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-   -   Are you jealous with someone who is better than you? Tell me the truth, please! (

RL Clown 10-27-2015 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by DeadChannel (Post 1646268)
Hail Satan!

Just out of curiosity, why did you write this? I don't mean to be rude; I'm just asking...

Now I'm going to answer the main question of this thread: "Are you jealous with someone who is better than you? Tell me the truth." The answer is yes. I come from a traditional Asian background. In Asian culture, people show off a lot. My Asian father compares me to other students and he says that other students are better than me. These students have higher grades than me, but just because they have higher grades than me does not mean that they are better at everything. Book smart is one thing, but there's also street smart... (Street smart is a combination of common sense and social skills.) I don't know why Asian parents compare their children to other children (I find it disrespectful). There are some good things about Asian culture (kung fu movies, good Asian food), but there are more negative points than positive points. I don't want to piss people off (I'm just saying... This is my view as an Asian person.)

The Batlord 10-27-2015 05:40 PM

Maybe you should study harder.

DeadChannel 10-27-2015 05:49 PM

RL Clown: probably I said it because this is yet another preachy, condescending, off topic evangelical thread, and I'm trying to deter the trolls while simultaneously amusing myself. I don't believe in Satan and am not a satanist (too Ayn Rand-Y for me. At least, the Laveyans are.).

Apollonia 10-27-2015 06:16 PM

no one is better than me. I'm the Alpha Bitch

Baihe 10-27-2015 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647109)
Just out of curiosity, why did you write this? I don't mean to be rude; I'm just asking...

Now I'm going to answer the main question of this thread: "Are you jealous with someone who is better than you? Tell me the truth." The answer is yes. I come from a traditional Asian background. In Asian culture, people show off a lot. My Asian father compares me to other students and he says that other students are better than me. These students have higher grades than me, but just because they have higher grades than me does not mean that they are better at everything. Book smart is one thing, but there's also street smart... (Street smart is a combination of common sense and social skills.) I don't know why Asian parents compare their children to other children (I find it disrespectful). There are some good things about Asian culture (kung fu movies, good Asian food), but there are more negative points than positive points. I don't want to piss people off (I'm just saying... This is my view as an Asian person.)

I have ever experienced that when I was jealous of someone who is better than me ,I felt so painful,very distressed and much oppressed mentally,and also I lived in darkness and misery .But now I get free from it and I feel very peaceful and secure in my heart because of God's salvation.I hope my experience can help someone who has the same situation as I had ever had .This is my purpose to write this thread

The Batlord 10-27-2015 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Baihe (Post 1647140)
I have ever experienced that when I was jealous of someone who is better than me ,I felt so painful,very distressed and much oppressed mentally,and also I lived in darkness and misery .But now I get free from it and I feel very peaceful and secure in my heart because of God's salvation.I hope my experience can help someone who has the same situation as I had ever had .This is my purpose to write this thread

I felt the same way until I learned of God's love. Tell me, how did you get over your porn addiction?

Black Francis 10-28-2015 02:25 PM

Sometimes but for the most part i try to be productive with my jealousy, that is to say that instead of getting depressed over it or resenting the person i use that jealousy as a motivational aspiration.

I may not seem like it at times but im a half full kinda guy.

Isbjørn 10-29-2015 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by DeadChannel (Post 1646268)
Hail Satan!


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647109)
Just out of curiosity, why did you write this? I don't mean to be rude; I'm just asking...

I'm sorry, but this made me laugh :laughing:

RL Clown 10-29-2015 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1647111)
Maybe you should study harder.

I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I need to share my experience with you... There are two sides of the coin... On one side, you could argue that the student hasn't studied hard enough. (You could blame the student for everything). On the other side, you could question the fairness of the school system... I've been through different types of schools... Public schools, private schools, from elementary school all the way to University... College and University are not fair because some students get really easy teachers and some students get really hard teachers. I've had teachers who have asked questions based on material that they have never taught in class. I actually do listen in class (I don't text in class). Also, some teachers are extremely unfair when it comes to grading... I remember a developmental question where I wrote down eight steps. I made one small mistake (I wrote down a plus sign instead of a minus sign for one question). Just because of that error, I already lost 50% of the grade for that question. I have a lot of experience; I listen to other students... Some students had to stay up all night to finish off some reports or projects. But ironically, these reports are not worth much (in terms of the grades). I know that the exams have a lot of value, but the exams are not fair. Some exam questions are poorly worded and, as I mentioned earlier, these questions are not graded fairly. That being said and there are a number of exam questions that are not even related to the course! I think that college and university is a conspiracy to turn people into robots. Some people dropped out of university and they managed to get themselves some really good jobs (look at Bill Gates, for example). The only thing positive about college and university is the fact that they have some really good sports teams.

