r" since I was about twelve, then yes I have. It's difficult to have an adult relationship if you don't let the other person in on it.
2. kid, stop sucking on the glass dick (or to put it bluntly, lay off the weed)
3. whatever part of my brain lets me bill**** my research papers and get away with it

1. which iron chef is your favorite? (if you don't know what i'm talking about, you're missing out, Iron Chef quality TV, the japanese one anyways, not the shitty american rip-off version)
2. most hilarious experience in a hospital? (if you don't have one, ask me a few of mine, I have plenty)
3. worst date experience you can think of

riseagainstrocks 11-15-2005 08:03 AM

1. Shugira Matsumoto. *end blatant*
2. I was 7 or 8 and had fallen down some stairs and so I went to the hospital. While I was getting my stiches in the nurse was holding my hand as a comfort sorta thing. I remember letting go for a second and when I went to reach for her again, I sqeezed her boob. Really, really hard. (I don't go to the hospital much, so that's all I got)
3. Personal experiance? I threw up after eating sushi on my first date ever. Got in her food too. Needless to say we didn't see much of each other after that.

1. How did you choose your screenname?
2. How often do you get sick a year (which I am right now)?
3. Have you ever broken any bones? If so tell us the most humorous story.

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