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ribbons 07-21-2022 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2211397)
I'm at lunch on my first ever day of employment

That's exciting, Mondo - best of luck at at your first ever job! Urban Outfitters has some really nice products. Hope it’s a good experience for you. :)


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 2211530)
For myself, I have recently started the process of moving house, from one side of town to the other, so I'm busy packing boxes and ferrying them across town. I also have to do stuff like cancel and restart internet connections, etc, so I expect to be posting less than usual ...and if I do post something, perhaps you'll all be kind enough to remind me: "Hey, haven't you got more important things to be doing!?"

Lisna, good luck with your move and I hope you'll be comfortable and happy in your new surroundings when the labor and logistics are finally over! :wavey:

music_collector 07-21-2022 01:10 PM

I remember my last move. It's not easy, but it is a good time to purge crap. When my wife and I moved into our current place, people called us minimalists. We just didn't want lots of crap. Then we had twins. People don't call us minimalists anymore. Sigh.

Trollheart 07-21-2022 01:27 PM

Twinimalists? ;)

music_collector 07-21-2022 01:30 PM

Yes, I'd say that's apt.

YorkeDaddy 07-21-2022 03:43 PM

Don’t know if I ever mentioned it anywhere on MB, but we got a puppy a year ago and he’s the sweetest chocolate lab ever. I’ll posts some pics later. Anyway this week he was having some clear stomach issues, diarrhea, vomiting, it was a mess. We took him in and they did lab work that came back fine and some X Rays. They saw an obstruction in his stomach so they scheduled surgery for today which was hopefully going to be pretty routine and he’d be out of there quickly.

Well then the worst nightmare happened, they call me saying they are struggling to remove the instruction and some of his intestinal tissue was looking really bad. Like, dead tissue levels of bad. The doctor told us that she wasn’t comfortable performing the kind of operation that would be necessary to cut out the dead intestinal tissue and tie it back up. So she started making calls to specialty surgeons in the area but everybody was all booked up. She told me she believed his odds of living were about 10% if we didn’t get him into the right surgeon today.

…fast forward a few hours. The doctor went back in and kept trying to get the obstruction out. Eventually it apparently started to budge and she pulled out whatever nonsense the dog managed to eat. At this point she said that the intestines were looking much better than they were earlier in the day. She no longer recommends the emergency surgery and says his odds of making it out of here are much, much higher. I don’t necessarily feel like I’m in the clear but it’s just been the craziest roller coaster of a day. Probably the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. He’s only a year and two months old, he has so much life ahead of him

WWWP 07-21-2022 06:36 PM

What was the obstruction

music_collector 07-21-2022 08:42 PM


That reminds me of my inlaw's dog (standard poodle). We were dog sitting. One day he had very little energy, yet was breathing heavily. My wife and I took it to the vet. The dog's stomach turned, closing off internal airways. Apparently, that's a normal occurrence for a poodle. He went in for surgery. The wait felt like an eternity. He survived the surgery, but would encounter some more serious health problems a year later, and passed.

Mondo Bungle 07-21-2022 08:44 PM

The work is whatever, I'm not struggling or anything with that, but getting up at 4 every day is gonna be the death of me. I'm so far from a morning person. Like getting up before 9 for me was pushing it tbh. Not anymore though just gotta suck it up and I work four 10 hour shifts so I get that 3 day weekend.

I'm also surprised how sore my feet have been the first couple days considering how much mileage and wear I've already put on em in my life. That's pretty much the worst thing but I imagine I'll get acclimated.

music_collector 07-21-2022 08:49 PM

I know the feeling. I worked in a furniture factory (think the pressed wood desks you need to assemble yourself). I worked four nights a week, 5pm-3am. There was no air conditioning. I'd come home with saw dust stuck to my legs, arms, and back.

ribbons 07-21-2022 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2211634)
The work is whatever, I'm not struggling or anything with that, but getting up at 4 every day is gonna be the death of me. I'm so far from a morning person. Like getting up before 9 for me was pushing it tbh. Not anymore though just gotta suck it up and I work four 10 hour shifts so I get that 3 day weekend.

I'm also surprised how sore my feet have been the first couple days considering how much mileage and wear I've already put on em in my life. That's pretty much the worst thing but I imagine I'll get acclimated.

I hear you about getting up in the wee hours - it's really difficult, but you will most likely adjust in time. My daughter became an RN last year and she gets up at 4:30 a.m. and, like you, is also on her feet all day and works long shifts. I definitely feel for you!

