Music Banter

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Seltzer 11-20-2008 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 548449)
I like all of those you cheeky fecker

I can understand not liking Savatage but Victims of Deception is classic thrash. :(

Guybrush 11-20-2008 11:04 AM

Slightly embarassing, but I guess the most influential for me must've been The Beatles, Paul McCartney (with or without Wings), U2, ABBA, Pink Floyd (particularly The Wall) and a little Johnny Cash .. This is most of the music I started listening to when I was a kid, music owned by my older siblings and parents.

When I became a teenager, I was quite embarassed about that and rebelled against it by getting more into punk and metal, but now that I'm older, I'm even more embarassed by the bands I listened to then, so .. there you go.

Blue 11-20-2008 07:25 PM

Pink Floyd is easily my biggest influence. Not only is Gilmour the reason I play the guitar, but when I heard Wish You Were Here (the album) for the first time, it more or less changed my life. I was going through a lot at that time, and probably partly because of all that, it was a really ground-breaking experience for me. I didn't know music could be as good as that until I heard that record. Floyd is probably the biggest reason why I'm involved with music.

WhiteThrashQueen 11-20-2008 10:28 PM

Music in general has influenced my life a great deal, but if I had to pick one artist, it'd definitely be Staind. A friend of mine got me into them when I was 15 (I was a late bloomer, haha) and it just felt like the music was made for me. I still listen to them all the time.

UniV3rs4lX28 11-21-2008 01:23 PM

hah its kind of lame, but when i was younger (11 or 12) my friend gave me a Linkin Park CD to listen to. while it's not really my cup of tea anymore, i really liked them after hearing them for the first time. they kind of brought me into the rock/metal genres, so in that way they were pretty influential for me.

megadethfangirl18 11-21-2008 06:37 PM

Probably the most influential for me were Van Halen and Queen. The first time I heard Brian May play guitar, I really got interested in rock/metal. I heard EVH shortly after.

GuitarPlayer101 11-23-2008 06:42 AM

U2 ... been a favorite for a long time and I have been inspired by their depth of material and ability to keep challenging themselves. Love Edge's guitar playing too ...

Maddest_Hatter 11-23-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 548050)
Music affects us all, and for some of us hearing that one song or album or band can change our lives completely. So it was with me and Marillion: this band opened up whole new vistas of imagination I had never before envisioned, and every album was a journey of discovery.
So what music artiste(s) would you say influenced your life (in a positive or negative, but hopefully positive) way, and how?

For me it was Alice Cooper. His music is timeless, his style unique, his shows are over the top and he's still down to earth and has a 2 handycap! LOL I'm Eighteen is still my favorite song to this day. It's a timeless song, that no matter how old I get, still is relavant to my life. Welcome to My Nightmare is, IMO, the greatest album ever written. He is a great role model for kids. What more can you say?

Look at all the bands out there today who owe tribute back to him, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Mudvayne, and any other band that put on some makeup, stepped out there, and scared the crap outta society!

Sunny 11-23-2008 11:54 AM

The Veils and Led Zeppelin

The Veils because they make such powerful music and because the day I listened to "Vicious Traditions" for the first time, I fell in love with music. And there are some pretty emotional memories connected to a lot of songs by Led Zeppelin, especially to "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You".

sunrain 12-01-2008 12:22 PM

I'd have to say Tool because they sort of took me out of my 12 year old Green Day/ The Killers/ Linkin Park sort of mindset and introduced me to more metal and grittier music which I practically live on now. They also affected the way I look at music and art in general. I'm into more "cosmic" art and stuff now too like Alex Grey who designed a lot of Tools artwork.
I have to admit I still have a soft spot in my heart for Green Day because they helped me through grade 6-7 (and somewhat 8) which were some of the hardest years of my 15 year old life.

Astronomer 12-01-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by sunrain (Post 555818)
I'd have to say Tool because they sort of took me out of my 12 year old Green Day/ The Killers/ Linkin Park sort of mindset and introduced me to more metal and grittier music which I practically live on now. They also affected the way I look at music and art in general. I'm into more "cosmic" art and stuff now too like Alex Grey who designed a lot of Tools artwork.
I have to admit I still have a soft spot in my heart for Green Day because they helped me through grade 6-7 (and somewhat 8) which were some of the hardest years of my 15 year old life.

Tool = :thumb:
Green Day = nooooooooooo

sunrain 12-01-2008 06:21 PM

I like to think of green day as that crappy drumkit you keep just because it started you on to becoming an amazing drummer.
But yeah they aren't my cup of tea at all anymore.
Save for a couple songs.

