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Unknown Soldier 11-26-2014 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1513113)

Genre: Post-thrash
Release: 1990

Cowboys from Hell is dull. "Best metal album of 1990" my ass.

All the songs are a tad too lengthy, they plod along, and the production is rather abysmal. "The Shortest Straw" from ...And Justice for All sounds more bass-heavy than most of the songs on this. Dimebag Darrel is a good axeman, but extreme metal bands need two guitarists IMO. The beat is also non-existent on most tracks. This entire album really sounds like ...And Justice for All just without the good songwriting, and the variety. That is, except for track 2...

"Primal Concrete Sledge" is like listening to an entirely different (better) band. It is my favorite track and several orders of magnitude better than every other track on this album...almost, combined. This would be a two-star album if not for that track.

I love that Pantera album :eek:

Wpnfire 11-26-2014 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1513228)
You're wrong. The best song on that album is "Cowboys from Hell". That swagger is just infectiously fun.

It's one of the better songs sure, but not the best. "The Art of Shredding" is better than that.

Genre: Post-thrash
Release: 1992

The first thing I notice with this how much better the album actually sounds. The sound is slightly less top-heavy than the previous album. It is a minor change, but it makes a world of difference.

It's still not a great album.

There's not a bad track on this album, at least, not anything two-star worthy, but there's not much better than a three-star either. "This Love" and "Rise" are the standouts for me, though the former is far too long and I have no idea how people can say it is the best track. "Rise" is killer, and far and away my favorite.

Overall, this album is better than Cowboys from Hell.

Wpnfire 11-26-2014 10:40 PM

Genre: Black Metal (ambient)
Released: 1993
This is a cool album. It's got some neat riffs provided by downtuned and distorted guitars that sound like they were recorded with a mono-tape recorder, and sound fittingly screechy (in a good way). Varg is both a genius songwriter and very skilled at arrangement, and he goes all over the place on this album. 3 minute tracks, 5 minute tracks, 7 minute tracks, 9 minute tracks, songs with vocals, songs with extended instrumental sections, pure ambience... Obviously, this variety allows every song to stand out on its own as a unique piece.

Favorite tracks: "En Ring til å Herske," "Lost Wisdom," "Han Som Reiste," "Naar Himmelen Klarner"
"En Ring til å Herske" has a wonderful doomy riff that plays for an extended amount of time with Varg singing off-and-on intermittently. The second half of the song sheds the riff for a bit and wanders till the song ends.

"Lost Wisdom" is a 4 minute riff-fest with a sensational beat and vocals from Varg that blend very well with the instrumentation. This very well could be my favorite black metal song.

"Han Som Reiste." The Batlord described this song best: it's like a Lord of the Rings soundtrack, though not nearly as stupid as that sounds. Indeed, it is not stupid, and gets you in the mood for the second half of the album with bottom-heavy synth work that is highly addicting and quite original.

"Naar Himmelen Klarner" is a progressive song featuring a riff that plays for over a minute before increasing in complexity as the drums come in. When it ends, I find myself wanting it to continue on.

Wpnfire 11-27-2014 01:05 PM

Wpnfire raids his parent's CD collection - Mk II
Genre: Psychedelic Rock, Experimental
Released: 1968
Position in Discography: Second album

(The?) Grateful Dead is one of my dad's all-time favorite bands. He has most of their releases I believe. Despite him liking them so much, I do not know much about them.

I am not a fan of track 2 and 3, but the rest are great. Guitar player Jerry Garcia is superb. His playing as well as the singer, are my favorite aspects about this album. If I was going to pick my favorite track, it would be "Alligator," simply for Garcia's terrific work during the second portion of the song. "Alligator" features one of the oddest instruments used on the album, a kazoo, which can be heard in the opening of the track.

Wpnfire 11-27-2014 03:17 PM

The other Metallica - self-titled ****
Genre: Fake metal.
Released: who cares
Position in discography: first of the ****-era of Metallica

Look at the cover, LOOK AT THE COVER. Metallica did not even have the balls to show their logo on this like they did on all prior albums. They knew the songs on it would not fly with their fans–THEY KNEW–and they chose to hide their logo just like they hid their thrash metal sound. Did they think they could slip this one under the radar? Be a pop metal band and a thrash metal band? I guess the answer does not matter because either way, this is the followup to ...And Justice for All, and if that album was the beginning of the end of Metallica, this ****ery outright killed them.

Musically, this album resembles earlier albums though everything is worse. There are tons of downstroke-picked riffs, though all of them are slow and not that technical, which leads to most of them being rather boring. Ulrich's drumming is played at a quarter of the speed and he never uses the double bass, and Hetfield is the worst part of all as he sings FAR, FAR too much. At least Heftield does not sound like he did on Ride the Lightning.

