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Urban Hat€monger ? 01-26-2008 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by The-Starving-Artless (Post 435785)
you read a book, dip****, his name was pol pot.

Maybe he was talking about his evil twin.

And you have to admit being Pol Pot's evil twin , that has to be pretty big on the evilness scale

Halfa 01-26-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny (Post 435760)
I know how he died, and yet I see no correlation to how his death makes him the worst person ever. Secondly, who believes and why do they believe that he is the embodiment of evil in Russia? He was the advisor to Czar Nicolas II, so how does that exactly make him evil? I can name at least 10 Russians that are much worse than him.

its just the way he died is really really creepy. But Russia for the longest time (not sure about now) he was thought of as the VERY embodiment of evil, and that he had used that evil power to become the adviser to the Czar. Apparently Rasputin prayed and caused the Czar's son's illness to be sick, and he became the advisor to the Czar. But because the Czar didnt release to the public that his son was sick, many people questioned Rasputin being an advisor to Nicolas. Anyhow...there are all sorts of creepy stories that revolved around him...and he overindulged that a lot

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 01-26-2008 09:05 PM

If I could I would change my vote to myself, because I started a thread about vegetarianism. I just did it because I knew everyone would happen by there, and then everyone would want to become a vegetarian, which would result in us having a hell on earth. Oh yeah, and now that that secret's out of the bag, I guess I should tell everyone:
I'm the devil.

savannah 01-26-2008 09:56 PM

my ex did tell me one time, that he thought i was the antichrist,....

Predator 01-26-2008 10:11 PM

I think that Hitler seems to be the easy answer. He was responsible for the loss of countless lives. He seemed to be strictly evil. Please don't think that I am defending Hitler, but he wasn't all bad. In everything that he did, his intent was to create a better Germany. He fought for the "Fortress Europe" do defend his people. He wished for the "perfect race", and attempted to create it. He was a delusional madman with good intentions in his own mind. He cared for his people and did what he felt was best for them. Was he evil, your god damn right he was. He will go down in history as one of the most evil men of all time.
Hitler was nothing compared to Stalin. Stalin imprisoned his entire country. He exploited communism for his own gain. He cut off regions from any supplies forcing cannibalism. Parents ate their own children to survive because the hunger drove them insane. Millions were sent to the gulags to work to death, which luckily didn't take long. He replaced all religion with himself. Pictures of Christ were replaced with pictures of him. Anyone that he even thought opposed him faced death. The list goes on and on. Did he do these things to better his country? No, it was all to preserve himself. Every evil thing he did was for himself. When looking for anything good that Stalin did, I draw a blank. The difference is that Stalin was behind closed doors.
Both men were evil beyond imagination. No amount of good deeds could ever redeem their souls. I don't think that one can be more evil than the other. Evil is evil, there are no degrees.

I seem to have contradicted myself. I still believe that Stalin was a worse person, not due to his "evilness". As an example, take a thief. He goes into S-Mart and steals a few movies and some cd's. Is that wrong? Yes. Is there any good intention? Doubt it. Have the same thief steal some cheese and bread to feed his family. Is it wrong? Yes. Is there any good intention? Yes. What Hitler did was in his mind as necessary as providing his family with food and shelter.

sleepy jack 01-26-2008 10:42 PM

I really don't think Hitler's intentions matter to what he did. I think you're reasoning for Stalin being worse is flawed too. Stalin killed twice as many people, that's the only reason I'd consider him worse. Hitler stripped people of their religion, dignity and humanity. The things he did to them were beyond ruthless and disgusting. There was much more going on there than "what's best for Germany". You don't starve people, burn them alive and torture them simply because its for the "best."

TheDonald 01-26-2008 10:45 PM

Apparently theres a man on the internet named Raygold who is the world's largest distributor of child pornography. I hope he burns in hell for exploiting the innocence of children. He has got to be the worst person ever.

Lizzie 01-26-2008 10:48 PM

^I still don't understand how people can honeslty beleive that people who do thing like that are worse than people who have killedl millions upon millions of people.

TheDonald 01-26-2008 10:51 PM

So you think killing jews is worse than raping children? Sounds like a lose-lose situation to me.

