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Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 02:44 PM

Church is the porn industry's best friend
Here's my idea: You can take it at face value, or toss it down the drain, whatever.

Back during the Reagan years, American leaders were looking for some way, and any way to bolster the American economy. If there's one thing we just can't get enough of, it's money. So, they started to think about how to make more money. They looked at China and India, and saw billions of people living there, and for the most part peacefully, while not necessarily with great financial results in those times.

The U.S. said, 'Hey, we're already teaching half the kids in school that they're losers, and that society has no use for them, other than mindless, boring, grunt work. Why don't we just continue to build, and capitalize on the industrial sector, by making more and more of those losers?' And so it begain, IMO, that around this time, they began heavily selling sex on T.V., in magazines, and all over billboards across America. We were beginning to be bombarded with sex, left and right. You practically couldn't walk out of your house without thinking about sex.

This also coincided with the time that evangelists starting getting bigger and crazier. Church this, and church that, and they day of reckoning, and worship Jesus or you're going to hell.

The D.A.R.E. programs in schools are just a sociological experiment. They were set up to see how much kids are effected by moral policing, and it doesn't work. Just about every kid I knew in the D.A.R.E. program ended up taking drugs. It's mostly just because when society tells us something is wrong, we become interested in it, and want to try it. We want to see what the hubbub is about. We want to see why some people say it's so great, and why some people say, it's so awful.

So it goes with the church, and its message of abstinence from pre-marital sex. Personally, I just think it's a massive conspiracy by the government. Here, we have this huge portion of society, the Christians, telling us love god, and love jesus, and turn from sin. Don't be of sin, don't be of the flesh. And then, you take a stroll through the downtown portion of anyone of our major cities, and you see billboards, and pictures of half-clad beautiful women drinking beers. Somehow, it just doesn't make any sense.

That's why I say that it's not just a coincidence. I say that it is a preoccupance of the ultra-capitalist R to continually jam messages of abstinence in our ears, and then ensuring that CIA/government driven media continues to bombard us with sexually driven commercials and aesthetics in our eyes. All this confusion causes a mental combustion, that makes your head want to explode. Either that, or you want to rebel by going out and doing the thing they say is wrong, don't you? don't you? Remember, it is the R who wants to do away with abortion, and sex education.

It's all a plan to get mindless twats who can't think for themselves to be overcome with the feeling that if you're not down with sex, you're somehow not with it. You're not down. You're not in with the in crowd. You're not living the life that those cool, sexy people on the commercials are living. And so, you have no choice. Your book smarts wave bye-bye to you long ago, and now, all you can do is try to be hip, and be with it, because if you're not doing that, what are you going to be doing?

What I'm trying to say with this rant is that sometimes the best intentioned plans, if only highly deceitful, can have unintended consequences. So, we're able to produce more humans in this country. Many times the most helpless and desperate people are the ones that end of having babies. Why, you ask? Well, because they need company, in the form of a baby, in the form of an otherwise dead-beat dad, whoever. Our sex-starved society has also taken on the notion that sex is a form of love, where only love is love, and when true love is achieved, sex can transcend that love.

Many of the children of these desperate individuals end up being walking crime kinetics. It's not even their fault is what's sad. It's not really even the parent's fault. The government needs to wake up, and realize that people are not as strong and smart as they used to be in making choices. They need to realize that we only need a super cross-country encompassing stupid breed, if we were able to all make it work. It's starting to not work as well.

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 02:46 PM

One giant problem with religion being a huge government conspiracy is this: religion is older than government. Which pretty much ruins most of your argument...Also the government doesn't belong in the home and I think the media is more to blame then them.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 02:53 PM

Yeah, so the church was around.
What I mean, is that the church changed back in the 1970's and 1980's.
What used to be an establishment of love and worship turned into all this fear-mongering which still exists today, and more prevalent than ever.

If I've said it once, I've said it a bunch-the CIA polices what goes on in the media.

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 03:00 PM

Uh the church was much more about eternal hell, damnation, fire and brimstone pre-1960s than it is now.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 03:05 PM

It's mostly a fool-proof theory, mostly.

Although, I haven't yet figured out why they're so against cloning. That seems to work against my theory.


they're afraid that we would first clone smart people, and there would be enough smart people to figure out what they were up to, and thus all their plans would be ruined, and smart people would finally rule the world.

if only

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 03:07 PM

Its not fool proof, you're basing it off misconceptions.

simplephysics 03-29-2008 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 460848)
It's mostly a fool-proof theory, mostly.

Although, I haven't yet figured out why they're so against cloning.

