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Unknown Soldier 02-17-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Metal Connoisseur (Post 1155859)
. The opening scene where Cilian Murphy is just wandering around a deserted London just gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.

I wish I could wander around a deserted London:)

jackhammer 02-17-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Metal Connoisseur (Post 1155859)
One of my favorite films of all time is 28 Days Later. The atmosphere in that film is so incredible; just a perfect melding between cinematography and score. The opening scene where Cilian Murphy is just wandering around a deserted London just gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.

Another thing I noticed was that the camera in that film (and other British productions I've seen) has this sort of lo-fi quality about it that I love. It's almost like it's more grainy than the super crisp American films from Hollywood. Idk, I might be crazy, but has anyone else noticed this?

Apart from of the crappy middle class films we make most British films are like this but not on purpose. It rains here a lot and apart from about 4 months of the year it is all grey and more grey and that is reflected in the dialogue, cinematography etc.

I admire many U.S films for their universal approach but British films on a whole appeal to me much more because of their understated approach and lack of sentimentality/schmaltz (we rarely do sentimentality).

Metal Connoisseur 02-18-2012 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1155981)
I admire many U.S films for their universal approach but British films on a whole appeal to me much more because of their understated approach and lack of sentimentality/schmaltz (we rarely do sentimentality).

That trademark US sentimentality is something that has a time and place but is wayyyyy too pervasive in American blockbuster films. Something I've noticed, even with critics, is that they've become so complacent with and used to happy endings and sentimental value that they criticize films that stray away from the conventional. For instance, I don't understand how War Horse and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close were nominated for Best Picture and Drive wasn't.

Unknown Soldier 02-18-2012 09:15 AM

Not strictly a zombie film and I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it yet, as this early 1970's classic featuring Charlton Heston and a great performance from Anthony Zerbe is a must see. There is a remake which I've never seen but the original is great and was based on an even older Vincent Price film and its a must for any zombie fans. The story is a post-apocolypse US city being plagued every night by albino mutants, while Charlton Heston seeks sanctury in his penthouse fortress.

nolanjohnson1 02-18-2012 10:00 AM

My favorite zombie films, Peter Jackson's Braindead, also known as Dead Alive. Protagonist Lionel Messi who is the oppression of his evil mother, and ultimately trying to do (such as zombies to tie in his basement and feeding them eggs and milk) is responsible for things ... just a brilliant character. The whole film is completely sick and twisted, trying to tell a human story. In addition, it is fun, too!

Guybrush 02-18-2012 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by nolanjohnson1 (Post 1156278)
My favorite zombie films, Peter Jackson's Braindead, also known as Dead Alive. Protagonist Lionel Messi who is the oppression of his evil mother, and ultimately trying to do (such as zombies to tie in his basement and feeding them eggs and milk) is responsible for things ... just a brilliant character. The whole film is completely sick and twisted, trying to tell a human story. In addition, it is fun, too!

I love how it's basically a love story about momma's boy Lionel and Paquita and the stuff that comes between them .. which happens to turn it into one of the goriest zombie flicks ever made. :p:

It came out on Blu-Ray a while ago .. Looking forward to watching that version soon!

Howard the Duck 02-18-2012 11:02 AM

although Val Lewton is generally better known for the other zombie movie (White Zombie), which is technically better and more atmospheric, i'm still quite fond of this one:-

and it's a Zombie in the Haitian voodoo curse sense, not Romero

BastardofYoung 02-29-2012 01:36 PM

Braindead (Dead Alive)

Man, I wish Peter would go back to his roots and do another classic splatter film.

Howard the Duck 03-01-2012 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1155915)
I wish I could wander around a deserted London:)

i wish i could wander around a deserted Taipei, Taiwan cos the traffic system is dire

Unknown Soldier 03-02-2012 05:33 AM

I didn't know you were a Val Lewton fan, I've got a Val Lewton box set and I really love his films, the aestetics of the films were superb.

Janszoon 03-02-2012 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1156264)
Not strictly a zombie film and I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it yet, as this early 1970's classic featuring Charlton Heston and a great performance from Anthony Zerbe is a must see. There is a remake which I've never seen but the original is great and was based on an even older Vincent Price film and its a must for any zombie fans. The story is a post-apocolypse US city being plagued every night by albino mutants, while Charlton Heston seeks sanctury in his penthouse fortress.

It's kind of funny that you refer to this as "the original" while mentioning in the same breath that it's in fact a remake. :laughing:

Anyway, it's a good movie, as are the other two versions of the story. I've always found it very interesting how differently each film handed the "zombies". In Omega Man they definitely are the least zombie-like of the three films, more like cult members.

