Music Banter

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jibber 10-24-2005 10:13 PM

1. tinkerbell
2. uhhh 3 I think
3. hmmm, 1...2....3...yeah i can't really remember, it's gotta be at least 4 or 5.

1. when did you start drinking?
2. what was the last time you were genuinely angry and why
3. favorite smell

TheBig3 10-24-2005 10:22 PM

Never have
today because I ****ed up and forgot my damned german work
antibacterial soap

1. Favorite Member of Kiss
2. Is Pink the new balck?
3. Yoshimi or the pink robot

Hellhound-138 10-24-2005 10:23 PM

havnt yet and I dont know when I will. Not a big deal to me.
A month ago at my freind because he tried to kill my cat.
I cant smell

1.Whats your favorite color
2.Have you ever killed an animal on accident or on purpose
3.Whats your favorite game

Ma Cherie 10-25-2005 08:41 AM

fave colors is Black, red, green and blue(like all equaly)
No i haven't killed and animal, I caught a mouse with my hands and threw it in the field
Chess,Yugioh, Mancala,see how many times i can kick my ex, and how much can you eat

1.Fave food?
2. Fave sport?
3. long hair or short?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 10-25-2005 08:47 AM

1. Fave food = Treacle tart or mini cheddars + chocolate spread. Yerr, Im healthy.
2. Fave sport = Swimmin'. Im not big on sport, but I used to swim and do synchro for my county :)
3. Long hair, most definately.


1. Whats the strangest thing you've ever had thrown at you?
2. Whats the closest you've been to death?
3. Coke or Pepsi?

My apologies if my questions have already been done... But there's 5 pages of this to read through, and Im lazy :)

Jonah 10-25-2005 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
1. Whats the strangest thing you've ever had thrown at you?
2. Whats the closest you've been to death?
3. Coke or Pepsi?

1. Probably a soda can.
2. White Water Rafting a few years back w/ 3 other people. Raft flipped, and I was trapped under it going down river. Whole ordeal lasted probably 10 seconds, but I thought I was going to drown. Someone spotted my yellow safety hat under the raft, and thats when they realized I was under it.
3. Pepsi; although I don't drink soda anymore, I used to like pepsi over coke anyday


1. If you could choose one person who has changed your life the most, either for better or worse, who would it be and why?
2. What's your favorite past time?
3. How do you feel about racism, does it still exist, does the white race still dominate social status?

P.S. This thread rocks. I love surveys....and that sorta thing.

xEmochicKx 10-25-2005 10:13 PM

1)One of my best friends Roberto Mancini, he let me know what it feels to love someone so much you cant explain it.
2)lol, shopping
3)I dont like racism, but no matter what it will always have an impact on social status. Go watch Crash!

1)What is your cell ringtone?
2)Last song you had in your head?
3)Ever been inlove?

I have a confession.I like the new good charlotte song :bringit:

jibber 10-25-2005 11:58 PM

1. depends who's calling me
2. hilary duff - wake up (it's on the CD at work, and I'm forced to hear it 10 times in a 5 hour shift)
3. yep

1. what have you done that you're most ashamed of?
2. wildest fantasy
3. biggest fear

Scarlett O'Hara 10-26-2005 12:04 AM

1. Got with my friends boyfriend a couple of years back, she still doesn't know but we arn't friends anymore anyway.
2. Performing with the Rolling Stones, but back in the 60s...Keith Richard wouldn't know what hit him! ;)
3. Bees, wasps and moths.

1. Have you ever laughed at an inappropriate time and got in big trouble for it?
2. What nags you about the opposite sex?
3. If you could be anyone else for a day, who would it be?

royal 10-26-2005 01:25 AM

1. yep, at church because the pastor can't sing
2. females take 2 hours to get ready
3. hugh hefner

1. who do you think is the sexiest celebrity
2. tell the truth, are you good looking
3. have you been arrested. if have why

dog 10-26-2005 05:21 AM

hell no

1) what do u think of coldplay? (if u likey, favourite song?)
2) where was beethoven born?
3) ever been dumped? (broken up with for those who don't know the saying)

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by ledzeppelinrulz
1) what do u think of coldplay? (if u likey, favourite song?)
2) where was beethoven born?
3) ever been dumped? (broken up with for those who don't know the saying)

I like Coldplay muchly, even though its pretty uncool within the rock community to admit to this. My favourite two songs are The Scientist and Fix You (can't really choose between them).

Without looking it up - Germany. Not Berlin or Munich...
After looking it up - It was in Bonn, next to Cologne and Dusseldorf and near the German border with Belgium.

I've been dumped once, although the girl who dumped me claimed later on that she actually hadn't (I've never really heard of anybody doing this before).