grindy 10-29-2015 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647549)
I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I need to share my experience with you... There are two sides of the coin... On one side, you could argue that the student hasn't studied hard enough. (You could blame the student for everything). On the other side, you could question the fairness of the school system... I've been through different types of schools... Public schools, private schools, from elementary school all the way to University... College and University are not fair because some students get really easy teachers and some students get really hard teachers. I've had teachers who have asked questions based on material that they have never taught in class. I actually do listen in class (I don't text in class). Also, some teachers are extremely unfair when it comes to grading... I remember a developmental question where I wrote down eight steps. I made one small mistake (I wrote down a plus sign instead of a minus sign for one question). Just because of that error, I already lost 50% of the grade for that question. I have a lot of experience; I listen to other students... Some students had to stay up all night to finish off some reports or projects. But ironically, these reports are not worth much (in terms of the grades). I know that the exams have a lot of value, but the exams are not fair. Some exam questions are poorly worded and, as I mentioned earlier, these questions are not graded fairly. That being said and there are a number of exam questions that are not even related to the course! I think that college and university is a conspiracy to turn people into robots. Some people dropped out of university and they managed to get themselves some really good jobs (look at Bill Gates, for example). The only thing positive about college and university is the fact that they have some really good sports teams.

What do/did you study?

The Batlord 10-29-2015 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647549)
I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I need to share my experience with you... There are two sides of the coin... On one side, you could argue that the student hasn't studied hard enough. (You could blame the student for everything). On the other side, you could question the fairness of the school system... I've been through different types of schools... Public schools, private schools, from elementary school all the way to University... College and University are not fair because some students get really easy teachers and some students get really hard teachers. I've had teachers who have asked questions based on material that they have never taught in class. I actually do listen in class (I don't text in class). Also, some teachers are extremely unfair when it comes to grading... I remember a developmental question where I wrote down eight steps. I made one small mistake (I wrote down a plus sign instead of a minus sign for one question). Just because of that error, I already lost 50% of the grade for that question. I have a lot of experience; I listen to other students... Some students had to stay up all night to finish off some reports or projects. But ironically, these reports are not worth much (in terms of the grades). I know that the exams have a lot of value, but the exams are not fair. Some exam questions are poorly worded and, as I mentioned earlier, these questions are not graded fairly. That being said and there are a number of exam questions that are not even related to the course! I think that college and university is a conspiracy to turn people into robots. Some people dropped out of university and they managed to get themselves some really good jobs (look at Bill Gates, for example). The only thing positive about college and university is the fact that they have some really good sports teams.

Nice wall of rationalizations.

Baihe 10-30-2015 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647549)
I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I need to share my experience with you... There are two sides of the coin... On one side, you could argue that the student hasn't studied hard enough. (You could blame the student for everything). On the other side, you could question the fairness of the school system... I've been through different types of schools... Public schools, private schools, from elementary school all the way to University... College and University are not fair because some students get really easy teachers and some students get really hard teachers. I've had teachers who have asked questions based on material that they have never taught in class. I actually do listen in class (I don't text in class). Also, some teachers are extremely unfair when it comes to grading... I remember a developmental question where I wrote down eight steps. I made one small mistake (I wrote down a plus sign instead of a minus sign for one question). Just because of that error, I already lost 50% of the grade for that question. I have a lot of experience; I listen to other students... Some students had to stay up all night to finish off some reports or projects. But ironically, these reports are not worth much (in terms of the grades). I know that the exams have a lot of value, but the exams are not fair. Some exam questions are poorly worded and, as I mentioned earlier, these questions are not graded fairly. That being said and there are a number of exam questions that are not even related to the course! I think that college and university is a conspiracy to turn people into robots. Some people dropped out of university and they managed to get themselves some really good jobs (look at Bill Gates, for example). The only thing positive about college and university is the fact that they have some really good sports teams.

