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blackTshirt 05-31-2006 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by hobojesus
What are your thoughts exactly? How can these be your thoughts?!?! They are my thoughts!!! GO AWAY!!!

****in weirdo
i was talking about this being MY site!! which it is!! YOU go away!!

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-31-2006 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by hobojesus
Do you have a split personality aswell, or are you just a dork? :)

No i`m a fanboy

Just be grateful I don`t pollute this forum with Doctor Who book reviews

TrampInaTux 05-31-2006 02:33 PM

Oh, now you've said it you've convinced me. I'll go away. And while I'm at it I'll buy a billion lottery tickets and lick Tony Blair's arse. You'd like that wouldn't you, bitch?

mosesandtherubberducky 05-31-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by blackTshirt
****in weirdo
i was talking about this being MY site!! which it is!! YOU go away!!

no it's mine woman!


TrampInaTux 05-31-2006 03:21 PM

It's all of ours.... group hug....

mosesandtherubberducky 05-31-2006 03:24 PM

*steals the site when they are hugging*

TrampInaTux 05-31-2006 03:26 PM

If you stole the site I wouldn't still be typing, BITCH.

mosesandtherubberducky 05-31-2006 03:51 PM

i stole it momentarily :p:

TrampInaTux 05-31-2006 03:53 PM

Well then it was all a bit pointless wasn't it? *Steals site momentarily* now we're even.

mosesandtherubberducky 05-31-2006 03:55 PM

*steals it again just to have stolen it one more time than hobo*

oh and my day just started to liven up. I am eating pops ^.^

right-track 05-31-2006 03:56 PM

The next person to steal this thread will recieve 10 warn points.

TrampInaTux 05-31-2006 03:57 PM

*Steals site again*

You said the next person to steal this thread :)

right-track 05-31-2006 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by hobojesus
*Steals site again*

You said the next person to steal this thread :)

10 to the thieving Brummie. :D

Raine 05-31-2006 04:14 PM

I've got 4 detentions today. I don't thik my teachers or my classmates want to see me graduate. This si about the 5th time I've been written up this month.
Some girlt he size of a damn truck decided to play me in tennis. I said fine. She got mad at me cause I wanted to play someone else. someone that could actually run after the ball. So I said we'd play doubles then. (Anything to make the game more exciting). I hit the ball and it almost took her head off. Damned whore.
I got written up for throwing a ball at my teacher, breaking the damned racket (which by the way i said I'd replace), and once again for "wearing attire unbecoming that of a young lady" which basically means I pulled of my shirt before I walked into the locker room and apparently spaghetti strapped tanks aren't allowed.
And unless we get some air conditioners or even fans my prinicple better get used to me "wearing attire unbecoming that of a young lady"
I'm wearing jeans with holes in the knees and wife beater.
I think I may've been written up for using a bunsen burner to heat up a slice of pizza.
School freaking sucks.

And you know what's funny I'm still serving detentions for "acting like a class clown"


Merkaba 05-31-2006 04:55 PM

It's my birthday today:)

So I think I'd better go do something before the day goes to waste.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-31-2006 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
It's my birthday today:)

So I think I'd better go do something before the day goes to waste.
Happy birthday mate ;)

explosions-in-my-pants 06-01-2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

I`d say a generous 4/10 at best

aww you don't think i could do better then that :( FINE! haha.. as long as he thinks there amazing then thats fine with me.. no matter how great theres always room for improvement tho.... :laughing: maybe.

anyways after these few days are over with.. i now have been rejected by my nan and pop to have the cabin for a few days for my birthday.. why? cause i wanted just me and my bf to go, and my nan was all like ' no i don't belive in that... you two can go to the cabin but not for all night' grrr! this makes me so mad..

so all day i've been sitting around with my mother trying to figure out what we can do on my birthday.. so far she's come up with..monday night (its the day of my birthday) she wants to take me clubing just me and her.. but then we thought about it.. it will be a monday night no one will be out and nothing will be happening.. so hmm what should i do? last time i got really drunk with my mom i told her all about my drug habbits.. i've drank with her sense but not really drunkish. anyways and as for that my bf was going to take me to the city for my bf for a few days but thats not going to happen... and now i just think its going to be a normal day.. which really sucks cause i've never once had a good birthday..

my day is really **** after all the birthday conversations and my bf going home i find myself really depressed.. now i have to go do some more painting.

