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mr dave 01-19-2009 05:37 PM

i was wondering where the 'holy bacon wrap' was hehe

while it's easy for a skinny / athletic person to say 'suck it up and get therapy' the reality is generally a little more complicated. yes there are some lazy gluttonous fatties out there, but there are also plenty of people who simply cannot become skinny regardless of therapy and exercise.

i used to think the same way years ago. then i had to start watching a morbidly obese person walking to the bus stop every couple of mornings to get to the hospital. it's pretty sad to watch someone NEED to take a break twice while walking across a parking lot. this person should have been on a motorized scooter but instead took the initiative to try walking with a cane.

consider the self-loathing you would feel at having to see dozens of people who can move about without effort seeing you take a breather before getting halfway across the parking lot. then knowing they can hear you straining for breath as they try to avoid eye contact with you as you slowly walk by them, and that's when you're actually TRYING to do something about it.

eating healthy is also a lot more complicated than it seems if you've never learned how to shop for groceries or how to cook. for a skinny person to write it off as just some sort of emotional baggage that needs to be addressed and then *poof* not obese anymore makes me hope that person breaks their legs and gains 100lbs during the recovery process.

jibber 01-19-2009 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 581679)
i was wondering where the 'holy bacon wrap' was hehe

while it's easy for a skinny / athletic person to say 'suck it up and get therapy' the reality is generally a little more complicated. yes there are some lazy gluttonous fatties out there, but there are also plenty of people who simply cannot become skinny regardless of therapy and exercise.

i used to think the same way years ago. then i had to start watching a morbidly obese person walking to the bus stop every couple of mornings to get to the hospital. it's pretty sad to watch someone NEED to take a break twice while walking across a parking lot. this person should have been on a motorized scooter but instead took the initiative to try walking with a cane.

consider the self-loathing you would feel at having to see dozens of people who can move about without effort seeing you take a breather before getting halfway across the parking lot. then knowing they can hear you straining for breath as they try to avoid eye contact with you as you slowly walk by them, and that's when you're actually TRYING to do something about it.

eating healthy is also a lot more complicated than it seems if you've never learned how to shop for groceries or how to cook. for a skinny person to write it off as just some sort of emotional baggage that needs to be addressed and then *poof* not obese anymore makes me hope that person breaks their legs and gains 100lbs during the recovery process.

Oh get off your moral high horse. And for the record, I tore my acl and spent 4 months on crutches, didn't gain a pound. Yes, I have pity for the people who are morbidly obese and physically can not walk more than 50 metres without having to stop. however, they still have to eat and ENORMOUS amount of food to maintain that weight, even without exercise at all. This is what I simply can not understand. Just don't eat as much. Go to a therapist to figure out what it is that is making you abuse food so much, and get help. It baffles me that people value their health so little as to even get to that point in the first place.

And as for education, that's a crock of sh*t. It doesn't take a genius to know that deep fried stuff is not going to be healthy. Everyone in the western world understands the concept of eating less and exercising to stay healthy. Maybe they just don't want to put the effort in, maybe they've gotten to the point where they have an addiction to food (see above paragraph about going to a therapist) but I just can't believe that with ALL the resources that are out there, that they actually dont know what is healthy and what isn't.

Sneer 01-19-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kirby (Post 581068)
I'm overweight, and I love it.

I'm just curious, why?

NSW 01-19-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 581584)
I made myself a black forest gateaux style cheesecake yesterday :D

Marry me??

Kirby 01-19-2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 581688)
I'm just curious, why?

There's nothing wrong with it.

I'm comfortable like this.
It makes it harder for me to get cold.
Girls like to hug me because I'm warm / soft. [high five]
People usually don't mess with me.
It's easy for people to notice me (good, because I dont like to start conversations)

It's just fun. :tramp:

jibber 01-19-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kirby (Post 581719)
There's nothing wrong with it.