Because cloning goes against nature in everyway possible?

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 460851)
Its not fool proof, you're basing it off misconceptions.

O.K. you could take my whole church arument completely out of the equation. What would you be left with?

You'd still be left with the fact that during the 1980's, advertisers began emphasizing sex much more heavily to make their product appealing.

I throw church into the argument, because the church and the government are in cahoots. It doesn't matter whether you like to admit it or not. They have the big time evangelists of the day-the Jimmy Swaggerts, the Jerry Falwells-these are the people that Christians listen to. It's not without exception, but for the most part, a lot of the preachers in churches try to mimick in some ways these well known preachers, through message and attitude. This is where many Christians get their idea of living ethically - from the well known evangelists. So, if they see Falwell on T.V. talking about how ***s are going to hell, they believe it, and the more extremist ones expect their own preacher to embody those sentiments.

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 03:28 PM

Christians tend to believe the bible more than they believe Falwell. When they see statements like "man should not lie with a man as man lies with a woman" etc that's what gives the incentive to be homophobic. If some well respected Billy Graham figure were to go on and make up something with no biblical backing and try and pass it off as biblical most christians wouldn't listen. Once again, you're basing all the religious stuff in here off of your own misconceptions. Churchs were not places of love and acceptance until the 70s/80s. I mean look at some of the things the Roman Catholic Church did throughout its history and tell me that was a place of acceptance and love. Church is also still older than government so saying the church is just a government conspiracy is ridiculous.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 03:48 PM

Yes, and I'm asserting that our churches in this country were fine, until government came and stuck it's head in.

This country places money ahead of God, and we, for the most part, are willing to do anything to make a buck, even if it means turning friendly religious radio hosts into for-profit enterprises, or prompting big religious leaders to drive home certain biblical messages that better suit the government's agendas.

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 03:59 PM

If the government is behind all the ideals the christians are preaching why is abortion legal? Why has Massachusetts been allowed to legalize same-sex marriage? And several other states have also created a legal union (though not marriage which is bullshit) between same-sex couples. If the government is the driving force behind christian homophobia and they're very right-wing agendas why is all this being allowed? Your "rant" isn't very logical or thought-out.

cardboard adolescent 03-29-2008 04:03 PM

It's just plain stupid.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 04:09 PM

I just made that Jerry Falwell comment to point out how big of an impact the big religious leaders of the day can have on regular Christians. The *** argument doesn't have anything to do with the point I was making.
Remember, the government can use religious leaders to drive home points that can help their agendas. How would being anti-*** help their agenda? Well, other than less procreation, it wouldn't really. So, I'm sure the evagnelists have some thoughts of their own, but if an agent walked up to you and handed you a check for a million dollars wouldn't you start spouting off nonsense abstinence messages, and saying people who have pre-marital sex are going to hell.

Look, you can sit here, and dispute every little thing I said in the argument, but the point is that I'm not going to compromise my beliefs for some ultra-religious, R-wing nut job like yourself............

I mean, hey wait a second..........
What is your deal? You're not pro-government or pro-organized religion. Why are you arguing?

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 460888)
It's just plain stupid.

Yeah, stupid like a fox.

cardboard adolescent 03-29-2008 04:49 PM

Stupid like a chicken with its head cut off.

swim 03-29-2008 05:12 PM

I think I got dumber from reading this thread. By deductive reasoning Used2lguy is the government.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-29-2008 05:50 PM

I'll tell you what's stupid is trying to have an argument with people who only want to find flaws in your argument, and never say, 'hey I agree with that idea',
but I hardly doubt any of you could honestly say that church does not help out the porn industry. I'm not even taking a stance against porn. I just find it interesting that if more people quit going to church, and we weren't so fanatical about religion, the porn industry would tank. It's interesting to me, sociologically. Sorry, if I made any of you think.

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 06:04 PM

There is no logical argument or factual backing to anything you're saying at all.

cardboard adolescent 03-29-2008 08:01 PM

Obviously making something taboo is going to drive people towards it, that's fine. It's when you start making irrational leaps where correlation all of a sudden equals causation that people lose interest in your argument. All of the phenomena you've described have very simple explanations, and you're clearly violating Occam's razor by trying to draw larger conclusions that aren't warranted.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-29-2008 08:20 PM


I just find it interesting that if more people quit going to church, and we weren't so fanatical about religion, the porn industry would tank.