IObject! 12-02-2008 06:12 AM

Tool, Neurosis and Fall of Efrafa have been the three most influential in my life.. when I was 14, 16 and 18.

Automatic Slim 12-02-2008 09:18 AM

I'd have to say Alice in Chains, because they got me interested in heavier music. Before then, I listened to the blues and jazz. When I first heard them, I was blown away. I investigated the rest of their work, as well as thrash and 'classic rock'.

My top 5 rock bands (a broad category) are currently Alice in Chains, Megadeth, Metallica, Melvins, and Blue Oyster Cult.

Close_Smile 12-03-2008 12:39 PM

Metallica, and Jimi Hendrix.

They make me listen to music 60% of the day.

punkrawker07 12-04-2008 04:19 PM

hi there, new to this forum and thought this would be a good place for my first post. i have to say that nirvana is easily the most influential band in my life. in utero, their best album, was the first album i ever bought when i was 14 and they have remained my number 1 band to this day. their music still is just as great today as it was back then. Kurt Cobain was a genious. i was big into punk music in high school and since then i've gone over to anything metal but nirvana still remains at the top. here are my top five.

System of a Down
and I'll throw slipknot in there as they were one of my favorite bands for the longest time other then their new album blows.

FaSho 12-04-2008 06:19 PM

What's with all the Slipknot fans recently?

Barabajagal 12-04-2008 07:38 PM

Modest Mouse - when I first heard "This Is A Long Drive" and "Lonesome Crowded West" in 10th grade, it finally made me realize what an elitist loser I was. I was raised on lots of stuff from the '60s and '70s and used to be one of those people that claimed good music died in recent decades.

Modest Mouse became my first can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of musical love. I was obsessed for a long time and they are still one of my favorite bands, and they were the first concert I ever went to. They got me into lyrics big time, and totally changed my "good music is dead" theory I had going for so long. Thank god.

Anteater 12-04-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 557914)
What's with all the Slipknot fans recently?

Their moms won't let them live in the basement anymore.

punkrawker07 12-05-2008 09:47 AM

i don't see why so many people hate slipknot so much. their new album blows big time but their first 2 were pretty good. their last one started to go a little too mainstream for me but still not too bad. mind you, it's pretty hard to defend a band after putting out all hope is gone. i don't even want to get started on that album. joey jordison is still one of my favorite drummers.

FaSho 12-06-2008 08:36 AM

I think you're supposed to give some kind of reasoning...

Akira 12-06-2008 08:45 AM

He's a spammer

KhukuriFilms 12-06-2008 11:14 AM

mine would probably be
The Breathing Process
Rising From The Ashes
or The Contortionist

Surell 12-06-2008 12:51 PM

Just Rock/Metal? Then probably Mastodon, Black Sabbath, and Verdict of Vengeance. Oh, the biggest would probably be Neil Young and Dinosaur Jr. Grew up on them.

Obdurate 12-06-2008 01:01 PM

When I was in elementary school it was Green Day, who I still like. Them and the Offspring (though I only knew two songs).

Then I'd have to say Staind. When I was 16 or so and just got a computer, I was into whatever ****ty mainstream rap was popular. I was going to buy that St. Lunatics album, but I chose Staind instead because of It's Been A While. That started my own growth beyond what my brother and friends listened to or what was on MuchMusic.

And Slipknot, but it's a crime to mention them here I guess. Should be fun.

Surell 12-06-2008 11:38 PM

You chose Staind over Rap? Bad move.

Obdurate 12-07-2008 06:40 PM

Er, I chose Staind over St. Lunatics, yes. Not over rap.

MetalChaos 12-07-2008 07:51 PM

I'm going to go with Black Sabbath - because, they've influenced the entire metal world, basically. Also, because everyone was very talented.

Death also held a huge influence, because of Chuck's story.

thechad90000 12-08-2008 10:33 PM

Honestly it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium that affected my life the most. I was always really into music and I always had a passion for it...but when I heard Stadium it changed my whole view on music in general and actually made me pick up the guitar and start playing myself. So definitly I'd say it's the Chili Peppers....old and it all.