The Batlord 07-21-2022 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2211634)
The work is whatever, I'm not struggling or anything with that, but getting up at 4 every day is gonna be the death of me. I'm so far from a morning person. Like getting up before 9 for me was pushing it tbh. Not anymore though just gotta suck it up and I work four 10 hour shifts so I get that 3 day weekend.

I'm also surprised how sore my feet have been the first couple days considering how much mileage and wear I've already put on em in my life. That's pretty much the worst thing but I imagine I'll get acclimated.

Lol yeah actual work hurts the feet. Give it a week. Whatever you thought was hard on the feet was baby ****. You need someone who doesn't care whether you live or die to decide how long you should stay on your feet.

ribbons 07-21-2022 09:53 PM

Epsom salt foot gel is great for sore feet if you can find it (gel is good because it doesn't get all slippery like cream). In the absence of anything else, believe it or not, Purell hand sanitizer is very relieving for sore feet - it's also great for tension headaches if you put rub it into your forehead or behind your neck, lol.

Trollheart 07-22-2022 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 2211605)
Don’t know if I ever mentioned it anywhere on MB, but we got a puppy a year ago and he’s the sweetest chocolate lab ever. I’ll posts some pics later. Anyway this week he was having some clear stomach issues, diarrhea, vomiting, it was a mess. We took him in and they did lab work that came back fine and some X Rays. They saw an obstruction in his stomach so they scheduled surgery for today which was hopefully going to be pretty routine and he’d be out of there quickly.

Well then the worst nightmare happened, they call me saying they are struggling to remove the instruction and some of his intestinal tissue was looking really bad. Like, dead tissue levels of bad. The doctor told us that she wasn’t comfortable performing the kind of operation that would be necessary to cut out the dead intestinal tissue and tie it back up. So she started making calls to specialty surgeons in the area but everybody was all booked up. She told me she believed his odds of living were about 10% if we didn’t get him into the right surgeon today.

…fast forward a few hours. The doctor went back in and kept trying to get the obstruction out. Eventually it apparently started to budge and she pulled out whatever nonsense the dog managed to eat. At this point she said that the intestines were looking much better than they were earlier in the day. She no longer recommends the emergency surgery and says his odds of making it out of here are much, much higher. I don’t necessarily feel like I’m in the clear but it’s just been the craziest roller coaster of a day. Probably the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. He’s only a year and two months old, he has so much life ahead of him

Wow, that is terrible but at least there was a good ending. I was tempted to flick down to see the dreaded words, but thank the Great Pixie your doggy was all right. Just shows, never give up hope.

Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2211614)
What was the obstruction

The Supreme Court.

YorkeDaddy 07-22-2022 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2211614)
What was the obstruction

It was a mixture of stuff but the biggest offender was a piece of string that had gotten coiled up and around in his intestine. Pretty ****ing crazy to think about how much damage a piece of string can cause, to the extent where it had him like hours from death.

Doctor called and said he's doing really well this morning, so I'm really hopeful that we'll have him home this weekend and back to his happy self soon

Plankton 07-22-2022 07:12 AM

Wow man thats rough. Good to hear he's on the mend.

ribbons 07-22-2022 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 2211705)
Doctor called and said he's doing really well this morning, so I'm really hopeful that we'll have him home this weekend and back to his happy self soon

You must be so relieved that your puppy survived this horrible situation, YD. So glad things have turned around for the better for him, and for you! Hopefully he will be back home soon and you'll have good reason to spoil him. :)

ribbons 07-22-2022 09:15 AM

Looking forward to having my son visit from school this weekend. He's had some trouble adjusting so far (he's very shy and a bit homesick). We're going to pay tennis together, as he's taken up tennis at school. I had hoped we could play outdoors but we're having quite a heatwave here, so we'll be playing indoors on clay courts, which should be interesting. My favorite surface and I haven't played on clay in many years.

Plankton 07-22-2022 09:27 AM

It's always a treat when you've been a part for a while and then get together. It makes a person feel whole again. Warms my heart to hear, ribs.

ribbons 07-22-2022 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2211728)
It's always a treat when you've been a part for a while and then get together. It makes a person feel whole again. Warms my heart to hear, ribs.

