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PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 12-18-2005 12:52 AM

calvin and hobbes owns.

i hate axe deodorant spray.....

jibber 12-18-2005 01:21 AM

I hate customers in my store. I swear to god I attract all the stupid people and bitchy customers in the world.

"Can you put this snowboard on hold for me?"
"actually, we can't put anything on hold anymore, just because its so close to christmas, and it would get way too crowded in the back, it's just our policy that we don't put product on hold."
"well can't you just put it on hold until tomorow?"
", i'm not allowed to put anything on hold anymore"
"well then what can you do?!"
"I can hide it behind the other boards"

"Can I get these skis mounted tonight?"
"No, we're really busy in the shop, and we have so many skis waiting to be mounted and tuned, it's gonna be at least a week."
"well if I come back later on, will it be faster?"
"uhhhh,'s first come first serve"
"oh, well can i put my name on a list or something and bring them in later?"
"......first come.......first"

"How much is this tennis raquet?"
"wow, that's expensive, i'll give you $25"
"....that's the price, you can't have it for less"
"oooohhh come on, alright, i'll give you $30 but i'm not going any higher"
*walks away*

"so, I don't really need to buy snowboard boots do I, because I just put my shoe in the bindings and they fit fine."

"so will you be having any better sales on?"
"well our boxing day sale is always one of the biggest sales of the year"
"oh, when is that on?"
".......boxing day...."

"I need a bigger size in these hockey skates"
"the ones you have now are too big, I mean i took the insole out, and you're foot is about an inch away from the end of it, your foot SHOULD be covering the entire insole"
"but they feel really comfortable"
"....thats because you're sitting skates that dont even touch your foot....they're comfortable, but they'll be useless to skate in"
"yeah but i'll wear a bigger sock"

note to anyone who's christmas shopping this year. if you take something off of a rack, PUT IT THE F*CK BACK. it takes two seconds out of your time, so don't trash the stores because it's a bi*ch to clean up at the end of the night. I also hate kids who take our basketballs our of the boxes, and start a game in the aisle with the basketball net we have on display, and they knock over all the merhcandise in the surrounding area, and leave it there. I also hate parents that argue to the death that their kids need 3 inches of growing room in their ski boots. I also hate people who try to barter with us. You're in a f*cking retail store, not a covered market in Afghanistan. I hate people who bit*ch at me because we've sold out of a product. you're shopping a week before christmas, and we're the busiest location in the country, what the f*ck did you expect? ok i'm done ranting for now.

pastor of muppets 12-18-2005 01:28 AM

^ hahha... i know what that feels like...


"so youve got no more glace cherries then?"
"well the shelf is empty so... yeah"
"can you check out the back for me"
"well, were five minutes from closing and theyre taking a really big delivery at the moment so i wont be able to get to anything let alone find it"
"well a great lot of good that is! *storms off*"

"i cant find the tinned capsicum. they used to be just here but theyre not anymore"
"yeah i think they actually deleted that line"
"can you go and ask the manager for me?"
"im sorry the managers really busy at the moment and the shop is actually closed. maybe you could come in tomorrow and ask?"
"oh. ok then. *walks off*"

i swear people are so stupid sometimes.... plus the air con makes my eyes water....

Merkaba 12-18-2005 01:30 AM

You never realise how c*nty some customers are until you have to serve them :laughing:

jibber 12-18-2005 01:38 AM

"do you have any of the atomic ski bags left?"
"no we sold out of them, but I can check the system to see if any of our other stores have them"
"oh, actually can you just call sport mart and see if they have them?"
".....this is sportchek....not sportmart"
" can you call them?"

"I was just at another one of your stores and they were selling this tennis raquet for $36.99, you have it listed as $39.99, I want it for 36.99."
"uh, I think you must be mistaken, all of our prices are quoted to us from head office, so the prices are the same at all of our stores"
"no, no, no! i SAW this raquet for $36.99 at the chinook store, i want it for that price!"
"*sigh*, ok, i'll phone and find out"
*I phoned, talked to a guy at the other store, we both agreed she was on crack*
"I talked to a sales associate at our other store, and he said that this raquet has never been listed at anything under 39.99.
"are you calling me a liar! i saw it for 36.99!!!"
"no....i'm not calling you a liar....i'm just saying that you must be mistaken. and it is only $3.."
"....yes....yes it is....but the raquet is $39.99"
"just let me talk to someone else!"