Predator 01-26-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 435945)
I really don't think Hitler's intentions matter to what he did. I think you're reasoning for Stalin being worse is flawed too. Stalin killed twice as many people, that's the only reason I'd consider him worse. Hitler stripped people of their religion, dignity and humanity. The things he did to them were beyond ruthless and disgusting. There was much more going on there than "what's best for Germany". You don't starve people, burn them alive and torture them simply because its for the "best."

I agree 100%. Mostly with the parts I made bold. There is no excuse or reason ever to commit these crimes. I hope that both burn in hell for the rest of eternity. If I were to shoot somebody while robbing a bank, or shoot somebody while they were breaking into my house, I still have shot somebody. I can feel better about myself for defending my home, but I have still shot somebody. I don't think that his reasoning makes his choice any better. I am only saying that I don't believe that Hitlers choices were made with 100% malevolent intent. The outcome was just as evil, and again, I am not defending his actions at all. Hitler was not strictly concerned with his own well being as Stalin was.

sleepy jack 01-26-2008 11:55 PM

I see, nevermind my post than.


Originally Posted by TheDonald (Post 435953)
So you think killing jews is worse than raping children? Sounds like a lose-lose situation to me.

I don't think many things top systematic murder of a people based on nothing more than their beliefs. Raping children is pretty close but you said distributor, distributing child porn is despicable but it's not worse than the actual act of raping or killing millions of people.

Strummer521 01-27-2008 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 436007)
I see, nevermind my post than.

I don't think many things top systematic murder of a people based on nothing more than their beliefs. Raping children is pretty close but you said distributor, distributing child porn is despicable but it's not worse than the actual act of raping or killing millions of people.

I don't really see how it's worth attributing a value system to things like this. It's almost impossible anyway. The distribution of child porn makes it into something of an underground industry. So is the act of molestation really worse than something which possibly makes the act lucrative and thus increases motivation for performing the act tenfold?

And think of this. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions of people. While Charles Manson was responsible for far fewer deaths, he would have probably caused as many as Hitler had he the chance. I don't think we should rate killers by their statistics. It's kind of a situation where it's best not to give them the satisfaction, I guess.

Let's just all agree that certain things (rape, murder, bubble gum flavored children's Tylenol) are just really bad and it's not really necessary to compare them. At least not on such a grand scale. Obviously the courts need to do so to administer punishments, but the degrees to which these things are to be weighed is an issue too complex and obscure for us to consider in our daily lives. As long as we understand that it's bad...we're all set.

The Unfan 01-27-2008 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Strummer521 (Post 436021)
Let's just all agree that certain things (rape, murder, bubble gum flavored children's Tylenol) are just really bad and it's not really necessary to compare them. At least not on such a grand scale. Obviously the courts need to do so to administer punishments, but the degrees to which these things are to be weighed is an issue too complex and obscure for us to consider in our daily lives. As long as we understand that it's bad...we're all set.

Nope, I'm not agreeing to this statement. Understanding the legal system and why it works the way it does is a very important part of the political climate, and thus understanding it should be important to all of us. Knowing how to gauge just and fair, and understanding your rights and the rights of everyone around and why those rights belong to said people is important. Just agreeing to something being bad doesn't really prove that it is bad. The standard on which things should be judged should be known by the general populace or the legal system can become very corrupt very quick.

dog 01-27-2008 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by lucylamppost (Post 435267)
Nothing is wrong with Ono ....she is not a bad person

I know that when I say this
I may be stepping on pins and needles.
But I dont like all these people
Slagging her for breaking up the beatles.
(dont blame it on yokey!)
If I was john and you were yoko,
I would gladly give up musical genius,
Just to have you as my very own, personal venus.

i agree, all yoko did was love john. she kinda took advantage of john's fame to sell lennon based products, which included imagine baby clothes and toys. which i thought was a horrible thing to do. but i dont hate her, i definately dont think she should die.

TheDonald 01-27-2008 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Lizzie (Post 435949)
^I still don't understand how people can honeslty beleive that people who do thing like that are worse than people who have killedl millions upon millions of people.

I was just throwin it out there...

right-track 01-27-2008 05:09 AM

Catholic priests should be included in this poll.
The ones that hide behind the church, using it as a smokescreen for their sick and perverted lifestyles.
These people are the lowest form of life.

