Music Banter

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Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 626069)
Attempts were made to make you understand. Sleepy jack specifically told what was wrong with your posts and wrote that if your posting habits didn't improve, he would start treating them as spam.

That was a chance for you to understand and improve right there.

Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages

I didnt spam at all, as a matter a fact most of the posts I have put up have been sucessful. If they were spam why would anyone waste time on them??

I ask for your opinions on most posts, this is because either #1 I want to know how you (generally speaking) take certain things. #2 Make me a bit more informed...

What happens to me is I am personally attacked in a condesending manner...
I dont believe that just because someone has a different out look they should be so rude...

The Lochness monster thread was not mine... So without even looking you pass judgement which is common around here...

If you will notice in the thread "Watch this" you will see that I requested that you watch before you post... That way you will have possibly the same outlook I do or at least know where i am comming from... Rather than that sleepy used very obvious and common practice statments to debunk something that he didnt watch... Honestly, Its like talking about something you have never done.

I obviously can see where he is comming from but without knowing what I am talking about how is he supposed to debate? Basically what happened there is i fell into his trap of mind games and unorganized debate... This gives the appearance that I have no idea... One top of that he made very one sided comments that dont debunk the video at all...

TheBig3 03-31-2009 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Surell (Post 625878)
I dunno, mods get serious about that stuff fo realz sometimes.

cause catty bitchfests are a huge pain in the ass when regular people just want to post. if I come down here to write a friggen blog entry or read through some PM's and I end up have to speak with 3 to 5 people because their being ****s, we don't have time to figure out whos joking and who isn't.

I like jokes, and I try not to take the place seriously but we have to ban three girls and their idiot boyfriends every time attractive women post their pictures.

Guybrush 03-31-2009 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 626101)
I obviously can see where he is comming from but without knowing what I am talking about how is he supposed to debate?

The point is - if you want to debate a topic and so you make a thread on it, you should do better than just "watch this". That movie was 2 hours long! If you wanted to debate it, you should have summarized the content of that movie in your first post.

From what I've seen, you seem to do as little effort as possible whenever you want to debate something. You write "check out this" or "search for that on youtube". Where are the arguments?

jackhammer 03-31-2009 09:20 AM

If as much effort went into the general music forums as some recent lounge posts I would be a happy bunny.

Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 626108)
The point is - if you want to debate a topic and so you make a thread on it, you should do better than just "watch this". That movie was 2 hours long! If you wanted to debate it, you should have summarized the content of that movie in your first post.

From what I've seen, you seem to do as little effort as possible whenever you want to debate something. You write "check out this" or "search for that on youtube". Where are the arguments?

Toretorden... You said I spam ... I answer... You change the subject...

I didnt say debate with me at any point... I just wanted input.. You requested debates not me...

TheBig3 03-31-2009 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 626101)
Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages

I didnt spam at all, as a matter a fact most of the posts I have put up have been sucessful. If they were spam why would anyone waste time on them??

I ask for your opinions on most posts, this is because either #1 I want to know how you (generally speaking) take certain things. #2 Make me a bit more informed...

What happens to me is I am personally attacked in a condesending manner...
I dont believe that just because someone has a different out look they should be so rude...

The Lochness monster thread was not mine... So without even looking you pass judgement which is common around here...

If you will notice in the thread "Watch this" you will see that I requested that you watch before you post... That way you will have possibly the same outlook I do or at least know where i am comming from... Rather than that sleepy used very obvious and common practice statments to debunk something that he didnt watch... Honestly, Its like talking about something you have never done.

I obviously can see where he is comming from but without knowing what I am talking about how is he supposed to debate? Basically what happened there is i fell into his trap of mind games and unorganized debate... This gives the appearance that I have no idea... One top of that he made very one sided comments that dont debunk the video at all...

Conspiracies were invented by people who expect everyone to conform to their definitions and standards.

1. Spam has nothing to do with e-mail here. You either know that and your being a child, or you didn't know that and you should read some books. You decide.

2. Success is not measured by the number of responses you get. It has more to do with endurence than it does with how closely it resembles a super nova. I suspect you did not know this, and now I'm telling you.

3. In a thread asking for your own punishment, you have no rights to stand on a soapbox.

You do not post constructivly, by and large. Our job is to make sure people want to come to this site, and you stand in the way of that. Lets make it as cut and dry as possible.