Unknown Soldier 03-02-2012 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1160933)
It's kind of funny that you refer to this as "the original" while mentioning in the same breath that it's in fact a remake. :laughing:

Stop trolling:laughing:

crukster 03-02-2012 10:40 PM

George R. Romero's Day of the Dead

2nd is Evil Dead 2

Howard the Duck 03-02-2012 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1160933)
It's kind of funny that you refer to this as "the original" while mentioning in the same breath that it's in fact a remake. :laughing:

it's just a problem with his sentence structure

i think i know what he meant

Unknown Soldier 03-03-2012 02:05 AM

Hey Cruckster love your Day of the Dead vids that film has to be my favourite zombie flick ever, Captain Rhodes has to be the best and most badass character to ever grace a zombie flick, his foul language puts a smile on my face every time.

"This ain't a goddamn field trip people, this is a fucking war!"

I was going to stick the best scene of the film up and that is Bub saluting Captain Rhodes :rofl:but couldn't find it on You Tube.

Rhodes is the man!

BastardofYoung 03-03-2012 12:23 PM

^Bub is the best zombie ever as well.

crukster 03-03-2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1161281)
Hey Cruckster love your Day of the Dead vids that film has to be my
favourite zombie flick ever, Captain Rhodes has to be the best and most badass character to ever grace
a zombie flick, his foul language puts a smile on my face every time.

"This ain't a goddamn field trip people, this is a fucking war!"

I was going to stick the best scene of the film up and that is Bub saluting Captain Rhodes :rofl:but couldn't find it on You Tube.

Rhodes is the man!

It's genius man, Rhodes is probably the best guy to be leading, so the zombies had him...he was in another film in the trilogy
as another character who's a cop, I've heard fan theories that it's the same character and he joined the army.


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1161383)
^Bub is the best zombie ever as well.

Frankenstein is a crackpot though man. I get what he's trying to do, but if you see the scene where he's training Bub, and
think of it from Bub's point of view, he has essentially set up the sh*ttest butcher's shop in the World and said "here
have some of that instead of eating my arm". When Bub finds Frankenstein's corpse and rages, from the personal side it seems
like he's upset that he lost his mentor, but when you really think about it, was he just mad that he wasnt getting free food
anymore? Undisputable legendary moment when he listens to the music on the cassette player, though.

Long term maybe they could be trained, but the question is are they already smarter than us? Frankenstein should
have been working on fixing what's making them rot first man if you ask me. Cos that would stop the infection spreading.
Whatever they are they have no self control so Rhodes has the right idea, shoot them on sight.

The end is trippy sh*t...There's no chance of them re-establishing society from that base and there's no ****in
point waiting to hear from other bases. I'd set up a distress beacon in the base and leave behind any useful notes
compiled on the behaviour of the zombies and origin of the pandemic, and possible solutions. convince the woman my dick
is biggest, take the chopper and neccessary supplies and do that right from the start instead of hanging about until
the base is overrun. Set up another ****in beacon off-shore from the island, establish contact with survivors and
just pick who gets to live on me and my woman's island bitches.

But you don't actually want the chopper dude, you wanna get the boat.

Or the tank.


skaltezon 03-03-2012 05:15 PM


Shaun of the Dead (2004), for zombie impersonations as a sort of protective coloration for the as-yet unzombified.

BastardofYoung 03-03-2012 05:19 PM

Should also say Return of the Living Dead. The first film is one of the best zombie films of all-time.

Though I think Dawn of the Dead is the best zombie film of all-time. Good mix of horror, comedy and social commentary.

Braindead (Dead Alive) is my favorite, but I think Dawn of the Dead is the best.

jackhammer 03-04-2012 04:14 PM

It's SHAUN of the dead and george A romero. Sorry to be pedantic and yes it does matter!

Unknown Soldier 03-04-2012 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1161668)
It's SHAUN of the dead and george A romero. Sorry to be pedantic and yes it does matter!

You're giving the English a bad name :laughing:

jackhammer 03-04-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1161688)
You're giving the English a bad name :laughing:

Well Shaun Of The Dead is an English film!

BastardofYoung 03-04-2012 05:02 PM

actually, points off for forgetting the period in George A. Romero.

Guybrush 03-05-2012 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Hypertension (Post 1161923)
I feel that the general quality of zombie movies has slipped in recent years. I'm hoping World War Z changes that... but, I'm not holding out too much hope. Still, it was filmed in Glasgow, which is where I'm from, so that was kinda cool.

I don't think there ever was a period when zombie movies were good. I mean, if you like Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Re-Animator, Braindead (aka Dead Alive) and Shaun of the Dead - these are zombie flicks that I like - then each one is basically from a different decade.

Zombie movies in general have been pretty ****ty and then there are a few sparkling gems here and there that rise above the rest.

Unknown Soldier 03-05-2012 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1161945)
I don't think there ever was a period when zombie movies were good. I mean, if you like Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Re-Animator, Braindead (aka Dead Alive) and Shaun of the Dead - these are zombie flicks that I like - then each one is basically from a different decade.

Zombie movies in general have been pretty ****ty and then there are a few sparkling gems here and there that rise above the rest.