Thank you, P! We are like two peas in a pod when we're together, and I always say to my son that even if I weren't his mother, I'd love to have him as a friend. :)

Plankton 07-22-2022 09:47 AM

Sounds like you raised a great kid, but yeah of course you did. I mean, come on. It's ribbons. :)

My mini-me and me are the same way. 2 pea's in a pod. I love having her around all the time again. This morning was a fun one, since it's rare that she's up the same time I am before work. We have different work schedules so the times we get to spend together are always precious.

ribbons 07-22-2022 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2211730)
Sounds like you raised a great kid, but yeah of course you did. I mean, come on. It's ribbons. :)

My mini-me and me are the same way. 2 pea's in a pod. I love having her around all the time again. This morning was a fun one, since it's rare that she's up the same time I am before work. We have different work schedules so the times we get to spend together are always precious.

Thank you so much - you've got me blushing now for real.

And your mini-me is no doubt a lovely person, as her Dad is. Speaking of warming the heart, I feel exactly the same way thinking of you sharing a home now. Glad you had an a nice morning together - and may there be many more happy times in the future for both of you! :)

Plankton 07-22-2022 10:28 AM

Ty :)

It's gonna be a great weekend.

Guybrush 07-27-2022 09:32 AM

Typical vacation day here. Woke up with the kids and made breakfast for the family. Then we packed a picnic and took a car trip to a cove where there's some great crab pickings for the kids. We swung by a strawberry farm on the way and picked up some fresh strawberries. When we got to the cove, I saw japanese wireweed had established there and it's an invasive species, so I spent a good half an hour above and below water pulling up wireweeds and throwing them ashore.. which is something I do every year here and there.

Then I got the bright idea that the municipality should put up some posters informing people about it (so others can chip in), so contacted a couple of people I know in the environmental department about it. Then proceeded to catch crabs for the kids, drink coffee and eat ice cream. We took a little walk to look at the sea before we headed back home.

On the way back, the roads are fairly dangerous, really curvy mountain roads above the sea with no sidewalks. A dad was out in the middle of this stretch with two small kids teaching them to ride bikes and cars in both directions had to stop/slow down and it looked crazy dangerous. We drove from there, but were kinda worried about it and considered going back to escort them or something. It would suck to read about an accident in the papers tomorrow and feeling like we should've done something, so we ended up calling the police, not because it's illegal, but just to ask them to check up on it and perhaps offer some help. They seemed appreciative of the call. Now I'm at home watching the kids play in the garden while she prepares dinner.

This evening when the kids are in bed and after my wife has inevitably fallen asleep on the couch, I'll check out some of the stuff I've missed from Cronenberg's filmography.



Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 2211726)
Looking forward to having my son visit from school this weekend. He's had some trouble adjusting so far (he's very shy and a bit homesick). We're going to pay tennis together, as he's taken up tennis at school. I had hoped we could play outdoors but we're having quite a heatwave here, so we'll be playing indoors on clay courts, which should be interesting. My favorite surface and I haven't played on clay in many years.

Sounds really nice :) hope you two had a great weekend

Plankton 07-27-2022 09:45 AM

I hear ya on clearing out invasive species. Buckthorn and Honeysuckle are the bane of my existence in the world of creating disc golf courses.

Ya got me hankerin for some fresh strawberries now.

Guybrush 07-27-2022 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2212134)
I hear ya on clearing out invasive species. Buckthorn and Honeysuckle are the bane of my existence in the world of creating disc golf courses.

Ya got me hankerin for some fresh strawberries now.

Yeah, japanese wireweed in particular is something I've been removing for years. In the last 10 years, it's just exploded, spreading everywhere, attaching to rocks and overtaking any areas where you have open sandy bottom. When it dies, it sinks and creates these awful, muddy mats.

In Norway, people generally don't litter and we have a good culture where many or most people generally try to pick up and dispose of garbage if they see it. Wireweed here is basically sea garbage that can reproduce. If people only knew about Japanese wireweeds and how it affects ecosystems, I'm sure they'd wanna help keep their favorite swimming spots wireweed free.

Trollheart 07-27-2022 10:28 AM

Plankton 07-27-2022 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Guybrush (Post 2212135)
Yeah, japanese wireweed in particular is something I've been removing for years. In the last 10 years, it's just exploded, spreading everywhere, attaching to rocks and overtaking any areas where you have open sandy bottom. When it dies, it sinks and creates these awful, muddy mats.

In Norway, people generally don't litter and we have a good culture where many or most people generally try to pick up and dispose of garbage if they see it. Wireweed here is basically sea garbage that can reproduce. If people only knew about Japanese wireweeds and how it affects ecosystems, I'm sure they'd wanna help keep their favorite swimming spots wireweed free.