Originally Posted by Merkaba
It's my birthday today:)

So I think I'd better go do something before the day goes to waste.

happy birthday hun! :beer: happy birthday to you... *keeps singing* lala

holdyoualways 06-01-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
It's my birthday today:)

So I think I'd better go do something before the day goes to waste.

& nobodys made a thread for you yet?

Mama Booze 06-01-2006 01:55 PM

My day was QUITE thee spectacle. And rather funny.

Well. Me and my 1st period Science teacher had a conversation about Ireland, and how they always say, "love," and "lovely." There...and then, during lunch I had a revealing conversation with my ex, you see, he always sits with us, even though we are seperated...So my curiosity was no doubt aroused...
Me:"Do you still fancy me?"
Me:"Well, you know I have that guy in California..."
Him:"Oh yeah...umermm...I have a girl in Ohio."

Suresuresure. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Hitch****. Good ridance to ya, and farewell.
Despite my bittersweet feelings toward it, we have decided to be flirtatious friends.
THEN, of course, thee principal [or one of them...we have 4] walks over,
Him: "Spaghetti straps do not work in this environment."
Me: "Um..k. What would you like me to do?"
Him: "Do you have like a jacket or something?"
Me: "Not that I recall."
Him: "*gets flustered*"
Me: "Would you like me to call my mum?"
Him: "*brilliant! the girl is brilliant* Umyeah."
Me: *runs off to go do that*

My mum ended picking me up and going shopping with me :). I love her! Hahahaaaa. Partnersss in crime.

But before we went shopping, she had to get groceries. And wouldn't you know it, some bitch rammed me with a cart! Intentionally, of course, becawzz my Mam told the bitch's mum to "move it along." In not so many words...
And so Mam got into a little brawl with the bitch, and security came over and gave Mam a talking to, and security escorted the bitch outside as she felt "threatened." Mom's like, "YEAH, BITCH, YOU SHOULD FEEL THREATENED!" HEHEE....I love her hah.

Then we like went shopping and got more inopropriate-for-school clothes :)
Weeee !

tdoc210 06-01-2006 08:58 PM

today was shi,t . this week was shi,t... id just like everyone to know..if you took all shi,t in the world and pile it together you would get littleton NH, the people here suck...yeah so my week started off on tuesday, we had monday off....receiving an f..because someone..who happens to teach the class lost my work..and i got sent to the office cause i got in a fight with her...then i kept getting in trouble at school..because of school board children..ive got lots on my mind..i keep fighting with my leats me and josh found jesus under a manhole...........i dunno i jsut wish that all my cool friends could be closer..but yeah..fuc,kin.. shyte

TrampInaTux 06-02-2006 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by the death of capitilism
at leats me and josh found jesus under a manhole

I love it when that happens. It always brightens up the day, y'know?

holdyoualways 06-02-2006 08:46 AM

so im supposed to be doing my final algebra exam right now & im totally procrastinating
but i guess i better get it done seein as how i currently have a 57% in that class

ArtistInTheAmbulance 06-02-2006 09:46 AM

my boyfriend is probably going into surgery this week , i found out today :(
so, twas pretty much spent at home worrying..
& for about an hour, attempting to revise for a levels,
then gave up.

...what a productive day =/

explosions-in-my-pants 06-02-2006 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
my boyfriend is probably going into surgery this week , i found out today :(
so, twas pretty much spent at home worrying..
& for about an hour, attempting to revise for a levels,
then gave up.

...what a productive day =/

Oh my god why does he need surgery?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 06-02-2006 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
Oh my god why does he need surgery?

mmwell, its a pretty personal area but seeing as no one here knows me in real life, spose it cant hurt..
right, well, he's worried he has to get his testicle cut off, basically. he's been in horrid pain for months now, with nowt more than slightly stronger painkillers because his docs wont give him anything else. he's seeing a surgeon, who's said that his tubes are liable to twist at any moment because he has some rather nasty disorder that i dont know the technical name for. but if they do twist, he's basically gotta get under the table & have it sorted out in 6 hours or under or he's lost it. thing is, the nhs is total sh*te & arent operating for ages, even though its clearly a vital area. so im not a happy bunny :(
anyone who , from here on in, gives me "lolz ur bfs got 1 ball" jokes, can go die.

i just hate how crap things happen to good people.
whats with all the psycho killers out there in perfect health?
not good..