"Enter Sandman" is acceptable, though woefully overrated as it is basically a less technical "Master of Puppets" played at a eighth of the speed of that track. "Sad But True" is interesting to me because of the riff and the harder-than-steel drumming by Ulrich. The fact that the beat is in rhythm with the riff greatly magnifies the heaviness. "The Unforgiven" is boring, save for the solo. I do not like fancy solos so it is nice to hear Hammett play some simple stuff for a change.

Every other track sucks. A big F U to "Nothing Else Matters." Currently the only Metallica song in their entire discography that is ****ty enough to warrant a one-star rating from me. **** "Nothing Else Matters."

The Batlord 11-27-2014 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1514319)
Every other track sucks. A big F U to "Nothing Else Matters." Currently the only Metallica song in their entire discography that is ****ty enough to warrant a one-star rating from me. **** "Nothing Else Matters."[/CENTER]

I think the thing that bugs me most about that song, is that you know, the second you say how boring it is, some musically illiterate cretin is going to look down his nose at you for not having the taste to like the acoustic song. As if the fact that they claim to like it is somehow evidence of their diverse taste in music.

Moss 11-30-2014 04:24 PM

Refreshing to read an honest and accurate review of the Metallica self titled album. :beer:

Wpnfire 12-01-2014 09:07 AM

Just found this hilarious article written by Ross Sewage, band member and de facto frontman for death metal band Impaled, giving advice about touring expenses for some indie band called Pomplamoose.

Excerpt as follows:


[Pomplamoose] explains that it’s very hard and expensive to tour. With this basic conjecture, I agree. Then Jack details how their recent big tour cost $147,000 while they “only” made $135,000 on the road. Exqueeze me? Pardon me while I choke down the “go **** yourself” itching to get out my throat.

Buddha says calm the **** down. Pomplamoose, despite having made big bucks on iTunes, YouTube, and advertising cars, is an indie band. They are independent of a label and make quite a bit of dough releasing their own music; the dream come true. Sure, sometimes that music straight up rips off Prince’s Let’s Go Crazy or something, but hey, sometimes our band rips off S.O.D. (all the time). And sure, he’s got a website he co-founded that gets millions of dollars in investment money to fall back on. But we are musicians and therefore brethren of a sort. The first Impaled tour lost money, too, but we learned (to not agree to a $50 guarantee ever again). So let’s be constructive and see how we might help Pomplamoose make ends meet so poor Jack doesn’t have to fall back on that multi-million dollar start-up he’s got going.
Read more here

Wpnfire 12-02-2014 07:50 PM

The Cave of Abaddon
Nah that sounds cliché.

Wpnfire's Lair of Extremity

Up until now, I have been aimlessly reviewing albums I come across with no real topic or focus. A few days ago, I played Effigy of the Forgotten by Suffocation randomly, and I noticed the music failed to frighten me as it normally did. I played a different track and that did not affect me either. It actually sounded rather nice.

Yes, it appears I am now immune to brutal death metal.

This can only mean one thing, I must like this genre. I immediately went out and scoured the web tirelessly searching for death metal I liked, and needless to say, I found a few. Here are my thoughts on...

Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick

Genre: Death Metal, Doom metal.
Released: 1991
Position in discography: second album

This album is so ****ing death metal, the band name and album title are illegible: it is the same color scheme as...whatever the hell that is on the cover. Looks tasty.

Anyway, I have some trouble getting into this album. With this release, Morbid Angel slows the tempo occasionally, which gives some songs a very slight hint of doom metal to them. Unfortunately, that makes some of them a bit stale at times. There are a few good parts. Singer David Vincent is awesome. His vocals are bottled aggressiveness, and whenever he growls out a verse, it is pure bliss. There are several intro tracks on this album, and all of them provide a very impressive atmosphere. "Intro" starts with guitars played with extreme distortion, with samples of people screaming and what sounds like a baby (?) crying playing in the background. It’s like the opening to “Hell Awaits” by Slayer…only twice as metal as that, though not as evil. Atmospheric and metal as ****.

My other favorite tracks would be "Fall From Grace" because of the awesome riffs, blast beats, and David Vincent's singing is hella sick, and "Day of Suffering."

The Batlord 12-03-2014 05:03 PM

Their next album, Covenant, is considered by many to be their best album, but I'm not as big a fan. It does have "God of Emptiness" though, which is amazing. And the Laibach remix is even better. All they really did was muddy the sound up, but it makes the song so much more ****ed up sounding.

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