Originally Posted by Violent & Funky
I'm gonna be studying in Europe for the Spring Semester and had planned on smoking in Amsterdam. Now I find out I will be drug tested for my internship this Summer, so now I'm not sure if I will smoke in Amsterdam at all, let alone when to cut myself off. Thoughts?
Do you know how they're drug testing you? If not, find out. If they are using a hair sample, that sucks. Don't smoke, they'll find it in your hair. If they are urine testing you, which is most likely, smoke up sir. Since you don't smoke a lot, itll be out of your system in no time. At the very maximum, like if you're paranoid about the drug test, just stop a month before the internship starts. It'll definitely be out of your system in a month, most likely it'll be out in 2 weeks or so. Enjoy the time and take advantage of the situation.
-Woke up at 6AM randomly right now. Bout to spark it