1. If variety is the spice of life, is your lifestyle 'plain toast' or 'hot vindaloo curry' and how? (Hope you get the metaphor...spice=variety...yep?)
2. Rock clubs usually smell very bad, given the context is this a good or bad thing and why?
3. If you multiply your favourite number by your age and subtract the number of the house/flat that you live in what number do you end up with?

Ma Cherie 10-26-2005 08:45 AM

hot curry

depends on the smell and how bad it stinks


1.if everyone is equal why do we have majorites and minorities? of the 3), xbox(any),gamecube?

3.what is the longest your hair has ever been?

Fenixpunk 10-26-2005 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
1.if everyone is equal why do we have majorites and minorities? of the 3), xbox(any),gamecube?

3.what is the longest your hair has ever been?

1. majorities and minorities is just a way of saying more than the other or less than the other, if you have 6 basketballs and 4 are orange and the other 2 are blue, the majority of the basketballs are orange. that doesnt mean the orange ones are going to make you a better player.

2. Playstation 2 i guess, dont really have time for videogames, but i got my daughter a ps2 when they first came out and weve had some fun with it.

3. the longest my hair was in the 7th grade when it went down to the middle of my back.

1. which do you prefer? a day at the beach, or a day in the mountains?
2. what band do you probably listen to more than any others?
3. if world peace was possible, what do you think the first step we would have to take be to accomplish it?

Ma Cherie 10-26-2005 09:05 AM


Dir en grey and Malice Mizer

stop the fighting and understand where everyome is coming from.

1.what do you believe?
2.where are you currently on the globe?
3. do you have any family?

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
1. which do you prefer? a day at the beach, or a day in the mountains?
2. what band do you probably listen to more than any others?
3. if world peace was possible, what do you think the first step we would have to take be to accomplish it?

A day in the mountains. Both are nice but in my experience beaches usually involve being sat next to families with hyperactive children and parents who are ten times as annoying as their kids are. If your in the mountains its just you, whoever you're with, the air and the scenery.

Rage Against the Machine, Jeff Buckley (counts as a band...), Mars Volta.

Stop fighting? The 'if' is a big word there. There would have to big an entire, international cultural reform which educated children away from the aggressive ethics of their parent's cultures, such that it would become unfeasible that any individual who proposed violence as a course of action in international relations would be able to gain support. At the moment, any war between nations whose people's ethics conflict still find a lot of support within those countries as we're often told that its ok, even desirable, to fight those whose behaviour we disagree with (as an extension of 'fighting for what you believe').

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
1.what do you believe?
2.where are you currently on the globe?
3. do you have any family?

I believe quite a lot of things. Here are some:
- I'm going to wake up tomorrow
- It rains more here than its meant to
- Ghosts exist (somehow)
- No type of god exists
- If I keep telling the truth, eventually people will understand that its all I'm capable of doing
- 'Meaning well' is not much of an excuse, as those who truly mean well will take the time to think about consequences (this doesn't relate to anything specific!)

Birmingham, UK

Yes, I have family and they are in various places around the world. Some in Australia, some in Switzerland and some somewhere in America (although I don't really know this lot).

1. Can you tell me five words that you REALLY like?
2. Have you ever been into the toilets which are meant to be used by the other sex? What did you think?
3. How many fingers am I holding up?

xEmochicKx 10-26-2005 10:17 AM

1)Perhaps, wang, whatnot, escapades, sex
2)Yeah just this weekend actually, i was a little tipsy. From what i remember, they looked like ladies washroom with wallpissing thingys hahah

1)How much money is in your bank account?
2)Whats thelongest youve been without a shower?
3)Weirdest place you fooled around?

Ma Cherie 10-26-2005 10:25 AM

$3.14(savings not counting what i'm not able to put my hands on at the time)

2/3 of a week(i won't lie i was not wanting to crawl to the shower atfer seeing a blackwidow in it)

an ex boyfriends mind(talk about a mindf*ck)

1. weirdest place you've eaten at?

2. weirdest food you eaten?

3. the oddest thing you slept on?

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by xEmochicKx
1)How much money is in your bank account?
2)Whats the longest youve been without a shower?
3)Weirdest place you fooled around?

About £3000 ($5000 I think). The same amount has been there for ages, as my scholarship money tends to exactly match my totalled living expenses.

4 months. I was washing using a small jug which I filled from a medium sized bucket which a filled from a big barrel which I filled from a well.

On the beach in Durban, South Africa. The reason why it was so weird was that we were interrupted by an old woman who wandered up, asked me if she could have a kiss and then started making weird kissing noises at me. It was scary as hell.

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
1. weirdest place you've eaten at?

2. weirdest food you eaten?

3. the oddest thing you slept on?

