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TrampInaTux 08-20-2006 03:49 PM

Quality leg-ends, mate
Just read the Questions thread as I came on, and saw RT talking about some kid he knew with an 'eccentric' personality. So then, I want to know about people that you know/use to know who were a little out there... stories, the lot.

Should be a laugh.

Rabid Sea Turtles 08-20-2006 04:00 PM

A kid once pissed on my window, then spat on it, then licked it up, in front of my face, with my friend sitting next to me. Strangest experience ever.

holdyoualways 08-20-2006 04:04 PM

my neighboor is kind of like an idiot savant
except hes not retarded, just immature
& it annoys the hell out of me
because we have to take him to church all the time
because hes also an epileptic & therefore cant drive-yet
hes planning on getting his license sometime soon i hope

TrampInaTux 08-20-2006 04:54 PM

There's this kid in my year whose a bit of a freak of nature to put it lightly.
Once we were sitting in this computer room and his nails were freakishly long, so I told him to cut them as I'm a **** sometimes (hey, he tries to grab my girlfriends tits when he sees her) so he says okay, and pulls out a great big **** off carving knife. Needless to say I was ****ting it. He put it back and laughed, while I felt thankful for my life.

bruise_violet 08-20-2006 05:59 PM

One day I went shopping with my mother and sister, who must have been about 9 years old. We were walking down the street, and happened to pass a dead rat. The poor thing was completey flat, it had been run over by a car and its guts were spread out all over the show. Anyway, as we walked past, my sister looked at it, and asked my mum, "Mummy, do you think it is still alive?"

Yes, she was dead fucking serious. And yeah she is still a tard.

TrampInaTux 08-20-2006 06:08 PM

There's also this bloke up our old estate called Mallick, he stands in the middle of roads and dances.

Then our old next door neighbour Neil, who was a few sandwiches short of a picnic, used to come knocking on our door and wouldn't leave until you said 'up the villa'. He got naked and tried to throw his Dad out of a window, then got sent to a mental institution.

There was a bloke who used to catch the same bus as me back from school who used to spend all day riding the same bus route, then there was another one on the bus route to a shopping centre who used to talk to his bottle of whiskey.

My mate from my old school has turned into a right freak since he joined our new school. He claims that he used to live in Australia (he didn't) he used to live on 'Aeroplane Road' (he didn't) and he had sex with someone when he was 3 years of age and now refers to it as 'kiddie porn'. One of my mates punched him in the face about a year ago. :laughing: That was a good day for all of us.

bruise_violet 08-20-2006 06:12 PM

God you know some right weirdos hobo.

My mum told me that when she was a little girl, a man who lived near her used to stand naked in front of the window with a shirt over his head while all the kids walked to school, now that is just fucking scary.

Ace 08-20-2006 06:13 PM

My neighbors thought I was torturing my nephew, because they heard him running around yelling while he was playing. It strikes me as odd, that they would wait 24 hours later untill they asked why he was screaming. "So you think he's being tortured......yet you wait till the next day to find out......mmmkayyyy."

bruise_violet 08-20-2006 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ace
My neighbors thought I was torturing my nephew, because they heard him running around yelling while he was playing. It strikes me as odd, that they would wait 24 hours later untill they asked why he was screaming. "So you think he's being tortured......yet you wait till the next day to find out......mmmkayyyy."

Hahahahahahaha what losers.

Ace 08-20-2006 06:24 PM

Yeah. They also complained about me playing music in the shed where I workout. And since I keep the door closed, you can only hear it if you're trying to, or if you're like only 15 feet away.....But when I move, I'm gonna egg their damn house.

bruise_violet 08-20-2006 06:25 PM

Hahaha nice idea.

Once my old neighbour yelled at me for climbing into a bush when I was a kid, but the bush was in MY garden, and he was staring at me from his window for ages. I was like 7 years old :(

MoonlitSunshine 08-20-2006 06:26 PM


My friend's neighbours always give out about them being too loud. One time they got back from hols to find that they had been giving out about noise. THere had been no-one in the bloody house.

TrampInaTux 08-21-2006 02:40 AM

Yeah, I know weirdos. Its a very weird place where I live! That's my excuse anyways...

There's a kid, in my year again, whose a huge Harry Potter fanatic and he's well quiet and that, he speaks once in a blue moon. But every now and again he'll whisper 'kill the evil snowmen' underneath his breath...

Alo 08-21-2006 03:59 AM

I once went to a pond, it was full of tardies. But there was one man, who topped them all. He went out to swim, and when his dog followed him into the water, he panicked. Of course, dogs can't swim? So then when he saw his friend swimming along, he ran out of the water and yelled [insert tard-twang here] OH JESUS LORD, MY DOG CAN SWIM! I MUST BE BLESSED! IT'S A MIRACLE, A MIRACLE I TELL YOU! And this went on for a few minutes.

MoonlitSunshine 08-21-2006 06:03 AM

hahahaha. We don't get that many insane people in Ireland. At least, the average person isn't that much less crazy than a maniac, so maybe I don't notice the difference...

There is this woman who hangs around the train station and goes on buses, who drinks all day and shouts abuse at everyone, but that's all I can really think of.

right-track 08-22-2006 03:32 PM

Once knew a lad who changed his name by deed poll, to Zoom Interesting.
He used to turn up at my flat (when I was single) with a guitar and sit in my living room noodling away, in complete silence...then leave.

Mr Sensitive 08-22-2006 04:06 PM

Hmmm, I was once on the bus with my guitar case and an old guy next to me noticed this, the following conversation was sort of like this.

Old guy: Do you play guitar my boy?
Me: Yeah...
Old guy: Excellent, playing an instument is a gift, and do you know who gave you that gift?
Me: ...No.
Old Guy: The good lord!
Me: Does anybody want to switch places?

Okay so I made that last sentence up, but I was sure as hell thinkin' it.

Ace 08-22-2006 06:55 PM

=)) I would have died if you said he had pinched your cheeks too.

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