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The Virgin 06-16-2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1071706)
it's a lifetime disease

really? that's such a sad news. well, just think of the positive/good things that happened to your life and avoid thinking too much about the bad ones to keep you going in life..hehe

Bloozcrooz 06-16-2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1071526)

I was joking but even if I wasn't. I'll suck up to whoever I want to whenever I want to.

Wuuuhuuu easy tough guy dont get your panties in a bunch. I dont think you are joking but say what you will and suck up to whomever you want cause I know you going to. The same ones that you cry about all the time and then jump for joy when they happen to feel the same way that you do about a partcicular topic. Make no mistake though its not that your Mr. Cool and popular as much as its just an anti me thing so dont go thinking to highly of yourself there Mr. Popularity. At least Vanilla approached me and straight up stated what she thought to me (as opposed to griping about me in other threads or indirectly) and imo that makes her twice the man you are.

I honestly think you just like to state your opinion just for the sake of hearing yourself type sometimes and wonder if you believe half the things that you come up with. You claim that you have a problem with the way the mods do things but honestly in your case I think if everything was perfect you would gripe about that just to have something to talk about. If you are serious about your issues with the mods and stated it in the banned thread months ago the reason nobody payed attention to what you said was probally because you NEVER stop talking. There isnt a thread on MB that you dont consider yourself to be an expert on and constantly place yourself on this imaginery pedastal of higher than high. You say I instigate but you constantly worry about what others do but im not trying to hide the fact that drama's intersting to me. It must be interesting to you cause you would argue that the sky was red if I was looking at it while it was blue. Like the Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson thing? You really think they are smart intelligent buisness women or is that just something for you to argue about? You think "The Virgin" getting all the flack that he catches isnt warranted but...yes it is and I think its just another gate thats open for you to argue for the sake of arguing. Its not just a few things that you feel passionate about like most make your presence known in every thread there is if you think its a highly trafficed thread or topic. How does one come to be an expert on so many topics by the way? Did you go to school at a premier college for 8 years and get a bachelors degree in B.S.? Ive never once heard you say that you dont know or your not familiar with that or would have to look into it, its always you laying it out there that this is they way it is cause you say so. Its not just me you do this all the time to different people and I just wonder how one gets to be so knowledgeable? Could you tell me the meaning of life real quick while were at it?
Also you do suck up to the women members if you think they will give you the time of day. Im not saying its not your right but dont pretend that you dont dude cause you do. The reason im sure that you argue with so many is that after you realize they arent interested in you in the way you want them to be, you become deffensive and standoffish as if they were'nt in your league anyway. Really? lol...ok.
Then you state that you dont care anyway...well then why do you make such a concious effort to talk to every female and engage in conversation? This could be that your just happy to have someone to talk to but you dont go out of your way as much to talk with males unless its to offer your expertise or argue something.

But thats just my late night rambling opinion

Freebase Dali 06-16-2011 10:29 PM

Tonight, for the first time, I used my George Foreman grill. I had bought it for my mom like 5 or 6 years ago, and she never used it, so she gave it back to me (score) when I had moved into my new apartment. Finally, I put some chicken in that thing, and damn, it came out great! And it was way easier than stove-top stuff. I can't really do the actual BBQ pit thing here, but this seems like a good (enough) alternative. It really does drip all the nasty grease out. And puts those delicious-looking grill marks on the meat. I'm trying Tilapia next. If that pans out, then I'm going to put some Salmon in there.
I'd always thought the GF grill was a crock of ****, (sorry mom, you requested it) but it actually does pretty well.

I'm thinking about shrimp-kabobs in it, too. Oh lawd I want shrimp-kabobs.

djchameleon 06-17-2011 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
Wuuuhuuu easy tough guy dont get your panties in a bunch. I dont think you are joking but say what you will and suck up to whomever you want cause I know you going to. The same ones that you cry about all the time and then jump for joy when they happen to feel the same way that you do about a particular topic.

