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Janszoon 11-24-2009 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 771861)
No thanks to the heating system in my apartment that seems to have a mind of its own! It's been pretty chill the last week (just how I like it) and I haven't touched the setting, I get home from work today and it's warm! Uncomfortably warm at the moment.

Ugh, I used to live in a place like that. In the winter it would randomly fluctuate between bone-chillingly cold and sitting-around-in-your-boxers hot. No fun.

sidewinder 11-24-2009 01:51 PM

Yeah, exactly.

VeggieLover 11-24-2009 05:09 PM

I'm too flipping tired to complain. This year has rocked my world (in a not so hot way). i dont know if i can survive the school year. yuck.

I'm not thankful for UTIs that decide to reveal to mothers when precious daughters are no longer so innocent.

I'm not thankful for the fact that the only guy-person really worth hanging out with is completely off-limits

I'm not thankful that I'm sixteen and have a long life ahead of me. I should be, but I'm not. I just want to get out of here.

That's enough from me. *grumbles*

Freebase Dali 11-24-2009 08:44 PM

Ew... No thank you, cat who, upon shitting in the litter box, melts my fucking face off.
The whole house smells like someone collected 200 dirty diapers, emptied the contents into a large boiling pot, then set the flame on high for about 5 hours... gently stirring.

This is after one poop.
Just one single poop.

It's horrendous. If it were my cat, I'd kick it out.

music_phantom13 11-25-2009 07:02 AM

No thanks 2009 for the loss of my entire music library.

LoathsomePete 11-25-2009 09:42 AM

Ouch, virus?

I would highly suggest investing in getting an External Hard Drive to back up your music next time.

music_phantom13 11-25-2009 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 772463)
Ouch, virus?

I would highly suggest investing in getting an External Hard Drive to back up your music next time.

No. It's entirely my fault, I dropped my external hard drive onto the wooden floor. I went to move all my music to my parent's desktop which has an extra hard drive and it worked for a couple songs, then froze, now it won't show up on any computer. And I'm smart and never back up my music. Also included every song I've ever made. I have some on my iPod, but unless I'm missing something it would take about 3 straight weeks to get that back onto my pc.

Freebase Dali 11-25-2009 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 772477)
No. It's entirely my fault, I dropped my external hard drive onto the wooden floor. I went to move all my music to my parent's desktop which has an extra hard drive and it worked for a couple songs, then froze, now it won't show up on any computer. And I'm smart and never back up my music. Also included every song I've ever made. I have some on my iPod, but unless I'm missing something it would take about 3 straight weeks to get that back onto my pc.

Hey, just a question here... but have you tried taking the casing off the external to see if maybe just the SATA connectors on the enclosure maybe just broke? If that's the case, then all your data should still be on the drive, and you just simply go to Newegg or a site like that and buy a cheap enclosure for a few bucks.

Only thing you'd have to ascertain is whether it's a 2.5 or 3.5 inch drive, which you'd find out once you took apart your external's casing.

Antonio 11-25-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 770289)

2. College Students
Out of all the ridiculous things I've had to witness, I think being in college and having a pair of eyeballs ranks up there in the tops.
I'm not talking about kids doing stupid stunts, or drinking themselves to death. No... I'm talking about the kids who are paying a lot of money to do absolutely nothing but surf the internet and play games ALL DAY and then fail a test, and then bitch and complain about their grades.
I sit here and hear these kids pissing and moaning about how they can't understand what's being taught, how they can't pass the tests, and how mad they are at me for getting 100% on my tests and screwing their chances of having a grade curve.
I even offered to help one kid study but told him he'd have to type the key points... He said "No that's too much work." and resumed watching Beyonce' music videos.
You dumb fuckers are here for a degree, and you cheat to pass tests... and can't even succeed at that 80 percent of the time, and you expect to get a good job huh? Well... fine. Get your foot in the door. Then when they start to suspect you're a fraud and fire you because you have absolutely no knowledge about the very field you have a fucking degree in? Well.. You're gonna be serving me chicken nuggets at McDonald's in 2 years, jackass.
Parents... don't send your kids to college until they've actually had their own apartment, worked for their own rent, food, and bills, and learned that they actually have to expend effort in order to survive and prosper. Let them learn how to be an adult before you spend money on their higher education. Seriously, if you do, you'll be investing your money in something that isn't going to embarrass you. Because your kids, most of them, they're fucking embarrassing.