I'm comfortable like this.
It makes it harder for me to get cold.
Girls like to hug me because I'm warm / soft. [high five]
People usually don't mess with me.
It's easy for people to notice me (good, because I dont like to start conversations)

It's just fun. :tramp:

I can understand all that, but don't you worry about the health issues associated withe being overweight?

For me, it's all about the health issues. I've got cancer, heart disease, and diabetes coming at me from both sides of the family, and carrying extra weight increases your chances for all of these. So I feel like I need to do everything I possible can to try to stave off serious health issues.

Sneer 01-19-2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kirby (Post 581719)
There's nothing wrong with it.

I'm comfortable like this.
It makes it harder for me to get cold.
Girls like to hug me because I'm warm / soft. [high five]
People usually don't mess with me.
It's easy for people to notice me (good, because I dont like to start conversations)

It's just fun. :tramp:

If you're comfortable in your skin thats great, its a pet hate of mine when overweight people complain about their weight.

Do you not worry about your health?

Kirby 01-19-2009 07:53 PM

Only gonna live once.

Might as well be comfortable.

Sneer 01-19-2009 07:55 PM

I suppose the meaning of that phrase is relative to the individual

NSW 01-19-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by jibber (Post 580798)
Now, if it were me, I'd take the money and run. Granted I've never had a weight problem, but I also know that it's not hard to eat healthy and exercise enough. I also know that it's most likely an emotional issue, that something else is wrong that's causing people to overeat, but still, how hard is to to recognize you have a problem and fix it? Figure out what part of your life sucks balls and is making you bulldoze through 20 boxes of krispy cremes a week and fix it.

I completely agree with everything you are saying here. In essence, it not really not hard to eat healthy and exercise, and yes, for most people there are emotional issues involved in overeating. But...I do feel like you are minimizing the process of recognizing the problem and fixing it. It is hard because most overweight people deal with a deep-seated self-loathing that is not easy to shake. It's really not as easy as just recognizing that "Hey, I eat alot because my mom didn't hug me enough...screw that bitch. I'll just go buy some granola and go to the gym until I'm skinny and healthy again."


Another thing I just don't understand is how people can stand to be that unhealthy.
Most of them CAN'T stand to be that unhealthy.

I'm definitely not here to a person who has struggled with this though, I just want to say that basically what you are saying is's just not quite as simple to handle as you are thinking it should be, if that makes sense.

jibber 01-19-2009 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 581752)
I completely agree with everything you are saying here. In essence, it not really not hard to eat healthy and exercise, and yes, for most people there are emotional issues involved in overeating. But...I do feel like you are minimizing the process of recognizing the problem and fixing it. It is hard because most overweight people deal with a deep-seated self-loathing that is not easy to shake. It's really not as easy as just recognizing that "Hey, I eat alot because my mom didn't hug me enough...screw that bitch. I'll just go buy some granola and go to the gym until I'm skinny and healthy again."

Most of them CAN'T stand to be that unhealthy.

I'm definitely not here to a person who has struggled with this though, I just want to say that basically what you are saying is's just not quite as simple to handle as you are thinking it should be, if that makes sense.

No it makes perfect sense. And of course I know that any real deep-seated issue would take years to really address and start to heal. I've been there, just dealt with stuff in other ways than overeating (incidentally I usually deal with stress by running myself until I throw up).

I'm really only talking about the people who don't realize that there's something bigger going on than just really liking cake and burgers. I mean I know people who try every diet under the sun, get all pissed off when it doesnt work, and concentrate only on the food, and dont even RECOGNIZE that there's something deeper going on.

NSW 01-19-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by jibber (Post 581756)
No it makes perfect sense. And of course I know that any real deep-seated issue would take years to really address and start to heal. I've been there, just dealt with stuff in other ways than overeating (incidentally I usually deal with stress by running myself until I throw up).

I'm really only talking about the people who don't realize that there's something bigger going on than just really liking cake and burgers. I mean I know people who try every diet under the sun, get all pissed off when it doesnt work, and concentrate only on the food, and dont even RECOGNIZE that there's something deeper going on.