What! I hope some zombie has got you listed as their main course.

Guybrush 03-05-2012 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1161950)
What! I hope some zombie has got you listed as their main course.

The number of boring, badly made zombie movies easily outnumber the good!

Unknown Soldier 03-05-2012 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1161952)
The number of boring, badly made zombie movies easily outnumber the good!

Badly made= A bad film
Badly made= A good zombie film

Guybrush 03-05-2012 04:29 AM

Sometimes, movies are entertaining despite being campy and awful, but I don't consider it a general rule.

Howard the Duck 03-05-2012 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1161950)
What! I hope some zombie has got you listed as their main course.

they made a local zombie film here recently - Zombie Kampung Pisang (Banana Village Zombie) - i actually wanted to try out as an extra - preferably a zombie


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1161959)
Sometimes, movies are entertaining despite being campy and awful, but I don't consider it a general rule.

you should love Zombie Kampung Pisang then, provided you can find it in Norway

Unknown Soldier 03-05-2012 06:05 AM

Tips for surviving a zombie attack in Malaysia.

Tips for Surviving a Zombie Attack in Malaysia –

Howard the Duck 03-05-2012 07:10 AM

^^some of the pics are from Zombie Kampung Pisang

it doesn't really add any local flavour to it

like feed them murtabak kambing (mutton in dough) or something like that

Unknown Soldier 03-05-2012 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1161992)
^^some of the pics are from Zombie Kampung Pisang

it doesn't really add any local flavour to it

like feed them murtabak kambing (mutton in dough) or something like that

Is Malaysia a peninsuala with lots of islands? If so that would be good, as zombies can't swim and survivors could hole up on an island whilst the zombies learn to row boats:p:

Howard the Duck 03-05-2012 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1161996)
Is Malaysia a peninsuala with lots of islands? If so that would be good, as zombies can't swim and survivors could hole up on an island whilst the zombies learn to row boats:p:

a few islands

not as many as Indonesia

you can probably hole up in one of those desolate resort islands

i saw in one zombie film that they can swim (Survival of the Dead, I think)

Unknown Soldier 03-05-2012 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1162011)
a few islands

not as many as Indonesia

you can probably hole up in one of those desolate resort islands

i saw in one zombie film that they can swim (Survival of the Dead, I think)

I was thinking, if survivors were holed up on an island they would soon be bickering amongst themselves as they always do, soon the food would be running out and they would soon be eating each zombies needed:p:

Guybrush 03-05-2012 08:15 AM

When I lived on Svalbard, I thought perhaps the cold would freeze zombies so that they get sluggish or even unable to move. Perhaps the freezing of the brain would kill them. It makes sense, but then again, it's hard to tell how fiction is going to play out. :p:

Unknown Soldier 03-05-2012 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1162019)
When I lived on Svalbard, I thought perhaps the cold would freeze zombies so that they get sluggish or even unable to move. Perhaps the freezing of the brain would kill them. It makes sense, but then again, it's hard to tell how fiction is going to play out. :p:

I looked at Svalbard on wiki, besides the zombies freezing to death so would any survivors, but at least the meat would be kept nice and fresh.

Janszoon 03-05-2012 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1162019)
When I lived on Svalbard, I thought perhaps the cold would freeze zombies so that they get sluggish or even unable to move. Perhaps the freezing of the brain would kill them. It makes sense, but then again, it's hard to tell how fiction is going to play out. :p:

Hilariously enough I had a conversation about this very scenario with my wife last weekend. Not with regards to Svalbard obviously, but we were both wondering if the people on Walking Dead should be hoping for an uncharacteristically cold winter in Georgia this year. :laughing:

Also, during this conversation we were wondering if it's possible for zombies to starve to death.

Guybrush 03-05-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1162029)
I looked at Svalbard on wiki, besides the zombies freezing to death so would any survivors, but at least the meat would be kept nice and fresh.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1162045)
Hilariously enough I had a conversation about this very scenario with my wife last weekend. Not with regards to Svalbard obviously, but we were both wondering if the people on Walking Dead should be hoping for an uncharacteristically cold winter in Georgia this year. :laughing:

Also, during this conversation we were wondering if it's possible for zombies to starve to death.

It's certainly a dangerous place for survivors if the power is gone, but I'm pretty sure one could survive up there for a long time as long as you have firewood and can scavenge the local stores for supplies. :)

About zombies starving, they do eventually die from starvation in the 28 days/weeks later films, but I can't remember them doing so in any other zombie settings I've seen.

NSW 03-05-2012 06:39 PM

It seems unlikely that they could starve to death. I'd think they'd die from their heads/brains simply decaying to nothing before they would starve.

jackhammer 03-05-2012 07:01 PM

Zombies do not eat for for food. It's a primordial instinct so they couldn't starve. Many may have internal organs that digest foods ripped away prior to their 'death' yet they still yearn for human flesh.

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