People don't google "music boards" to come listen to you rant. Figure that out or leave. I'm not against the foils of seriousness but you'll note that some of the regular guys who contribute nothing but atagonistic comments aren't SPAMMING the lounge with threads. Their not even spamming in threads. They make one comment and retire to the shoutbox.

I suggest you do the same for awhile and work on your album review.

Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 626111)
If as much effort went into the general music forums as some recent lounge posts I would be a happy bunny.

This happens when people close their minds...

Sneer 03-31-2009 09:33 AM

I dont really enjoy this guys posts that much, but i do have to agree that he has, at times, been unfairly criticized. There is a hint of a superiority complex in some members of this board.

dac 03-31-2009 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 625875)
I think he was joking... =/

I know... that was my internet attempt at sounding sarcastically sincere.

The Wendy Cal reference was more so a reference to Yukon's run ins with Ethan rather than his actual character.

jackhammer 03-31-2009 09:43 AM

Can we bring this to a close then please? Yukon if you want to be banned. PM me. If not just continue posting. You wont be the first person to have an internet run in and you wont be the last.

Guybrush 03-31-2009 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 626112)
Toretorden... You said I spam ... I answer... You change the subject...

Ehr, I never said you did spam so why should I defend doing it?

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-31-2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 626114)
This happens when people close their minds...

What's that even supposed to mean?

Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 626121)
Ehr, I never said you did spam so why should I defend doing it?


He's been spamming up the current events forum with numerous threads

If as much effort went into the general music forums as some recent lounge posts I would be a happy bunny.

Urban this is where that came from...

Guybrush 03-31-2009 10:24 AM

Oh, alright .. I did.


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 626101)
Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages

Well, sleepy jack told you he would treat your posts as spam if you didn't change your posting habits. I think it's up to the mods to decide what constitutes spam or what goes, not you or I.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-31-2009 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 626130)

If as much effort went into the general music forums as some recent lounge posts I would be a happy bunny.

Urban this is where that came from...

I know where it came from. I want to know why it got that reaction from you.

Y'know with this being a music forum & everything.

Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 10:48 AM


He will treat my posts as spam yet more than a hundred times he has posted inside one of my threads??

I would just say that makes them decent threads... I dont have as many tools as him to debate so he obviously has the upper hand...

He didnt even watch the movie and posted anyway... In all fairness to me how does that work?? He did excatly the opposite of what I asked and then through a series of condescending remarks that would exaust anyone... He won.. He makes things personal and frusterating...

sleepy jack 03-31-2009 12:34 PM

I'm not going into the specifics of the debate but I did watch the first part (of twelve) of the movie and pointed out that they deliberately distort an Obama quote and based a wild conspiracy off this misquote. I even quoted the full context of the speech which showed he wasn't building a secret police but rather asking for Americans to join volunteer groups like the Peace Corps. You never responded to this (despite going on abut me needing to watch the documentary before I could argue the subject.) Why should I expect watching it would have been worthwhile when you can't even respond to a lie that was reveal within two minutes of watching the documentary?

Now as to why I didn't watch the's two hours long! I don't have the time to watch a movie nor the patience to watch one of those sorts. That is why I asked you to summarize its points, find the thesis and bring in examples. You sort of did this (or at least tried) and when I responded to it you ignored me and went on about something entirely different. When I responded to that you did the same and then added in some vague, referential and fractured statements that made no sense.

I've pointed out to you several times before you need to communicate in a coherent manner when debating and you need to stay on topic. I've also been very lenient about it. Despite these warnings however you continue to act this way and post in a disruptive manner that clogs that specific section of this site. I'm perfectly within my rights as a moderator to decide what is spam and what is not and I've told you before your posts are going to be treated as spam in there now because of your posting behavior.


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 557838)
Basically the same rules as any other forum except the content here is going to be moderated much more strictly. If you're asked to provide sources; please do so. I want the arguments here to be at least slightly intelligent. I'm not asking for a ban on stupid people or anything - that would be Nazish of me - but it's when the stupidity becomes disruptive/trolling that there's going to be moderating.

Those are the specific rules as a forum. As you can see this isn't just you being victimized specifically. Those have been in place since the forums creation. I might be more sympathetic to you if you had tried to discuss this matter privately but instead you've created threads trying to seek sympathy and attention instead of acting with some level of maturity.

Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 02:39 PM

Thats fine sleepy, but if your not going to participate then dont participate... To participate in that thread it was requested you watch the movie... I think there was more than one person that threw that out there... Oh here is that Quote:


And still the question remains. Did you watch the video?
I honestly feel that it IS our civic duty to expose the truth as it is the only means of combating the ignorance which allows us to be taken advantage of continually.
The truth is that we don't want Barack Obama to be anything less than the messiah that the media has built him up to be, but the truth remains that if he had the power or authority that we attribute to him, or the intention to create positive change for the common citizens of this country and of the world he either wouldn't have been elected or he'd be dead.

My problem with you is that you state you need to have your facts straight...
You had no idea what content was enclosed in the movie, and with that said your opinions dont count... I know you understand what I am talking about... Though you will do what you always do and twist the piss out of every word I say to give me a non answer...

Bravo to you sleepy..

Ill stick around though.. no hard feelings all..

Surell 03-31-2009 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 626107)
cause catty bitchfests are a huge pain in the ass when regular people just want to post. if I come down here to write a friggen blog entry or read through some PM's and I end up have to speak with 3 to 5 people because their being ****s, we don't have time to figure out whos joking and who isn't.

I like jokes, and I try not to take the place seriously but we have to ban three girls and their idiot boyfriends every time attractive women post their pictures.

Nah I get it, I get in trouble for rude remarks on forums half the time. In real life it's all the time. But yeah, I see your point of view as flamewarz do break out because of teasing remarks that are taken seriously fairly often.

Apparently Dac was going for a reference to clashing with sleepy rather than an attack on Yukon's posting, but uh, that bullshit is over and I'm still discussing it for some odd reason.

PinkCigarette 03-31-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 625944)
Judging from your favorite bands, threads, and avatar I can safely say nothing about you is bright enough to justify the description "shining star."


This thread is otherwise ridiculous. If a forum hurts your feelings this much, get off of it. You're going to get a ton of different opinions, some of which you don't like, but to get this butthurt that you make a stupid poll asking the community what they think about a mod and then asking to be banned is far beyond ridiculous.

Yukon Cornelius 03-31-2009 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by MissMurder (Post 626635)

This thread is otherwise ridiculous. If a forum hurts your feelings this much, get off of it. You're going to get a ton of different opinions, some of which you don't like, but to get this butthurt that you make a stupid poll asking the community what they think about a mod and then asking to be banned is far beyond ridiculous.

I'm over it... Bad work week nothing more

Darkest Hour 03-31-2009 09:46 PM

why'd you want them to ban you dude?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 03-31-2009 10:01 PM

people here are more boring & lame than usual

Schizotypic 03-31-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 626117)
I dont really enjoy this guys posts that much, but i do have to agree that he has, at times, been unfairly criticized. There is a hint of a superiority complex in some members of this board.

I agree that, at times, Yukon seems to be criticized based on people's reaction to him aggravating them. I have seen certain people demonstrate sort of a superiority complex toward him as well. It is my personal belief that things would run smoother if everybody bent over backwards even more then many people already have been in order to settle things. Maybe if the members who want to change the nature of his posting/spamming helped him to be constructive with a post that instead of having a cynical nature to it was covered in rainbows and bunnies, he might be more inclined to improve. Although, based on what I've seen of his insistent desire to pointlessly battle other members, I seriously doubt this. The best option may very well be to not respond at all.

This leads me to asking everyone a question: If it takes two people to have a pointless debate, why is it, that members are complaining that Yukon never looks at things from a different angle and acts in a different way? Why is it that these threads that are supposedly pointless end-up filling five to ten pages? What exactly are people getting out of being a part of all of this? My point is simple, if we don't as a group ignore completely pointless spam (after the third or fourth thread of it), then Yukon will be banned- because the spam won't stop until he is.

sleepy jack 03-31-2009 10:34 PM

Yukon if you feel you've suffered some great injustice you can discuss it with me. However I stand by my decision if you want to keep whining like a child publicly there's a shout box. You don't need to waste an entire thread on it.

Anymore complaints about how I moderate can be directed to the following threads:
ethan's moderator status (most recent)

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