Rainard Jalen 12-09-2008 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by punkrawker07 (Post 558184)
i don't see why so many people hate slipknot so much. their new album blows big time but their first 2 were pretty good. their last one started to go a little too mainstream for me but still not too bad. mind you, it's pretty hard to defend a band after putting out all hope is gone. i don't even want to get started on that album. joey jordison is still one of my favorite drummers.

most of the slipknot hate is image related and has absolutely nothing to do with the music at all.

i'm no fan of the band, but IOWA was in many ways a good piece of work particularly in the rhythmic department. Also, their singer is one of the best, most diverse screamers i've ever heard.

but yeah. the blanket hate that slipknot receive is unrelated to the album music, which most people who talk bad of them have never even listened to so much as a second of.

but then, slipknot's image is so repulsively detestable and abhorrent and their fanbase is so unbelievably sad-a$s that it almost justifies hating the band and their music...just 'cause.

jackhammer 12-09-2008 07:20 AM

I am not a fan at all (not because of what they are seen to represent BTW) but I do think that 'Spit It Out' is a phenomenal track. Very successful Metal bands that have a predominantly young teen audience are frowned upon by an older generation who just were'nt a part of that. Not all of course but some bands get a bad wrap because of this. Many people who grew up on Slipknot may well diversify and be into less mainstream music now that they are older and that can only be a good thing.

Phillies 12-11-2008 06:46 PM

I've got to go with Serj Tankian/SOAD, simply because they were the first rock/metal (whatever you want to call them) band that I ever liked, and they're truly the reason that I'm into metal today.

khfreek 12-11-2008 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phillies (Post 562479)
I've got to go with Serj Tankian/SOAD, simply because they were the first rock/metal (whatever you want to call them) band that I ever liked, and they're truly the reason that I'm into metal today.

Wow, I was finally going to post in this thread and you had to have the same band. ****.

I heard Toxicity and got into metal. The rest is history.

Dr. Yellow Black 12-11-2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 560706)
I am not a fan at all (not because of what they are seen to represent BTW) but I do think that 'Spit It Out' is a phenomenal track. Very successful Metal bands that have a predominantly young teen audience are frowned upon by an older generation who just were'nt a part of that. Not all of course but some bands get a bad wrap because of this. Many people who grew up on Slipknot may well diversify and be into less mainstream music now that they are older and that can only be a good thing.

I saw them at Mayhem with DragonForce and Disturbed, and their fanbase is so...bad. I can't exactly explain it, but the vast majority of people there shop at Hot Topic for everything, drink till they puke on their shirts, and mosh like complete a-holes. The performance was good, but the whole crowd experience was horrible.

Setting that aside, my most influential person is actually Weird Al. Yeah I know....I heard like every song when I was in 4th grade then started listening to the bands he parodied. He is very talented.

thechad90000 12-11-2008 09:17 PM

Agreed. I actually found a lot of music via Weird Al.

pianokeys 12-11-2008 09:35 PM

I'm going to say two artists.
The first is Mozart. As a pianist, learning his classical works influenced me as a musician.
The second would have to be Tool. Don't hate me, I'm not a crazy fangirl who thinks they are the gods of music or whatever, they just quite simply influenced me in terms of getting more seriously into music. They are also the reason I found my current bandmates. And boyfriend.

dac 12-12-2008 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by pianokeys (Post 562579)
I'm going to say two artists.
The first is Mozart. As a pianist, learning his classical works influenced me as a musician.
The second would have to be Tool. Don't hate me, I'm not a crazy fangirl who thinks they are the gods of music or whatever, they just quite simply influenced me in terms of getting more seriously into music. They are also the reason I found my current bandmates. And boyfriend.

Gotcha :)

ubane 12-12-2008 09:05 PM

for me the bands that changed my life is Rob Zombie, Metallica, ACDC, Boston, Rush, and of corse Black Sabbath

Seltzer 12-12-2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 560664)
most of the slipknot hate is image related and has absolutely nothing to do with the music at all.

i'm no fan of the band, but IOWA was in many ways a good piece of work particularly in the rhythmic department. Also, their singer is one of the best, most diverse screamers i've ever heard.

but yeah. the blanket hate that slipknot receive is unrelated to the album music, which most people who talk bad of them have never even listened to so much as a second of.

but then, slipknot's image is so repulsively detestable and abhorrent and their fanbase is so unbelievably sad-a$s that it almost justifies hating the band and their music...just 'cause.

In my case the dislike is justified. A lot of my friends in high school were Slipknot 'maggots'. They didn't just listen to the music... they would also etch the lyrics in desks and walk around in those stupid Slipknot shoes.

I'll concede that Joey Jordison is a competent drummer (though quite overrated) and Corey Taylor isn't a bad vocalist. Stone Sour - Bother is a good track.

jenkyfats 01-15-2009 04:20 PM

john petrucci even though he makes me want to break all my guitars

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