i must confess that i used to be that way until this year when i got a real kick in the pants from my teachers, other students and my family that this isn't a game anymore and this is really something i have to work for. in other words i had a choice to either man up, work as hard as i can and not f*ck up in school or just quit it all and lead myself to a future of mediocrity and waste, so i went for the first option and things have gotten much better for me in my studies. granted i'm not really a workaholic, i still take the odd break from time to time to ease my nerves, but at this moment i'm really better off than last year or even last semester and for the first time in months i'm actually glad to be studying in the field i chose.

EDIT: actually throughout the slew of all nighters trying to catch up and the fact that i spent about as much time and sometimes even more at school than home redeeming myself to my teachers and trying to prove that i'm not a f*ckup, there were times this year where i really dropped the ball on things that i really could handle that i really wish i could go back and fix. still, i guess that's just something i have to learn from and try next time.

i guess what i'm trying to say is there were sacrifices i had to make to get to where i am today, and whie i do regret some of them, i'm still thankful to be where i am now.

i hope that wasn't too exhausting to read for anyone :o:

Astronomer 11-25-2009 04:03 PM

Over here most parents don't pay for their kids university studies/ degree/ whatever. Every single person and know and I have had to deal with our 'HECS-HELP' loans ourselves, and when you're straight out of high school and don't have a lot of money, it's a HUGE debt, and so you work bloody hard in order to not fail subjects and waste more money, and so you can get a good job at the end of the degree and pay it off.

I too can't understand kids who just flit around at uni and fail subjects and stuff... do they realise how much money they're wasting away?

VEGANGELICA 11-25-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by VeggieLover (Post 772195)
I'm not thankful that I'm sixteen and have a long life ahead of me. I should be, but I'm not. I just want to get out of here.

Hey Veggie,
I have a distinct memory of being 17 the day or so after high school graduation as I was sitting on the bed thinking, "And now, at last, my life begins." In retrospect there were many things I would have done differently during my teen years...such as learn more about the world (outside my tiny sphere), learn about all the problems others have that I could help solve, and study intensively the topics that interested me to become an expert early on...but the good news for you is that I feel life really *did* get better after high school. I hope you will also find life seems better once you are out of high school and have more control over your life in many ways.

My No-Thanks Giving gripe is about Thanksgiving, which every year reminds me again how different I am from my meat-eating acquaintances as I sit staring at some dead turkey people killed, and the people, like strange alien creatures, happily ask for a god to "bless this meal" before they perkily enjoy the skin-covered carcass. I always think to myself, "If that turkey were *really* blessed, wouldn't s/he be alive?!?!"

Then today the meat-eating propaganda creators sent my child home with a lovely little coloring book the first graders made by coloring all these happy-looking turkeys and filling in the blanks of sentences to select the correct word: "I love to (blank) turkey," with the only choices being "ate, eat, eaten." GAA!!! No "care for," no "protect," no "love," no "befriend." Just eat. EAT. EAT!!! It's all they ever seem to think about!!

I always wonder what is going on psychologically with adults such that they feel the need to make kids color giant pictures of beautiful, happy, LIVING turkeys (even having the kids translate what the gobbles mean), only to turn around, with zero compassion or real interest in turkeys, and have the kids eat these self-same animals. If people like living turkeys so much, then why don't they stop eating them and stop breeding them with such heavy breasts that the turkeys can't even have SEX anymore, which humans deal with by collecting turkey semen and inseminating the females (inter-species sexual activity)!?

What these turkey-eaters teach children in school about turkeys seems no different to me than if someone said of a dog, "Oh, look how cute Fido is! Let's color pictures of happy Fido! What is Fido saying when he barks? Isn't Fido playful? Look how much fun he is having! Now, here, have some delicious fido."


music_phantom13 11-25-2009 09:13 PM

I topped up a response to that, but then realized it would probably make you hate me and you seem cool, so I'm replacing it with this. Sorry Thanksgiving sucks, but at least it's a time you get to see family and hopefully you have lots of blessings to count :)

Freebase dali, you ****ing rule. My dad actually had a few enclosures amongst the many things he's gotten from work that they were going to toss. I asked him about it, we took it off, and he showed me how to fix it. Sadly part of the hard drive was scratched, destroyed, whatever but I did manage to get probably 75% of my music so far and I'm struggling to get every folder that will transfer. I was going insane all day at work flipping out trying to figure out some way to get some of my nice organized, tagged music back. There's something to be thankful for! That complaint now comes off my No Thanksgiving list.