explosions-in-my-pants 06-02-2006 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
mmwell, its a pretty personal area but seeing as no one here knows me in real life, spose it cant hurt..
right, well, he's worried he has to get his testicle cut off, basically. he's been in horrid pain for months now, with nowt more than slightly stronger painkillers because his docs wont give him anything else. he's seeing a surgeon, who's said that his tubes are liable to twist at any moment because he has some rather nasty disorder that i dont know the technical name for. but if they do twist, he's basically gotta get under the table & have it sorted out in 6 hours or under or he's lost it. thing is, the nhs is total sh*te & arent operating for ages, even though its clearly a vital area. so im not a happy bunny :(
anyone who , from here on in, gives me "lolz ur bfs got 1 ball" jokes, can go die.

i just hate how crap things happen to good people.
whats with all the psycho killers out there in perfect health?
not good..

wow! thats pretty crazy, and i feel bad for him, and i understand why you worry. how old is he?

ArtistInTheAmbulance 06-02-2006 10:46 AM

hes 17.
& even though im worrying shizz loads as it is, i feel i should be worrying more, cause whenever other guys hear the story, they all cringe & wince so much.. tis pain us gals will never experience.
i dont like it much, to be honest.
i cannae do anything either.
i had to send him home early yesterday cause he couldnt walk around in town with us, i felt horrid but at least he could rest at home.
mmm, anyways, worrying will amount to nothing i guess...

*continues to worry*

bruise_violet 06-02-2006 10:48 AM

At least he has a lovely girlfriend to support him.

Hope things go well for him!

mosesandtherubberducky 06-02-2006 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
mmwell, its a pretty personal area but seeing as no one here knows me in real life, spose it cant hurt..
right, well, he's worried he has to get his testicle cut off, basically. he's been in horrid pain for months now, with nowt more than slightly stronger painkillers because his docs wont give him anything else. he's seeing a surgeon, who's said that his tubes are liable to twist at any moment because he has some rather nasty disorder that i dont know the technical name for. but if they do twist, he's basically gotta get under the table & have it sorted out in 6 hours or under or he's lost it. thing is, the nhs is total sh*te & arent operating for ages, even though its clearly a vital area. so im not a happy bunny :(
anyone who , from here on in, gives me "lolz ur bfs got 1 ball" jokes, can go die.

i just hate how crap things happen to good people.
whats with all the psycho killers out there in perfect health?
not good..

Give the guy a random American's sentiments. That sucks, really a guys testies are like gold to him. I do hope for the best of it though

ArtistInTheAmbulance 06-02-2006 10:52 AM

aw well thanks, yer all loveleh :)

Mama Booze 06-02-2006 01:26 PM

Ah Rozi, I'm awfully sorry about that :( best of luck.

tdoc210 06-02-2006 09:58 PM

well today was all happy and fine until i came here..and saw the ICP thread, and the gwendolin thread.. now i dont even know, it just freaks me out there are people in this world who lsiten to icp in the first place, and then to make a religious cult out of them...i want to go cry and hide in a corner....i dont think that jesus would like these clown yerr.. evn though im not any religion really..but still......making a religion out of ICP is just wrong.....oh and family is not spelt with a PH

Barnard17 06-03-2006 06:22 AM

Just Rozi's luck, to start dating about the only guy who NEEDS his bollocks cut off :P

I'm sure it will go well. No complications :)

Frances 06-03-2006 06:30 AM

alright, sitting here getting drunk again. My girl's in China now and won't be back for a week and a half. Maw, oh well. All my housemates are working, I'm home alone crankin the music, drinkin some red wine and posting more poorly the drunker I get. Yay.

TrampInaTux 06-03-2006 06:48 AM

So far, so ****. After a pretty good day yesterday involving my mates and a snooker hall, I'm sitting here with nothing to do while the weather is brilliant. I'm to tired to do anything really though and need to keep myself in one piece before the huge event tomorrow... so I spose it ain't to bad. But then I've got school on Monday :( I've enjoyed having a week off! School will just ruin it all... and to top it all off, I go back to Science exams and the like. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be good. Should cheer me up a bit. I just hate it when you've got nothing to do and your mind starts working overtime and putting all these nasty thoughts into your head, like 'you're going to fail the exam!' and 'you will grow up a failure!' and 'tomorrow will be awkward and will end up with your girlfriend running far far away from you and your crazy family!'

Raine 06-03-2006 07:14 AM

I was trying to for a record by seeing how much I couldn't listen to P.O.D., Hendrix, Tool and Nine INch Nails. And I lasted about a day and a half before my sister started blasting Ashlee Simpson on the radio. The contrast between that stuff and what I'd been listening to. . . was horrendous.