Yes of course you are right. How horny you get has everything to do with how often you go to church.

chartsengrafs 03-29-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 460852)
Because cloning goes against nature in everyway possible?

care to explain that?

cardboard adolescent 03-29-2008 11:53 PM

It's true, in a sense because nature is too disordered to generate perfect replicas. But just because it's counter to nature doesn't make it bad.

tkpb938 03-30-2008 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 461047)
It's true, in a sense because nature is too disordered to generate perfect replicas. But just because it's counter to nature doesn't make it bad.

Counter to nature is usually bad in my book...

cardboard adolescent 03-30-2008 01:08 AM

then i suggest you smash your computer because that certainly didn't grow out of anything natural

tkpb938 03-30-2008 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 461066)
then i suggest you smash your computer because that certainly didn't grow out of anything natural

I probably should... Computers are self-destructive for me.

chartsengrafs 03-30-2008 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 461047)
It's true, in a sense because nature is too disordered to generate perfect replicas. But just because it's counter to nature doesn't make it bad.

nature is too disordered to make perfect replicas? can you give me some sort of fact to back up this claim? because.. i might be wrong, but i'm pretty sure that cells replicate themselves all the time. also... can you disprove the contention that my heart and your heart are any more different to one another than a human clone would be to a regular joe?

Gackt21 03-30-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 460835)
Here's my idea: You can take it at face value, or toss it down the drain, whatever.

Back during the Reagan years, American leaders were looking for some way, and any way to bolster the American economy. If there's one thing we just can't get enough of, it's money. So, they started to think about how to make more money. They looked at China and India, and saw billions of people living there, and for the most part peacefully, while not necessarily with great financial results in those times.

The U.S. said, 'Hey, we're already teaching half the kids in school that they're losers, and that society has no use for them, other than mindless, boring, grunt work. Why don't we just continue to build, and capitalize on the industrial sector, by making more and more of those losers?' And so it begain, IMO, that around this time, they began heavily selling sex on T.V., in magazines, and all over billboards across America. We were beginning to be bombarded with sex, left and right. You practically couldn't walk out of your house without thinking about sex.

This also coincided with the time that evangelists starting getting bigger and crazier. Church this, and church that, and they day of reckoning, and worship Jesus or you're going to hell.

The D.A.R.E. programs in schools are just a sociological experiment. They were set up to see how much kids are effected by moral policing, and it doesn't work. Just about every kid I knew in the D.A.R.E. program ended up taking drugs. It's mostly just because when society tells us something is wrong, we become interested in it, and want to try it. We want to see what the hubbub is about. We want to see why some people say it's so great, and why some people say, it's so awful.

So it goes with the church, and its message of abstinence from pre-marital sex. Personally, I just think it's a massive conspiracy by the government. Here, we have this huge portion of society, the Christians, telling us love god, and love jesus, and turn from sin. Don't be of sin, don't be of the flesh. And then, you take a stroll through the downtown portion of anyone of our major cities, and you see billboards, and pictures of half-clad beautiful women drinking beers. Somehow, it just doesn't make any sense.

That's why I say that it's not just a coincidence. I say that it is a preoccupance of the ultra-capitalist R to continually jam messages of abstinence in our ears, and then ensuring that CIA/government driven media continues to bombard us with sexually driven commercials and aesthetics in our eyes. All this confusion causes a mental combustion, that makes your head want to explode. Either that, or you want to rebel by going out and doing the thing they say is wrong, don't you? don't you? Remember, it is the R who wants to do away with abortion, and sex education.

It's all a plan to get mindless twats who can't think for themselves to be overcome with the feeling that if you're not down with sex, you're somehow not with it. You're not down. You're not in with the in crowd. You're not living the life that those cool, sexy people on the commercials are living. And so, you have no choice. Your book smarts wave bye-bye to you long ago, and now, all you can do is try to be hip, and be with it, because if you're not doing that, what are you going to be doing?

What I'm trying to say with this rant is that sometimes the best intentioned plans, if only highly deceitful, can have unintended consequences. So, we're able to produce more humans in this country. Many times the most helpless and desperate people are the ones that end of having babies. Why, you ask? Well, because they need company, in the form of a baby, in the form of an otherwise dead-beat dad, whoever. Our sex-starved society has also taken on the notion that sex is a form of love, where only love is love, and when true love is achieved, sex can transcend that love.

Many of the children of these desperate individuals end up being walking crime kinetics. It's not even their fault is what's sad. It's not really even the parent's fault. The government needs to wake up, and realize that people are not as strong and smart as they used to be in making choices. They need to realize that we only need a super cross-country encompassing stupid breed, if we were able to all make it work. It's starting to not work as well.