Maybe put it on the menu:

Guybrush 07-27-2022 10:48 AM

We've collected and have tried eating various algae. The one pictured at the top of that article looks like it might be Palmaria palmata which we also have here and which is among the highest regarded for culinary purposes.

Unfortunately, nothing about the wireweed seems very inviting in terms of eating and I doubt it's suited. Perhaps pig feed at best would be my guess.

Plankton 07-27-2022 11:44 AM

ribbons 07-27-2022 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Guybrush (Post 2212133)
Typical vacation day here. Woke up with the kids and made breakfast for the family. Then we packed a picnic and took a car trip to a cove where there's some great crab pickings for the kids. We swung by a strawberry farm on the way and picked up some fresh strawberries. When we got to the cove, I saw japanese wireweed had established there and it's an invasive species, so I spent a good half an hour above and below water pulling up wireweeds and throwing them ashore.. which is something I do every year here and there.

Then I got the bright idea that the municipality should put up some posters informing people about it (so others can chip in), so contacted a couple of people I know in the environmental department about it. Then proceeded to catch crabs for the kids, drink coffee and eat ice cream. We took a little walk to look at the sea before we headed back home.

On the way back, the roads are fairly dangerous, really curvy mountain roads above the sea with no sidewalks. A dad was out in the middle of this stretch with two small kids teaching them to ride bikes and cars in both directions had to stop/slow down and it looked crazy dangerous. We drove from there, but were kinda worried about it and considered going back to escort them or something. It would suck to read about an accident in the papers tomorrow and feeling like we should've done something, so we ended up calling the police, not because it's illegal, but just to ask them to check up on it and perhaps offer some help. They seemed appreciative of the call. Now I'm at home watching the kids play in the garden while she prepares dinner.

This evening when the kids are in bed and after my wife has inevitably fallen asleep on the couch, I'll check out some of the stuff I've missed from Cronenberg's filmography.

Seems like you and your family had such an idyllic vacation day, Tore (well, apart from the wireweeds and that dangerous situation for that dad and his kids - glad you took steps to protect them). Strawberry harvesting - yum! Hope you all enjoy the fruits of your pickings. :) Your mention of crabbing brought back memories. We used to go crabbing when I was little, as my grandmother had a bungalow just steps away from the beach.




Originally Posted by ribbons
Looking forward to having my son visit from school this weekend. He's had some trouble adjusting so far (he's very shy and a bit homesick). We're going to pay tennis together, as he's taken up tennis at school. I had hoped we could play outdoors but we're having quite a heatwave here, so we'll be playing indoors on clay courts, which should be interesting. My favorite surface and I haven't played on clay in many years.
Sounds really nice :) hope you two had a great weekend
It was - thank you! Except that he beat me! His forehand is killer now and he plays very close to the lines, so I was running and sliding all over the place. I told him in advance not to have any mercy on me. :laughing:

ribbons 07-27-2022 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2212143)


At first I thought "sub for sub" meant, well, something else. (sorry, Shankaa) My mind is in the gutter I guess. :laughing:

Plankton 07-27-2022 12:34 PM

We're all a little OH.

ribbons 07-27-2022 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2212149)
We're all a little OH.

Plankton 07-27-2022 12:46 PM

ribbons 07-27-2022 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2212151)

** grunt ** :laughing:

Plankton 07-27-2022 12:59 PM

*grunts back*


I was looking for the gif with the guy doing a beak with fingers but it seems to be eluding me.

ribbons 07-28-2022 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2212250)
had a real jamming guitar session

fixed my financial aid for the upcoming semester

now going to get a haircut and dinner


Is next semester right around the corner for you? Good luck! My son has been in summer session and working at a clinic near school. Fall semester for him starts late August.

Mucha na Dziko 07-29-2022 02:44 AM

So I was applying for a course at the Abbey Road Institute in London.

And two weeks back I received a note from them that they only accept British citizens (f***ing nationalists).

So I applied for a course at the Abbey Road Institute in Amsterdam.
And I got accepted today.

Sunday I'm already in Amsterdam.

Trollheart 07-29-2022 05:15 AM

Congrats man! :beer:

SGR 07-29-2022 03:03 PM

My day instantly becomes better when John Summit drops a new track. Summer vibes baby!

Dude's been the best house DJ alive for a minute now.

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