British_pharaoh 01-27-2008 06:16 AM

Pol pot

anticipation 01-27-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Halfa (Post 435907)
its just the way he died is really really creepy. But Russia for the longest time (not sure about now) he was thought of as the VERY embodiment of evil, and that he had used that evil power to become the adviser to the Czar. Apparently Rasputin prayed and caused the Czar's son's illness to be sick, and he became the advisor to the Czar. But because the Czar didnt release to the public that his son was sick, many people questioned Rasputin being an advisor to Nicolas. Anyhow...there are all sorts of creepy stories that revolved around him...and he overindulged that a lot

Nicolas brought Rasputin in to cure his son, which he did. That's how he became the advisor to the Czar. Honestly, Rasputin is nothing more than a folk hero that is often looked harshly upon because of his close relationship with Nicolas, and held as a scapegoat for some of the Czar's more idiotic actions. To say that he is the embodiment of evil in russia is preposterous, considering that Stalin, Lenin, and Ivan the Terrible were all far worse men.

TheDonald 01-27-2008 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 436007)
I see, nevermind my post than.

I don't think many things top systematic murder of a people based on nothing more than their beliefs. Raping children is pretty close but you said distributor, distributing child porn is despicable but it's not worse than the actual act of raping or killing millions of people.

True, I guess I was assuming the child pornography he was distributing was of him doing the acts as well. Either way, it's dispicable.

While Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc were undoubtedly pure evil, I still put these child molesters ahead of them on this list, just hear me out.

There's no doubt that what Hitler did was horrific, but in his mind, he thought he was doing what was right. In his eyes, he was purifying the earth. While it is obvious that he was wrong, in his eyes he wasn't. Now, child pornography/molesters. There is no way to justify these actions. There is no one who can try to say that this is okay to do.

Now both the genocidal maniacs and the child molesters deserve to burn in hell. I'm in no way condoning the actions of Hitler, Stalin, etc, and it may be comparing apples to oranges, but I'm just trying to show my train of thought on the subject.

The Unfan 01-27-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by TheDonald (Post 436136)
There's no doubt that what Hitler did was horrific, but in his mind, he thought he was doing what was right. In his eyes, he was purifying the earth. While it is obvious that he was wrong, in his eyes he wasn't. Now, child pornography/molesters. There is no way to justify these actions. There is no one who can try to say that this is okay to do.

Just trying to show love to the child.

TheDonald 01-27-2008 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 436142)
Just trying to show love to the child.

Bullsh*t, they can tell themself that if they want, but I doubt they truly believe it. They are just pathetic excuses for human beings.


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 436191)

There is no one who can see child pornography as just another fetish and not particularly "wrong", but it's absolutely feasible that someone could think it's alright to slaughter six million people because of their personal beliefs.

I can't think of any plausible reason for someone to consider child pornography a "fetish." And I'm just trying to say that in Hitler's eyes he thought he was doing something for the good of the world. He ACTUALLY thought he was helping. How can someone molesting a child possibly tell themself that they are helping the child?

Lizzie 01-27-2008 12:40 PM

Oh right, so as long as the person thinks that it is okay in their own eyes, that means that it is not purely evil and disguisting? There is NO excuse for slaughtering million of people, no excuse, and I don't care What Hitler thought was right or not, it still makes him (in my books) one of the worst people ever to live.

TheDonald 01-27-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lizzie (Post 436207)
Oh right, so as long as the person thinks that it is okay in their own eyes, that means that it is not purely evil and disguisting? There is NO excuse for slaughtering million of people, no excuse, and I don't care What Hitler thought was right or not, it still makes him (in my books) one of the worst people ever to live.

This thread is pointless. It just makes it look like I'm defending Hitler and you're defending child molesters. It's retarded.