The side of a tree in the amazon. We were on a jungle trip and this woman who was with us said that these 'lemon' ants which were walking up the tree were edible and tasted like lemon. So, being a bastardly carnivore, I stuck my tongue out, licked the ants of the tree, crunched them up and ate them. They did taste quite like lemon.

The concrete floor in the centre of Holyhead Ferry terminal. More than a little in the way.

1. Where's the furthest you've EVER been from where you currently live?
2. Which of the people that you know has the strangest name, what do they do and why/how do you know them?
3. What is the best dish you can cook and what is the recipe?

Ma Cherie 10-26-2005 10:39 AM

approximately 3250miles from where i am currently

Katzchia(?), my dads God sister(she had purple streaks in her hair lasttime i saw her

one i wrote myself, garlic herb pork loins, were i put garlic, oragano, thyme, parsley, sage, rosemary, and pepper in a bag with some vinigar and rub it on to the pork and fry the pork in a skillet with butter , SIDE that go along with it are, corn, mashed potatos, and/or green peas

1. what can you cook?
2. whatother weird things/or the weirdest thing you have eaten?
3. the weirdest name you have heard of some one you don't know?

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
1. what can you cook?
2. whatother weird things/or the weirdest thing you have eaten?
3. the weirdest name you have heard of some one you don't know?

Pretty much anything if given the recipe and almost nothing from memory. The furthest I ever get into proper cooking is cutting up things to add to pasta or stir fries.

Kangaroo, buffalo, pirahna and antelope (kangaroo and antelope are both very nice, pirahna is foul). Oh, also some very strange green invulnerable green jello-like substance that some granny handed to me at a wedding in Jakarta. I put it in my mouth and then sat for ten minutes wondering what I was going to do with it as it could neither be chewed nor dissolved.

a) Jamma Jamma. A guy from Nigeria that one of my friends knows. What is weird about this is that already having the surname Jamma his parents though it would sound great if they used this as his first name. How wrong they were!
b) Depressed Cupboard Cheesecake. Apparently there was a guy in the 70's who named his child this, I'm assuming that this guy has now either changed his name or killed himself.

1. How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man - and exactly when did walking down roads become a barometer for masculinity?
2. Do you have a handbag or wallet about or near your person and what is in it?
3. What am I thinking?

HuKitKat 10-26-2005 11:06 AM

1.) Zero. I know men with no legs. Walking down roads is a barometer for masculinity in Smallville.
2.)Wallet-hmmmm, my id, my credit card, my charge card for a department store, my Social Security Card, my insurance cards, my library cards, my AAA card, some receipts, a button.
3.)You're thinking:
1. How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man - and exactly when did walking down roads become a barometer for masculinity?
2. Do you have a handbag or wallet about or near your person and what is in it?
3. What am I thinking?

1.) What tastes better: Watered down beer or flat soda?
2.) If you had to paint your toenails, what color would u choose?
3.) When are you gonna die?

one_more_atrocity 10-26-2005 11:27 AM

1) watered down beer!! hmmm watered down beer at gigs!! hmmm... sorry i got abit caught up there!!
2) erm probably black lol, with one pink one!!!!
3) hmm next week sometime, maybe tomorrow if im lucky!!

1. is the glass half empty or half full!!!??
2. do you like pokeing people??
3. and finaly what do you call your willy!!?? and if you dont have a willy, why the hell not!!!!!!!!!

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by one_more_atrocity
1. is the glass half empty or half full!!!??
2. do you like pokeing people??
3. and finaly what do you call your willy!!?? and if you dont have a willy, why the hell not!!!!!!!!!

At the moment I have a bottle (of water) and as I happens it is half empty. I'm saying that because I was responsible for drinking it, which means that I emptied that part and am quite proud to have done so. Due to this pride I shall say it is empty as this links the bottle to my past actions and therefore helps me to internalise its existence whereas referring to it as half-full has more to do with the action of filling, which was done by the people at Evian and is of less interest to me!

Is this a euphemism? Which kind of poke do you mean? I don't really go around prodding people with my finger but I do like 'a good shag'.

My willy. It doesn't need a name, as I never need to recognise it in a crowd (thank god).

1. Wherefore art thou Romeo? If Romeo were alive today (instead of being fictional and very dead) where would he be
a) A gig for an Emo band
b) A *** bar
c) In his mum's bedroom, trying on her clothes
d) At the end of the road, crying like a baby, while Juliet copped off with Dave from the pub
e) Somewhere else (where?)
2. If you could take any one person and force them to be world leader, who would it be?
3. Do you prefer to wear clothes which are too small, or too large for you?

inside_out 10-26-2005 11:48 AM

1. a, for sure.
2. You.
3. Too big :)

1. Have you had a good day?
2. Are you still at school?
3. Favourite song of the moment?

xEmochicKx 10-26-2005 11:58 AM

1)So far, its been great
2)Well,not right now.But if you mean am i still going to school than yes :)
3)Heres everything ive always meant to say-jamisonparker

1)Favourite smell?
2)Doyou believe in fate?
3)Ever cross dressed?