I went bowling last night. Got high off syrup at some diner when I ordered the largest heap of french toast the joint could offer.

I used one of the greatest rejection lines ever too.
Some random retard: I may not be fred flintstone but I sure can rock your world
Me: I'm sorry, but do I look like I speak neanderthal?

(Oh yes. I rock :hphones: :hphones: :laughing: :wavey: )


holdyoualways 06-03-2006 10:58 AM

yeah so
im still in a pissy mood
but hey i have laundry to take my mind off that now dont i!
fun fun fun
oh & i bit my nail so low that it started bleeding
really gross

cardboard adolescent 06-03-2006 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Raine
I was trying to for a record by seeing how much I couldn't listen to P.O.D., Hendrix, Tool and Nine INch Nails. And I lasted about a day and a half before my sister started blasting Ashlee Simpson on the radio. The contrast between that stuff and what I'd been listening to. . . was horrendous.

I went bowling last night. Got high off syrup at some diner when I ordered the largest heap of french toast the joint could offer.

I used one of the greatest rejection lines ever too.
Some random retard: I may not be fred flintstone but I sure can rock your world
Me: I'm sorry, but do I look like I speak neanderthal?

(Oh yes. I rock :hphones: :hphones: :laughing: :wavey: )


Shouldn't that be... but I can make your bed rock?

Mama Booze 06-09-2006 12:37 PM


Hmm. Well I didn't sleep last night, and I woke up in a cold sweat (I swear, I only fell asleep for fifteen minuet intervels and etc...), at 2:20 AM and went and drank water on the couch in the living room. I was really sad and somber because...well, it wasn't exactly a fight, but more like a...shake-up, with my...e-lover<3...some people know what I'm talking about heh...And well, then I went back to sleep, woke up feeling sick (for numerous reasons...) and since it was a half-day anyway, Mom said I didn't have to go to school...which means this is the 20th day I've missed. Oh well. I'm on the honor roll. They can kiss my ass...And then well, we went to my Granma's house (me, my mom, and my brother), I had a big cup of coffee to help me stay alert (as I said, I got no sleep.) And then I had two diet cokes, in a wine glass. Heh. And then my gran offered to watch J (my brother) while me and Mom went shopping for Dad's father's day gift(s). So we went to the mall (me and my mom)...And I was REALLY caffeign high. People must have though I was high or drunk or something (did you know it's illegal over here to be drunk in public? Not that anyone around here really gives a s**t. I would say every other person here is an alcoholic, but that's really only true in Rentler. AKA my second home. That I love. That is very amusing.)...And so I had to pee really bad by then, so my mom took me into Friendly's, but we had to buy something first (money-milking bastards! Tut tut.) So of course, I go something with even MORE caffeign in it. Etc. So then we go off to find Dad's gift. We went into Spencer's (only us, heh...) and got him boxers with skulls on them (he's into that.). And I got a cool dragon-pendent necklace thing (love my bling.) Made me happy...and then we went off to a shoe store (also in the mall.) to find my dad the shoes he wanted. We ended up getting him two pairs, because again, everyone out there (the shoes salesman included) are again, money-milking bastards. And then we went off (away from the mall) to the CD store, so Mom could get her CD that she wanted...They didn't have it so she got a Cheap Trick CD, which I am going to burn onto my I-pod later. I love Cheap Trick<3...

And then we headed back to my Gran's house (after about 3 hours, believe it or not.), and I get a text on my phone, that just says "Hey". And it's from my ex ( one of those ex's who will really never get away from you. And that's you'll learn in the rest of this post.) ...Apparently he had sent it during the last period of the half-day, so I called him back. We ended up talking in-depthly and having a really nice, but really bittersweet conversation. About my e-lover (who I am actually really in love with. Shut your face if you believe other wise because I'm young. Of course I'll still like you, but for God's sake, love is love. Love knows no age.). And my ex (who's name is Ty.) is very jealous of my e-lover (who's name is Dan<3), and Ty still fancy's me...And...well bottom line, we are now flirtacious best friends who love each other.

So after an actually very long conversation I had with Ty, I called back to say...

Lex: Hey, you're my best friend.
Ty: Yeah. You're mine too.
Lex: So I love ya like a best friend who flirts.
Ty: Right back at ya.

tdoc210 06-09-2006 01:38 PM

^ that disturbs me..............e lovers..ewww

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