What are you talking about? Do you have examples about this that I'm not aware of? Why would I jump for joy when they feel the same way about a particular topic when I have a pretty good idea that they still hate me/make fun of me behind the scenes on a constant basis to the point that they have dj'isms?


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
Make no mistake though its not that your Mr. Cool and popular as much as its just an anti me thing so dont go thinking to highly of yourself there Mr. Popularity.

Do you honestly think I care about being popular and online of all places? you couldn't be more off base. If I really cared about this so called popularity that you think I do then I'd be more diplomatic about the things that I say but if I have an opinion , I will state it even if it's an unpopular opinion and you know this.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
At least Vanilla approached me and straight up stated what she thought to me (as opposed to griping about me in other threads or indirectly) and imo that makes her twice the man you are.

Thanks for insulting me. Much appreciated.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
I honestly think you just like to state your opinion just for the sake of hearing yourself type sometimes and wonder if you believe half the things that you come up with. You claim that you have a problem with the way the mods do things but honestly in your case I think if everything was perfect you would gripe about that just to have something to talk about. If you are serious about your issues with the mods and stated it in the banned thread months ago the reason nobody payed attention to what you said was probally because you NEVER stop talking.

No, they paid attention to what I said but it was brushed off pretty much because of the way that I stated it and people weren't ready to hear what I was saying or maybe they didn't understand it and that's my fault. I could have been more clear about it or went about it in a different way. I jumped the gun a bit.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
There isnt a thread on MB that you dont consider yourself to be an expert on and constantly place yourself on this imaginery pedastal of higher than high. You say I instigate but you constantly worry about what others do but im not trying to hide the fact that drama's intersting to me. It must be interesting to you cause you would argue that the sky was red if I was looking at it while it was blue. Like the Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson thing? You really think they are smart intelligent buisness women or is that just something for you to argue about?

I don't even claim to be an expert on everything as much as you follow my posts you obviously don't read them properly. If I have an opinion , I will state said opinion. I know that some of my opinions aren't based in facts and that's because I DON'T know everything like you seem to have an issue with. Just because I don't know all the facts of a certain topic doesn't mean I'm not allowed to share my opinion on a more personal level of what I think it means even without having all the facts.
So I'm not allowed to have an opinion that's out of the norm? why is society this way? if you don't express the same mundane opinion that the flock of sheep express then you are outcasted for it. This is what happens with The Virgin.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
You think "The Virgin" getting all the flack that he catches isnt warranted but...yes it is and I think its just another gate thats open for you to argue for the sake of arguing.

Reading comprehension my friend. I said that some of the things he says goes over the line and I understand why people get on him about it but sometimes he will say something that isn't even bad and people will be all over his **** just because of bullshit that he said int he past related to something completely different. That's what is unwarranted imo.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
Its not just a few things that you feel passionate about like most make your presence known in every thread there is if you think its a highly trafficed thread or topic. How does one come to be an expert on so many topics by the way? Did you go to school at a premier college for 8 years and get a bachelors degree in B.S.? Ive never once heard you say that you dont know or your not familiar with that or would have to look into it, its always you laying it out there that this is they way it is cause you say so. Its not just me you do this all the time to different people and I just wonder how one gets to be so knowledgeable?

As I said earlier, you see my posts but you obviously don't read them. I have talked about things and asked for people to correct me if I'm wrong or provide me with more information but I guess you NEVER see that.:rolleyes:

Why is it such a bad fucking thing to seek knowledge and to like the acquisition of it?


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
Could you tell me the meaning of life real quick while were at it?

Sure, I can. It's 42. Don't say I never did anything for you.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
Also you do suck up to the women members if you think they will give you the time of day. Im not saying its not your right but dont pretend that you dont dude cause you do. The reason im sure that you argue with so many is that after you realize they arent interested in you in the way you want them to be, you become deffensive and standoffish as if they were'nt in your league anyway. Really? lol...ok.