Yeah, I've tried the eating thing and the running thing...exercise is definitely the one of the best stress relievers out there. In fact I'm about to renew my gym membership tomorrow so I can get it out of my system.

I think I know what you're getting at though. It's a common problem with alot of people today, not just overeaters. 'Let me whine about the problem all day everyday without really trying to fix it, and maybe I'll wake up perfect tomorrow.' I can't stand those people.

jibber 01-19-2009 08:33 PM

^yeah running's great. well any kind of physical activity to get the endorphins going is the best stress reliever you can get. I just went for a run outside for the first time in months. Got up to 10 degrees so i went on the paths by the river here. nearly killed myself, there's definitely still a few patches of black ice, haha.

NSW 01-19-2009 08:53 PM

10 degrees?? Holy schmoe! Don't know if I could run in that...but I would love to live in an area where I had some nice scenery to look at while running. As it is now, I can't run in the evening alone without fear of being shanked. the city.

My plan is to move to Alaska one of these days. I love visiting my family up there because it's so different from where I live. When people want to have fun they go 4-wheeling and hiking and skiing...they don't go to the movies or bowling or whatever. I love it!

So yes, I'm totally jealous. :)

jibber 01-19-2009 08:58 PM

10 degrees celcius, it felt balmy. no gloves, no toque, just an earband, and only a long sleeved shirt and a really light shell jacket. its perfect weather cause you never really get hot, air is nice and crisp. If it stays like this for next weekend i'll be tempted to go paddling. my friends go kayaking if it gets to be 5 above 0, haha.

NSW 01-19-2009 09:03 PM

Ah...celsius...that's like 50 degrees F I think. That's perfect. :)

It was 72 F here today...too warm, but the sky was clear and there was a breeze so it wasn't so bad. I would have loved to have been walking around in the "woods" around my friends house.

But really, I hope it gets cold again soon. You 40 F, or 5 C, which is probably a muggy day to y'all.

jibber 01-19-2009 09:06 PM

yeah, like stated above, to some of my friends, 5 degrees C is warm enough to go kayaking in. It needs to get cold here, and start snowing again, we're hurting.

lucifer_sam 01-19-2009 09:10 PM

You can have the rust belt's weather over the last week. I walked to class in -25 degree weather on Friday.

simplephysics 01-19-2009 09:12 PM

No kidding, I never thought I would see the day when I would be excited about it being 20 degrees outside.

jibber 01-19-2009 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 581813)
You can have the rust belt's weather over the last week. I walked to class in -25 degree weather on Friday.

eh, we had our 2 or 3 weeks of -40 - -25. It wasn't great, but hey, at least there was snow.

swim 01-19-2009 09:56 PM

It dropped into single digits here.

ikvat 01-20-2009 06:00 AM

kthedrummer 01-20-2009 09:05 AM

I work part time at a burger joint and many ppl order french fries for their 1 or 2 year olds and that is this just an American phenomena...?

swim 01-20-2009 11:43 AM

My first memory is eating french fries at Bojangles and I fit in doorways.

Piss Me Off 01-20-2009 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by kthedrummer (Post 582001)
I work part time at a burger joint and many ppl order french fries for their 1 or 2 year olds and that is this just an American phenomena...?

Naa i see it a fair amount. And burgers.

right-track 01-20-2009 04:44 PM

R.I.P to a truly great man. :(

simplephysics 01-20-2009 05:19 PM

I should go out and find a Doner Kabab in his honor.

jackhammer 01-20-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 582234)

I am one of a rare breed of Englishmen who has never and will never eat a Doner Kebab. RIP all the same though.

tdoc210 01-21-2009 12:08 AM

my bodys ****ed up. i lose and gain weight randomly
i might eat alot and lose 10 lbs or eat nothing and gain 10
ive gone from fat to skinny to fat to normal to fat to skinny to normal

maybe its my gallbladder being removed

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