I feel the same way.Knowledge can not decide or change the fate of people.Even if someone graduates from university,it doesn't mean that he will get a good job or have a good destination.Almighty God says ," Some people choose a good major in college and end up finding a satisfactory job after graduation, making a triumphant first stride in the journey of their lives. Some people learn and master many different skills and yet never find a job that suits them or find their position, much less have a career; at the outset of their life journey they find themselves thwarted at every turn, beset by troubles, their prospects dismal and their lives uncertain. Some people apply themselves diligently to their studies, yet narrowly miss all their chances to receive a higher education, and seem fated never to achieve success, their very first aspiration in the journey of their lives dissolving into thin air. Not knowing[d] whether the road ahead is smooth or rocky, they feel for the first time how full of variables human destiny is, and so regard life with hope and dread. Some people, despite not being very well educated, write books and achieve a measure of fame; some, though almost totally illiterate, make money in business and are thereby able to support themselves…. What occupation one chooses, how one makes a living: do people have any control over whether they make a good choice or a bad choice? Do they accord with their desires and decisions? Most people wish they could work less and earn more, not to toil in the sun and rain, dress well, glow and shine everywhere, tower above others, and bring honor to their ancestors. People’s desires are so 'perfect' but when people take their first steps in the journey of their lives, they gradually come to realize how 'imperfect' human destiny is, and for the first time they truly grasp the fact that, though one can make bold plans for one’s future, though one may harbor audacious fantasies, no one has the ability or the power to realize his or her own dreams, no one is in a position to control his or her own future. There will always be some distance between one’s dreams and the realities that one must confront; things are never as one would like them to be, and faced with such realities people can never achieve satisfaction or contentment. Some people will even go to any length imaginable, will put forth great efforts and make great sacrifices for the sake of their livelihoods and future, in attempt to change their own fate. But in the end, even if they can realize their dreams and desires by means of their own hard work, they can never change their fates, and no matter how doggedly they try they can never exceed what destiny has allotted them. Regardless of differences in ability, IQ, and willpower, people are all equal before fate, which makes no distinction between the great and the small, the high and the low, the exalted and the mean. What occupation one pursues, what one does for a living, and how much wealth one amasses in life are not decided by one’s parents, one’s talents, one’s efforts or one’s ambitions, but are predetermined by the Creator.”(from A Continuation Of The Word Appears In The Flesh.)

Ashwell John 10-30-2015 08:40 PM

Not jealous actually. Always try to defeat him by earning more and more. Because I know and believe that if there is no competition there is no progress.

Baihe 11-01-2015 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Tristan Geoff (Post 1645695)
Everyone's better than me, but I accept that. Slowly.

Hi, friend.So glad to hear from you.You have a good mental attitude.In this aspect,you are better than me .I would learn from you.May God bless you!

The Batlord 11-01-2015 06:04 PM

So do you wanna talk about music or something?

DwnWthVwls 11-01-2015 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647549)
I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I need to share my experience with you... There are two sides of the coin... On one side, you could argue that the student hasn't studied hard enough. (You could blame the student for everything). On the other side, you could question the fairness of the school system... I've been through different types of schools... Public schools, private schools, from elementary school all the way to University... College and University are not fair because some students get really easy teachers and some students get really hard teachers. I've had teachers who have asked questions based on material that they have never taught in class. I actually do listen in class (I don't text in class). Also, some teachers are extremely unfair when it comes to grading... I remember a developmental question where I wrote down eight steps. I made one small mistake (I wrote down a plus sign instead of a minus sign for one question). Just because of that error, I already lost 50% of the grade for that question. I have a lot of experience; I listen to other students... Some students had to stay up all night to finish off some reports or projects. But ironically, these reports are not worth much (in terms of the grades). I know that the exams have a lot of value, but the exams are not fair. Some exam questions are poorly worded and, as I mentioned earlier, these questions are not graded fairly. That being said and there are a number of exam questions that are not even related to the course! I think that college and university is a conspiracy to turn people into robots. Some people dropped out of university and they managed to get themselves some really good jobs (look at Bill Gates, for example). The only thing positive about college and university is the fact that they have some really good sports teams.

I have about 150 college credits (3-4 credits per class, ~10 years of college on and off), and in my experience 99.9% of the time it is the students fault. For the first time ever last semester I felt I got a grade I didn't deserve because of the teacher being mental.

Shitty teaching is really not a good enough excuse with the amount of external alternatives to learning the material.

Trollheart 11-01-2015 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647109)
Just out of curiosity, why did you write this? I don't mean to be rude; I'm just asking...

It was a misquote. He of course meant "Hail Santa"....


Originally Posted by RL Clown (Post 1647549)
I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I need to share my experience with you... There are two sides of the coin... On one side, you could argue that the student hasn't studied hard enough. (You could blame the student for everything). On the other side, you could question the fairness of the school system... I've been through different types of schools... Public schools, private schools, from elementary school all the way to University... College and University .

You forgot to mention Clown College. Unless you're not REALLY an RL Clown...

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1648444)
So do you wanna talk about music or something?

Don't you know God hates music? Other than weak-ass Country? Didn't you listen to Gabriel during Metal Month III?

DeadChannel 11-07-2015 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1647554)
Nice wall of rationalizations.


The Batlord 11-07-2015 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by DeadChannel (Post 1650141)

You hate life as much as I do. **** off. Or not. I'm drunk. Die.


DwnWthVwls 11-07-2015 08:30 PM

I'm jealous of the people who get to play with Non-newtonian liquids:

DeadChannel 11-09-2015 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1650151)
You hate life as much as I do. **** off. Or not. I'm drunk. Die.


Up in the stratosphere, big cheddar. Simmer 'er down bud. Woah.