Predator 01-27-2008 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by TheDonald (Post 436136)
There's no doubt that what Hitler did was horrific, but in his mind, he thought he was doing what was right. In his eyes, he was purifying the earth. While it is obvious that he was wrong, in his eyes he wasn't. Now, child pornography/molesters. There is no way to justify these actions. There is no one who can try to say that this is okay to do.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong. In the same way as Hitler thought there was nothing wrong with what he did, there are many child molesters that feel there is nothing wrong with what they do..
In a project I was forced to do for Psych 201, I discovered a very disturbing fact. There was a point when homosexuality was considered a mental disorder. There was also a time when pedophiles were classified the in much the same way. It was a class of sexual disorders. As time went on, our society became more accepting of "disorders" such as homosexuality and it was removed from the list. Now I was lucky enough to be able to review case study files from my professors office. He treated many people that were convicted of sex crimes. What I found was that only about 50% of child molesters thought what they did was wrong prior to treatment. Half tend to struggle with what they have done because they know that it is wrong. The other half hide what they do because they know that society will not accept it. Now to explain why I brought up homosexuality as a mental disorder. One of my Professors clinic assistants that was involved with group sessions with child molesters was ***. He was not the kind of person to hide it. He was told by a child molester that 50 years ago, they were in the same class of sexual deviants. In time his sexual preference would come to be accepted the same as homosexuality. Tell me that this would come out of the mouth of somebody that feels wrong about what they did. This is not an uncommon perception among untreated pedophiles. Anyone can rationalize what they do. It doesn't make it right. But it is in their mind.

TheDonald 01-27-2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Predator (Post 436217)
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. In the same way as Hitler thought there was nothing wrong with what he did, there are many child molesters that feel there is nothing wrong with what they do..
In a project I was forced to do for Psych 201, I discovered a very disturbing fact. There was a point when homosexuality was considered a mental disorder. There was also a time when pedophiles were classified the in much the same way. It was a class of sexual disorders. As time went on, our society became more accepting of "disorders" such as homosexuality and it was removed from the list. Now I was lucky enough to be able to review case study files from my professors office. He treated many people that were convicted of sex crimes. What I found was that only about 50% of child molesters thought what they did was wrong prior to treatment. Half tend to struggle with what they have done because they know that it is wrong. The other half hide what they do because they know that society will not accept it. Now to explain why I brought up homosexuality as a mental disorder. One of my Professors clinic assistants that was involved with group sessions with child molesters was ***. He was not the kind of person to hide it. He was told by a child molester that 50 years ago, they were in the same class of sexual deviants. In time his sexual preference would come to be accepted the same as homosexuality. Tell me that this would come out of the mouth of somebody that feels wrong about what they did. This is not an uncommon perception among untreated pedophiles. Anyone can rationalize what they do. It doesn't make it right. But it is in their mind.

I may have been wrong to speak in absolutes, so let me re-phrase it. I cannot fathom of any way for someone to justify child molestation.

And don't compare pedophilia with homosexuality, they are completely different. Just b/c homosexuality has come to be accepted does not mean that pedophilia will.

cardboard adolescent 01-27-2008 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Predator (Post 436217)
Anyone can rationalize what they do. It doesn't make it right. But it is in their mind.

What does make it right? Ultimately what dictates whether or not a person's actions were right or wrong is the decision YOU make, which is just as biased as the judgments of the person in question.

So, just because a pedophile believes his actions to be right, you think they're wrong, I think any judgment is arbitrary, there's no way for any of us to prove his opinion to the others.

right-track 01-27-2008 01:02 PM

Homosexuality is not a mental illness and thankfully it has been accepted (although not fully by the mentally challenged).
Child abuse is an abomination. Whether or not it is caused by mental illness is academic when you equate it with the ordeal suffered by it's victims.

Predator 01-27-2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by TheDonald (Post 436229)
And don't compare pedophilia with homosexuality, they are completely different. Just b/c homosexuality has come to be accepted does not mean that pedophilia will.

I am not comparing homosexuality to pedophilia. I am simply stating what I found while researching a project. 50 years ago society generally viewed both in the same light. Some people still do today. Homosexuality was once viewed as a mental disorder. The general social view was that pedophiles and homosexuals wanted nothing more than to harm your children. Today we know this is not the case. Our social views have changed for the better.


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 436236)
What does make it right? Ultimately what dictates whether or not a person's actions were right or wrong is the decision YOU make, which is just as biased as the judgments of the person in question.

So, just because a pedophile believes his actions to be right, you think they're wrong, I think any judgment is arbitrary, there's no way for any of us to prove his opinion to the others.