this woman then proceeded to argue with every single person in our department (about 6 or 7 people) before she asked to see the manager. my manager came out, and repeated that she must have been mistaken, yada yada yada, the same speech we had all been feeding her for the past 1/2 hour. she left after arguing for a full hour, without buying anything. people like her are the reason that i'm convinced working in retail makes you lose faith with the entire human race.

pastor of muppets 12-18-2005 01:41 AM

the other day, this lady whistled at me and goes:

"come here, i need you to lift this for me"

i was like "im not a fucking dog lady"

Merkaba 12-18-2005 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by jibber
"I was just at another one of your stores and they were selling this tennis raquet for $36.99, you have it listed as $39.99, I want it for 36.99."
"uh, I think you must be mistaken, all of our prices are quoted to us from head office, so the prices are the same at all of our stores"
"no, no, no! i SAW this raquet for $36.99 at the chinook store, i want it for that price!"
"*sigh*, ok, i'll phone and find out"
*I phoned, talked to a guy at the other store, we both agreed she was on crack*
"I talked to a sales associate at our other store, and he said that this raquet has never been listed at anything under 39.99.
"are you calling me a liar! i saw it for 36.99!!!"
"no....i'm not calling you a liar....i'm just saying that you must be mistaken. and it is only $3.."
"....yes....yes it is....but the raquet is $39.99"
"just let me talk to someone else!"


Thats so awesome. I'd have gone from being pissed off through to laughing my arse off.

I remember being in a chemist one time and this lady comes in and starts abusing the crap out of the pharmacist. She walks in swearing "you ****ing idiot you ****ed up my perscription who hires you ****ing people this is absolutely disgusting" ...continues for a few minutes and the pharmacist says "Theres nothing wrong with your prescription, it's just like the GP had quoted"

So she walks out one door, walks down around behind the store and comes in through another entrance (theres two) and goes again "I hope you lose your ****ing job you wanker I could become seriously sick from all of this medicine..."

The doctors just like, meh, and turns to another customer while this fat woman carries on swearing in the middle of the store. I couldn't believe it, as if she knew her medicine better then the pharmacist did.

jibber 12-18-2005 02:04 AM

"do you have any snowboard helmets?"
"yeah, they're right over here-"
"those are ski helmets"
"...uhhh, there's really no such thing as a ski helemt or a snowboard helmet. there are helmets made by ski companies, and helmets made by snowboard compainies, but they're the same thing"
"no, thats not true, it's a saftey issue with snowboard helmets to have air vents"
"yes! i heard from another store that it's a safetu issue to have air vents when you're snowboarding"
" need to same kind of protection when you're skiing or snowboarding. if your head hits a rock, it doesnt matter if you have one or two boards strapped to your feet"
"no! he said that becasue skiers have poles, they can have vents in their helmets, but since boarders don't, they can't have vents!"
"......what? what does having poles have to do with......what?"
"he said he used to be in the olympics, i'm sure he knew what he was talking about"
*shakes head incredulously*

franscar 12-18-2005 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by jibber
"so will you be having any better sales on?"
"well our boxing day sale is always one of the biggest sales of the year"
"oh, when is that on?"
".......boxing day...."

I had that one before. I just looked at her for a while, thinking that she couldn't possibly have just said it. But she did.

half_baked87 12-18-2005 12:35 PM

thank god i don't work in retail. yeeeup. seasonal farm labours the life for me. only people i have to deal with are my family and and the occasional hilariously stereotypical redneck.

madeinNY 12-18-2005 04:24 PM

This whole thing on retail is hysterical :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I hate service calls.
And buisness calls.
Every type of calls except the ones I wanna take.

Imonlydancing 12-18-2005 04:44 PM

I hate:
People who ring my house & ask for someone & i can't hear them cos they're not english.
certain people that annoy me lots (duh)
not getting into places cos of age.
getting the wrong phone number & talking to some weirdo.

madeinNY 12-18-2005 04:52 PM

ohh lol i love the wrong number thing, its fun talking to people that may one day be my stalker.

I hate....boringness....the act of being bored...

Imonlydancing 12-18-2005 04:55 PM

Doesn't everyone hate that? surely.