Freebase Dali 11-25-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 772685)
Freebase dali, you ****ing rule. My dad actually had a few enclosures amongst the many things he's gotten from work that they were going to toss. I asked him about it, we took it off, and he showed me how to fix it. Sadly part of the hard drive was scratched, destroyed, whatever but I did manage to get probably 75% of my music so far and I'm struggling to get every folder that will transfer. I was going insane all day at work flipping out trying to figure out some way to get some of my nice organized, tagged music back. There's something to be thankful for! That complaint now comes off my No Thanksgiving list.

I'm glad it worked out for you!

Freebase Dali 11-25-2009 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 772549)
Over here most parents don't pay for their kids university studies/ degree/ whatever. Every single person and know and I have had to deal with our 'HECS-HELP' loans ourselves, and when you're straight out of high school and don't have a lot of money, it's a HUGE debt, and so you work bloody hard in order to not fail subjects and waste more money, and so you can get a good job at the end of the degree and pay it off.

I too can't understand kids who just flit around at uni and fail subjects and stuff... do they realise how much money they're wasting away?

I think that's the main thing.. If their way is being payed for them, a lot of them take it for granted. But when you have to work your ass off to be able to put yourself through school, the priorities definitely become clear.

sidewinder 11-25-2009 10:10 PM

Fuck this weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off just to chill out but probably have to work the rest of it. Even though I'm on paid holiday Thursday and Friday. Fuck it all.

wad 11-25-2009 11:02 PM

thanksgiving is awesome. family is great. if you hate it i feel sorry for you, i guess crawl in a hole y'all sad sacks

sidewinder 11-26-2009 11:57 AM

Some of us don't have family around to celebrate with.

Freebase Dali 11-26-2009 01:02 PM

Wad, you probably insulted someone's dead parents just now.

stormjh 11-26-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 772556)
Hey Veggie,
I have a distinct memory of being 17 the day or [...] Look how much fun he is having! Now, here, have some delicious fido."


I'm presuming you don't wear anything with dead animals in or eat battery farmed eggs and the like?

lucifer_sam 11-26-2009 09:46 PM

as of tonight...

apparently my cousins are tagging up and marrying off this summer, i count at least three. my brother is getting married as soon as he gets enough money together and so is my older uncle, the weddings will be piling up this spring/summer.

and now my parents are looking at me.

i haven't so much as brought a girl home to meet them in ages and they keep pestering me about the relationships i have in college. i don't want to have to explain to them what my sex life is like, it would only make them think of me as a bigger shithead than i already appear to be. even still, now they expect me to have some sort of consistent girlfriend coming out of college and i have no plans of the sort on my table. everyone in my family has either married or had kids young, and it's not on my schedule for another decade at minimum.

fuck thanksgiving.

Astronomer 11-26-2009 09:54 PM

^ Fuck 'em, I say!

I'm in the same situation. Both of my older sisters are in their late 20s and neither of them are married nor have they been in any kind of serious relationship, so my parents have given up on them. My brother who is same age as me is nowhere near getting married either, but he gets away with it because he's a guy they let him get away with anything. I'm the one who has been ensnared by their parental glare! I'm sick of all the "And Kate, when are you going to settle down and have kids?" or "How come you don't have a serious boyfriend, what about those lovely boys that you live with". I'm only 21 for fucks sake! :( To make it even worse, I'm half-Italian... so to them I'm the epitome of a living sin, sharing a house with members of the opposite sex and not being married! Argh!

Yon Troper 11-26-2009 10:02 PM

I was NOT thankful when Take-Two Interactive postponed a lot of their franchises to 2010. I was so looking forward to BioShock 2! "More quality due to longer development time"? Gimme a break. At least I have Dragon Age Origins to tide me over...