This is true. Our own upbringing and morals dictate what we see as right and wrong. A child that is raised in an abusive home is more likely to become an abuser. That same person is also likely to see nothing wrong their abuse. A child raised by alcoholics is likely to become an alcoholic and see it as normal. A child that is sexually abused may grow up with no thought that it was and is wrong. Our general social views say that pedophilia is wrong and a crime. History does not always tell the same story. At many points a society has seen it as normal for men to only have sex with women to reproduce. Young children were there for general sexual pleasure. It is disgusting and wrong, but they did not see it that way.

Dr_Rez 01-27-2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by The-Starving-Artless (Post 435785)
you read a book, dip****, his name was pol pot.

Ya don't have to be a Jackass because of two letters...

Find something better to do.

Kevorkian Logic 01-27-2008 04:13 PM

my other vote goes to my ex, I don't want to get into what he did though.

anticipation 01-28-2008 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 436236)
What does make it right? Ultimately what dictates whether or not a person's actions were right or wrong is the decision YOU make, which is just as biased as the judgments of the person in question.

So, just because a pedophile believes his actions to be right, you think they're wrong, I think any judgment is arbitrary, there's no way for any of us to prove his opinion to the others.


Halfa 01-28-2008 04:50 PM

and ultimately not all pedophiles are ALL either. Look at Pete Townshend.

then again if u dont like The Who my point is moot......

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 01-28-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 436346)
Ya don't have to be a Jackass because of two letters...

Find something better to do.

And YOU don't have to be a jackass because someone may not have heard of someone. Not only that, get your facts right before you tell other people what they should do.

Make me.

swim 01-28-2008 05:32 PM

santa clause

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 01-28-2008 05:49 PM

Here are a few others worth consideration:

Fred Phelps
Ann Coulter
Glenn Beck
Bill O' Reilly

I still haven't figured out why people have these shows where they ask guests to come on their show, and then as soon as they start to say something, they interrupt them. Like last night, I watched that Glenn Beck guy. He invited a guy on his show who supports immigration reform. Here's how the interview went down.

Beck: I wish all those damn Mexicans would get the hell out of our country.
Guest: I see what you're saying-
Beck: Lies, lies, lies, lies. So you actually think Mexicans should be allowed to stay here, just because we've screwed up their economy worse than it already was in the early 90's?
Guest: Well, as you said,
Beck: Oh, c'mon we both know that's a lie. And I will not sit here and let you try to get more than two words in, while I, this loud and obnoxious American will SMASH ......... MY ............. FIST ......... ON ........... THIS .......... DESK! 'WAHOO' chimes in swath of conservative, blind patriotic Americans everywhere.

sleepy jack 01-28-2008 06:20 PM

Fun fact: Ann Coulter actually has a penis.

Dr_Rez 01-28-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by The-Starving-Artless (Post 437033)
And YOU don't have to be a jackass because someone may not have heard of someone. Not only that, get your facts right before you tell other people what they should do.

Make me.

It was stressing the fact of how bad he was, and did not personally attack anyone.

Take the stick out of your ass...please

TheDonald 01-28-2008 07:31 PM

Women can be quite evil, can we vote for an entire sex?

*Don't hate me ladies, I just don't understand you sometimes*

tkpb938 01-28-2008 07:39 PM


Beck: I wish all those damn Mexicans would get the hell out of our country.
Guest: I see what you're saying-
Beck: Lies, lies, lies, lies. So you actually think Mexicans should be allowed to stay here, just because we've screwed up their economy worse than it already was in the early 90's?
Guest: Well, as you said,
Beck: Oh, c'mon we both know that's a lie. And I will not sit here and let you try to get more than two words in, while I, this loud and obnoxious American will SMASH ......... MY ............. FIST ......... ON ........... THIS .......... DESK! 'WAHOO' chimes in swath of conservative, blind patriotic Americans everywhere.
Wow... People like that are the reason I want to move to a better country when I'm older. Why can't people share the wealth? Pfff, its not like we don't have anything and everything we could ever want to the point where its actually self-destructive anyway. (note the sarcasm).

Besides, most of the Mexicans who come to the US illegaly are just trying to find a better place for themselves and their families... Just imagine being in a situation where you could work yourself to death everyday trying to get food on the table and still not have enough to feed your kids.

Sigh... such selfishness makes me sad :(

tkpb938 01-28-2008 07:40 PM


Women can be quite evil, can we vote for an entire sex?

*Don't hate me ladies, I just don't understand you sometimes*
Evil? No.
Complicated? Yes.

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