I think you hit everything that I am frustrated with my country about. Oh and why don't we add undereducated thanks to government schools.

tkpb938 03-30-2008 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by chartsengrafs (Post 461087)
nature is too disordered to make perfect replicas? can you give me some sort of fact to back up this claim? because.. i might be wrong, but i'm pretty sure that cells replicate themselves all the time. also... can you disprove the contention that my heart and your heart are any more different to one another than a human clone would be to a regular joe?

It doesn't matter, the point is that we don't fully understand the implications of cloning humans on a large scale because its never been done, and could possibly be taken advantage of just like every other technology out there.

chiron 03-30-2008 11:49 AM

Some people should try to use wikipedia before mouthing off :p

tkpb938 03-30-2008 12:53 PM

Me or Used21Guy?

swim 03-30-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 461047)
It's true, in a sense because nature is too disordered to generate perfect replicas. But just because it's counter to nature doesn't make it bad.

Counter to nature is bad in the church's eyes. I think that was the original point. Maybe.


Originally Posted by chartsengrafs (Post 461087)
nature is too disordered to make perfect replicas? can you give me some sort of fact to back up this claim? because.. i might be wrong, but i'm pretty sure that cells replicate themselves all the time. also... can you disprove the contention that my heart and your heart are any more different to one another than a human clone would be to a regular joe?

Everytime dna replicates itself it changes slightly from it's original form. Meaning not exact replica.

TheBig3 03-30-2008 03:18 PM

What makes you so sure that the government runs things now? (with regard to the church?)

I mean evangelicals for years stayed away from politics because it was corrupted.

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-30-2008 06:55 PM

to gackt21:
Yeah, that's true. I think most people just automatically assume that in this day and age of technological achievement, we're smarter than we used to be. However, the average person is less smart than the average person of 50 years ago, and the illiteracy rate in this country has jumped from roughly 1%, to nearly 20% over the past 50 years.


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 461248)
What makes you so sure that the government runs things now? (with regard to the church?)

I mean evangelicals for years stayed away from politics because it was corrupted.

That's how conservative politics have recaptured America. Regardless of how great the economy was in the 1990's, people were apalled by Clinton's behavior, and immorality. I really think that Christians all over the country just took it upon themselves to elect whoever was running as R in the year 2000, regardless of how braindead he was.

That was the message in the early 1990's, when abortion became such a huge issue. Republicans took the moral stance and moral approach. Many people feel it was their duty to vote Republican on account of that issue alone, to be good citizens and good Christians. Then Clinton comes along with all his sexcapades in the late 90's, and it was the nail in the coffin of the Democratic party. David Duke could have won president in 2000 for the R's. Now, you've got George W. Bush and Sean Hannity constantly thumping the bible, and making the good Christians feel like voting Democrat is a sheer act of betrayal, and sacrilege. That, and you know they're in bed with the major religious leaders. Now you've got John McCain meeting with the most despicable, apocalyptic-forecasting, homophobic religious leader, that guy in San Antonio, what's his name.

I know that was pretty anti-climactic, sorry.

Gackt21 03-30-2008 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by TheUsed2lguy (Post 461461)
to gackt21:
Yeah, that's true. I think most people just automatically assume that in this day and age of technological achievement, we're smarter than we used to be. However, the average person is less smart than the average person of 50 years ago, and the illiteracy rate in this country has jumped from roughly 1%, to nearly 20% over the past 50 years.

I thought it was worse than that but I was not sure if was that much or more. Thanks for that.


That's how conservative politics have recaptured America. Regardless of how great the economy was in the 1990's, people were apalled by Clinton's behavior, and immorality. I really think that Christians all over the country just took it upon themselves to elect whoever was running as R in the year 2000, regardless of how braindead he was.

That was the message in the early 1990's, when abortion became such a huge issue. Republicans took the moral stance and moral approach. Many people feel it was their duty to vote Republican on account of that issue alone, to be good citizens and good Christians. Then Clinton comes along with all his sexcapades in the late 90's, and it was the nail in the coffin of the Democratic party. David Duke could have won president in 2000 for the R's. Now, you've got George W. Bush and Sean Hannity constantly thumping the bible, and making the good Christians feel like voting Democrat is a sheer act of betrayal, and sacrilege. That, and you know they're in bed with the major religious leaders. Now you've got John McCain meeting with the most despicable, apocalyptic-forecasting, homophobic religious leader, that guy in San Antonio, what's his name.

I know that was pretty anti-climactic, sorry.
I think Americans are finally pissed off enough that things will start changing. I am so sick of the same non believer talk.

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