Machine 11-09-2015 11:14 AM

**** yes I'm jealous of people, I'm not going to lie.

Also I'm with Dead and Frown on the whole Hail Satan thing, Satan is down to chill.

a4m 11-10-2015 03:32 PM

Are jealously and envy the same thing?

I can be a bit envious of other's qualities, but I don't let it bring me down. I have plenty of qualities about myself that I would never change.

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by a4m (Post 1650859)
Are jealously and envy the same thing?

I can be a bit envious of other's qualities, but I don't let it bring me down. I have plenty of qualities about myself that I would never change.

I view Envy as Jealousy's ugly sister ;)

They are similar emotions, but jealousy is more or less wanting something someone else has that you DON'T have; whereas envy is wanting something someone else has that you CAN'T (or shouldn't) have.


a man who is jealous because his brother married a beautiful, intelligent woman and he wants to marry a beautiful, intelligent woman too... versus... a man who is envious because his brother married the exact same woman that he himself wants

A musician who is jealous of a more *skilled* musician... versus... a musician who is envious of a more *talented* musician

A woman who is jealous because her friend makes more money and can afford to make herself look prettier (nicer clothes, better hairdresser, plastic surgery, etc)... Versus... a woman who is envious of a friend who is more NATURALLY beautiful than she is

Frownland 11-10-2015 04:05 PM

Ja...that's not what those words actually mean.

Jealousy is resentment over potentially losing someone or something, like getting jealous when your SO is acting flirty with someone else. Envy is what you described for both jealousy and envy in your description. Colloquially, jealousy is generally used to mean envy, though.

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1650869)
Ja...that's not what those words actually mean.

Jealousy is resentment over potentially losing someone or something, like getting jealous when your SO is acting flirty with someone else. Envy is what you described for both jealousy and envy in your description. Colloquially, jealousy is generally used to mean envy, though.

"Jealousy," like most words in the English language, has more than one connotation. I was simply addressing the specific connotation that the previous poster was wondering about....

But we can continue to pick gnat sh!t outta pepper if you like ;)

Frownland 11-10-2015 04:13 PM

I am aware of that. I even mentioned it.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1650869)
Colloquially, jealousy is generally used to mean envy, though.

Still, you was wrong and we both know it.

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1650875)
I am aware of that. I even mentioned it.

Still, you was wrong and we both know it.

All I know is, is that the musician comparison struck a vulnerable chord, and you retorted by copy/pasting Diffen - Compare Anything. Diffen. Discern. Decide. :laughing:

Besides, I began my entire statement with "how I view it" since he and i were obviously speaking in colloquial terms. Jealousy and envy have different colloquial connotations too, and you know it. You're just a spiiiiiider when it comes to waiting to catch the Dagger in a "gotcha!" moment.

You might be appalled to find me flattered :love: ;)

Frownland 11-10-2015 04:26 PM

Oh god the Trollheart approach to dictionaries is contagious.

The Batlord 11-10-2015 04:26 PM

The Dagger?


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1650878)
Oh god the Trollheart approach to dictionaries is contagious.

Next thing you know she'll be writing song and album titles without proper capitalization.

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1650879)
The Dagger?

She has spoken in third person for over a decade. Now what mental disorder do we pin on her....?

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 04:29 PM

Just going to throw this out there: comparing me to TrollHeart does not offend me.

Edit: remind me to erase this before TrollHeart reads it

Frownland 11-10-2015 04:30 PM

Do you think that I serve only to offend? You must just be envious of my wit (note the correct usage of envy).

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1650883)
Do you think that I serve only to offend? You must just be envious of my wit (note the correct usage of envy).

Nah, I'm actually quite complacent with my mediocre wit coupled with my superhuman good looks.

The Batlord 11-10-2015 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by ChelseaDagger (Post 1650882)
Just going to throw this out there: comparing me to TrollHeart does not offend me.

Edit: remind me to erase this before TrollHeart reads it

Well it should. He's the most belovedly reviled person on this forum.

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1650892)
Well it should. He's the most belovedly reviled person on this forum.

Oh dear... Does this mean that none of you gals are gonna be inviting me to the Sadie Hawkins dance?

The Batlord 11-10-2015 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by ChelseaDagger (Post 1650894)
Oh dear... Does this mean that none of you gals are gonna be inviting me to the Sadie Hawkins dance?

Not unless you're putting out.

ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1650902)
Not unless you're putting out.

Considering I don't post "selfies," the logical assumption is that I'm either fat, ugly, or have an unfortunate congenital mutation--like a pair of testicles growing out of my neck-- which of course would prevent me from posting any pictures.

Which is to say... You have quite low standards (gobble gobble)

Frownland 11-10-2015 05:37 PM


ChelseaDagger 11-10-2015 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1650911)

Well... Batlord-logic.

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