Ma Cherie 10-26-2005 12:46 PM




Imonlydancing 10-26-2005 01:49 PM

You didn't ask any questions....

[MERIT] 10-26-2005 01:51 PM

ill go:
1.ever done any drugs?(plz specify)
2.can u hold yer liquor?(if not can i have yer #? LOL)
3.have u ever dated someone of another race?

Fenixpunk 10-26-2005 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
ill go:
1.ever done any drugs?(plz specify)
2.can u hold yer liquor?(if not can i have yer #? LOL)
3.have u ever dated someone of another race?

1. just about everything under the sun at one point or another
2. i can hold my own (still want my # :D )
3. yes, a mexican, and a Philipino (sp?)

1. ever woke up in a strange place, not sure how you got there?
2. been caught stealing? what?
3. whats the best practical joke youve done?

[MERIT] 10-26-2005 01:58 PM

1. many a time
2. not yet
3. put scotch tape from wall to wall in my sisters bedroom

1. what would u so if u wre invisible for one hr?
2. have u ever had *** thoughts?
3. any scars?

DontRunMeOver 10-26-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
1. what would u so if u wre invisible for one hr?
2. have u ever had *** thoughts?
3. any scars?

If I started from where I am now. I'd probably just go to the sports centre and hang out in the women's changing room - partly as a result of natural male perversion, partly because I'd just never get to do it otherwise.

Any what thoughts? I think you meant homosexual thoughts. Being of a slightly odd mindset, I've actually tried to imagine fancying a man and to image having *** sex before to see what my mind was capable of. The first one just didn't work, for some reason I'm completely incapable of finding anything about men attractive, and the second made me feel physically sick.

Only chickenpox scars, a couple of my neck and chest from a recent operation and some on my forearms from a particularly violent basketball game.

anticipation 10-26-2005 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by oojay
1. what would u so if u wre invisible for one hr?
2. have u ever had *** thoughts?
3. any scars?

1. I'd pretend to be a ghost.

2. I've had happy thoughts tons of times.

3. All along my arms, and some on my head from a cactus falling on me, tons on the fronts of my legs from when i was a kid, and one big one across the back of my leg from when a bike chain got lodged in there.

1. what would you do if you had 1 million dollars?
2. have you ever gotten expelled, fired, or kicked off of some club/sports team?
3. whats your favorite thing to do on a friday night?

2ToneRudeGirl 10-26-2005 03:07 PM

1. 1,000,000 dollars.... move somewhere buy a house, a studio, buy my mom and dad a house, buy bad ass cars, buy your house... lol jk. then i would probaby invest the rest in something... or save it.

2. No.. the closest thing i think was in high school when i was in PE or whatever and i never did **** in there and one day i got suspended from school for telling her **** you.

3. Theres nothing really significant about Friday night anymore.. one of my best friends is still in high school so i guess i like waiting for friday night so we can hang out all weekend.

Q: Whats the most outrageous name youve ever named a pet.
Q: Ever been to jail?
Q: What are you getting me for my birthday?

franscar 10-26-2005 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by 2ToneRudeGirl
Q: Whats the most outrageous name youve ever named a pet.
Q: Ever been to jail?
Q: What are you getting me for my birthday?

1. Pinky. :(
2. Only to pick someone up, doubt it counts.
3. Chocolates.

What are you doing tomorrow?
When will you next talk to your gran?
How far is it from your house to the nearest Starbucks?

demon hunter 10-26-2005 04:07 PM

-not sure. school for the most part.
-uh... i guess when she decides to start acting like a gran.
-about 10 minutes. you have a pet?
2.what bugs you the most? many sibilings do you have?

franscar 10-26-2005 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
1. Can you think of a worse thread than this?
2. Have you read any of my posts before?
3. Are you an anal-retentive internet abuser, like the rest of us?

1. Yeah. Mass Green Day debates spring immediately to mind.
2. Yes. Yes I have.
3. I used to be, but then I started actually having to learn things at uni. Depressing it was.

Three more questions, crap:

1. Are you aware of the existence of Birmingham City Football Club?
2. Are you above or below average height?
3. What country outside your own will you visit next?

adidasss 10-26-2005 04:49 PM

1. yes, but it blows no?
2. above
3. italy ( hehe ), but i do that a lot, so it's nothing special

1.what the is hookers on lately?
2.ever get beaten up really badly? you like to watch sports? which ones?

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