I've also been hit with more stupid ignorant people in the past year than I care to remember. I'll give you just one example. Last month I was on a flight to Indonesia and ended up sitting on my own. Yeah, hard to get five seats together, isn't it? I'm practically ****ting myself because I'm terrified of flying, but at least I have three seats to myself. Then some fat **** sits down next to me, filling his own seat and oozing into mine as well. He falls asleep for the whole flight, wakes up for the food (of course), and then falls asleep again. He snores like a pig, and even when I switch on all three reading lights and tread on his foot, he doesn't wake up. And all this time he doesn't consider the fact that he is almost sitting in my seat, and is stopping everyone on the flight from sleeping with his snoring. Pay for three seats or go on a diet, fatty, because you are just not considering anybody else. And there's been more incidents like this too, but I won't bore you guys. God, I hope 2010 is better...

Freebase Dali 11-26-2009 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 773101)
as of tonight...

apparently my cousins are tagging up and marrying off this summer, i count at least three. my brother is getting married as soon as he gets enough money together and so is my older uncle, the weddings will be piling up this spring/summer.

and now my parents are looking at me.

i haven't so much as brought a girl home to meet them in ages and they keep pestering me about the relationships i have in college. i don't want to have to explain to them what my sex life is like, it would only make them think of me as a bigger shithead than i already appear to be. even still, now they expect me to have some sort of consistent girlfriend coming out of college and i have no plans of the sort on my table. everyone in my family has either married or had kids young, and it's not on my schedule for another decade at minimum.

fuck thanksgiving.

Brotha, if there's one thing you're doing right it's the fact that you're not just off and getting hitched because of an expectation.
You obviously know all this, but if there's something that can never be said too much, it's the fact that it ain't right until it's right.. and forcing it is only going to make matters worse in the long run.
Let life take its course, and never make decisions based on someone else's expectations.
You and I, and most of us know this... but yea, it definitely does suck when your family looks at you as some kind of abberant because you haven't followed the pattern that defined their lives.
Truth is, I know I'd be a lot happier if I made my decisions based on what I want when it comes to decisions like that, and family, of all people, should be the first ones to respect that.

BTown 11-26-2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Yon Troper (Post 773108)
I was NOT thankful when Take-Two Interactive postponed a lot of their franchises to 2010. I was so looking forward to BioShock 2! "More quality due to longer development time"? Gimme a break. At least I have Dragon Age Origins to tide me over...

I've also been hit with more stupid ignorant people in the past year than I care to remember. I'll give you just one example. Last month I was on a flight to Indonesia and ended up sitting on my own. Yeah, hard to get five seats together, isn't it? I'm practically ****ting myself because I'm terrified of flying, but at least I have three seats to myself. Then some fat **** sits down next to me, filling his own seat and oozing into mine as well. He falls asleep for the whole flight, wakes up for the food (of course), and then falls asleep again. He snores like a pig, and even when I switch on all three reading lights and tread on his foot, he doesn't wake up. And all this time he doesn't consider the fact that he is almost sitting in my seat, and is stopping everyone on the flight from sleeping with his snoring. Pay for three seats or go on a diet, fatty, because you are just not considering anybody else. And there's been more incidents like this too, but I won't bore you guys. God, I hope 2010 is better...

Wow, video games getting delayed AND people taking up to much space on an airplane? Your life must really suck.

Freebase Dali 11-26-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by BTown787 (Post 773126)
Wow, video games getting delayed AND people taking up to much space on an airplane? Your life must really suck.

It makes me smile when I pretend you meant that sarcastically.

VEGANGELICA 11-29-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 772685)
I topped up a response to that, but then realized it would probably make you hate me and you seem cool, so I'm replacing it with this. Sorry Thanksgiving sucks, but at least it's a time you get to see family and hopefully you have lots of blessings to count :)

Hey music-phantom13,
No need to worry I might hate you, regardless what your un-posted response was to my vegan description of Thanksgiving aggravations. I like people, even ones who disagree with me!


Originally Posted by stormjh (Post 772994)
I'm presuming you don't wear anything with dead animals in or eat battery farmed eggs and the like?

You are correct, storymjh...I am vegan. Oh, you know about battery-farmed layer hens! Iowa is the state that "produces" the most eggs in the nation...which is something I didn't know until several years ago because you never ever see a chicken here. I am situated in ground zero of animal agriculture...and much of it can't be seen since the animals are almost all kept inside enclosed buildings.

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