You say weird things. But they make me laugh sometimes.
Why oh why would you want someone to be your stalker?
i'm thinking a BAD kind.
not one who wants to marry you and buy you presents...
but yeah.
Personally, I don't find it fun talking to strangers who ask you questions and you're like ''double youu tee eff mayyte?''

one on one with people is scary.
so sometimes.
i hate that.

madeinNY 12-18-2005 04:58 PM

The stalker comment was sarcasm ;)
But I do enjoy talking to strangers, you can tell them all sorts of things and screw with their head...and you don't have to ever see them again. It's like one night stands...without the sex (unless your into phone sex)

Imonlydancing 12-18-2005 05:05 PM

Me? Nah.
I'm not into that shiz.

(btw. you can't tell sarcasm on l'interrnet ehehe)

madeinNY 12-18-2005 05:08 PM

(I know...I should've put "sarcasm" with some arrows...oh well.)

I'm not into that really either, but twas meant to be laughed at, that comment was...was it sucesful? Probably not. hehe

I hate smelly animals. (not all animals, just those that smell putred...)

bungalow 12-31-2005 03:41 PM

I hate all of the new people who come to this forum and overuse smileys


Originally Posted by Wild7Dustr
Yes, they are, but it's a weird title, I.M.O."Stadium Arcadium" is what I heard it'll be called!!!I heard that they chose "Stadium Arcadium" as the name and-at a video game awards show, I believe-announced that it will be coming out early next year!!!:band: I forgot the exact date, but I'm just happy to know that a new album of theirs will be out soon next year!!!:) :pimp:

^that pisses me off

mosesandtherubberducky 12-31-2005 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
I hate all of the new people who come to this forum and overuse smileys


^that pisses me off

I share your hate Bill...

bungalow 12-31-2005 03:43 PM

The overusage of smileys by both jazzfromhell and Wild7Dustr is what led me to believe that they were the same person

right-track 12-31-2005 03:44 PM

:band: :soapbox: :tramp:

Yeah me to.

madeinNY 12-31-2005 04:58 PM

I hate having mono.

I hate that my mother gave me Nyquil instead of dayquill and now I'm light headed and unaware of my actions.

bungalow 12-31-2005 06:29 PM

I hate madeinNY's sig

Laces Out Dan! 12-31-2005 06:30 PM


half_baked87 12-31-2005 06:44 PM

i hate having a december 30th birthday

Laces Out Dan! 12-31-2005 06:44 PM

That would suck a lot

madeinNY 12-31-2005 07:34 PM

I hate that people hate my sig.

I hate amoxacylin.

mosesandtherubberducky 12-31-2005 08:15 PM

I hate random bolding in statements

madeinNY 12-31-2005 08:16 PM

I hate reading Moses' sig, kittens keep dying, goddamnit!

Sabgoat 12-31-2005 08:18 PM

i hate that i don't have a job.. and in the small town that i'm in if your not willing to work at some fast food place there's no where else to work.. f**king sucks a** grr anyways
i also hate that because of lack there of job/ lack there of money i can't go out and buy the things i want.. IE cd's.. music dvd's.. makes me mad.. i can feel the rage inside of me!!!!!!!!!!
i hate alot of things.. mostly being in pain.. such as heartache.. but whatever.. not important in my life at the moment.. (or is it) unknown.. my life sucks.. but can very well be much worse.. (as only i know) anyways.. i'm dull.. this is pointless.. gets even more so as i go on..
damn i'm bored..

madeinNY 12-31-2005 08:19 PM

^That could actually turn into a song...not joking.

mosesandtherubberducky 12-31-2005 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by madeinNY
I hate reading Moses' sig, kittens keep dying, goddamnit!

Be thankful it isn't Everytime you read this God gives another person know what its getting changed YAY change, the one thing that makes some people different.

madeinNY 12-31-2005 08:23 PM

Change is in the thesouraces as "different" so yes, that statement would be correct. lol.

Damn, now I'm giving people aids, great.

Cameron 12-31-2005 08:53 PM

I hate not having any cash...

Cheese 12-31-2005 11:55 PM

I hate the little f*ckers that go round smashing the glass in the bus shelters.

Merkaba would probably know what I'm on about.

Plus I'm stewed to the gills:D

Merkaba 01-01-2006 01:21 AM

^ Oh yes good call. What is the point of that? That really pisses me off too.

You can imagine how much it must cost to keep those things maintained.

Scarlett O'Hara 01-01-2006 01:28 AM

I hate it when people who steal money from the Church.

bungalow 01-01-2006 01:29 AM

^ I hate it when the church steals money from people

either/or 01-01-2006 01:55 AM

the church the band? or church?

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-01-2006 01:59 AM

^that guy..

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