This might be some weird defense mechanism that I have towards being rejected. Maybe it's something I should work on but if I get rejected why should I go around moping about it and cry myself to sleep? I rather go the opposite direction and build myself back up instead of going around sad and depressed because some chick over the internet doesn't like me.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072180)
Then you state that you dont care anyway...well then why do you make such a concious effort to talk to every female and engage in conversation? This could be that your just happy to have someone to talk to but you dont go out of your way as much to talk with males unless its to offer your expertise or argue something.

Idk what you are talking about. I talk to pretty much everyone. I guess you never see that I talk to your silly ass every morning in the IRC. Unless you are really a female that went through an operation or something. I can't believe you'd fix your mouth to say something so absurd when I talk to everyone especially in the IRC.

Howard the Duck 06-17-2011 03:15 AM

truth is - i have no problems with The Virgin if he just used some common sense before posting anything

most of my insults are in the zeitgeist of this board, i do have somewhat a herd mentality

Bloozcrooz 06-17-2011 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1072304)
what are you talking about? Do you have examples about this that i'm not aware of? Why would i jump for joy when they feel the same way about a particular topic when i have a pretty good idea that they still hate me/make fun of me behind the scenes on a constant basis to the point that they have dj'isms?

Do you honestly think i care about being popular and online of all places? You couldn't be more off base. If i really cared about this so called popularity that you think i do then i'd be more diplomatic about the things that i say but if i have an opinion , i will state it even if it's an unpopular opinion and you know this.

Thanks for insulting me. Much appreciated.

No, they paid attention to what i said but it was brushed off pretty much because of the way that i stated it and people weren't ready to hear what i was saying or maybe they didn't understand it and that's my fault. I could have been more clear about it or went about it in a different way. I jumped the gun a bit.

I don't even claim to be an expert on everything as much as you follow my posts you obviously don't read them properly. If i have an opinion , i will state said opinion. I know that some of my opinions aren't based in facts and that's because i don't know everything like you seem to have an issue with. Just because i don't know all the facts of a certain topic doesn't mean i'm not allowed to share my opinion on a more personal level of what i think it means even without having all the facts.
So i'm not allowed to have an opinion that's out of the norm? Why is society this way? If you don't express the same mundane opinion that the flock of sheep express then you are outcasted for it. This is what happens with the virgin.

Reading comprehension my friend. I said that some of the things he says goes over the line and i understand why people get on him about it but sometimes he will say something that isn't even bad and people will be all over his **** just because of bullshit that he said int he past related to something completely different. That's what is unwarranted imo.

As i said earlier, you see my posts but you obviously don't read them. I have talked about things and asked for people to correct me if i'm wrong or provide me with more information but i guess you never see that.:rolleyes:

Why is it such a bad fucking thing to seek knowledge and to like the acquisition of it?

Sure, i can. It's 42. Don't say i never did anything for you.

This might be some weird defense mechanism that i have towards being rejected. Maybe it's something i should work on but if i get rejected why should i go around moping about it and cry myself to sleep? I rather go the opposite direction and build myself back up instead of going around sad and depressed because some chick over the internet doesn't like me.

Idk what you are talking about. I talk to pretty much everyone. I guess you never see that i talk to your silly ass every morning in the irc. Unless you are really a female that went through an operation or something. I can't believe you'd fix your mouth to say something so absurd when i talk to everyone especially in the irc.


djchameleon 06-17-2011 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072310)



The Virgin 06-17-2011 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1072307)
truth is - i have no problems with The Virgin if he just used some common sense before posting anything

most of my insults are in the zeitgeist of this board, i do have somewhat a herd mentality

me too, i have no problems with you El Duce..hehe... i don't mind your silly, stupid posts..


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1072310)

what a short response. hehe
a sign of losing a debate.

djchameleon 06-17-2011 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1072313)
what a short response. hehe
a sign of losing a debate.

lol no, he did that as a joke that stems from the "most annoying reply" thread.

that's why I responded with "..." and "lol"

both are other responses that people find annoying.

Scarlett O'Hara 06-17-2011 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1072313)
me too, i have no problems with you El Duce..hehe... i don't mind your silly, stupid posts..

what a short response. hehe
a sign of losing a debate.

Or giving up on a brick wall you are talking to.

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