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Aidy's Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 03-02-2010 02:38 PM
Aidy Aidy is offline
Music Addict
Hey, I'm currently doing a little project off my own back called 'Song A Week' a bit like Jonathan Coulton. I'm realeasing one new song every Friday for the duration of 2010. All the songs are free, and you can download them from my site the whole thing is a creative challenge, and kind of an online marketing experiment too. I'm putting out a Video Blog and Podcast with the song each week too. :-)
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 13
Comments: 4
Views: 18,732

In Angry Finally On BBC Entry Tools
  #13 New 10-02-2010 04:23 AM
Well, I finally got to play on a BBC radio station, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire to be more specific, and it wasn't due to sending CDs, or uploading MP3s, it was all down to a new DJ going by the name of Tom Simkins who found my music on the world wide internet, liked it and got in touch. Tom was great, he let us play three songs live in the studio and even played Not Your Day from a CD I bought along too, and then to top it all off he presented us with a trophy indicating that we were the last eve ...More Read More
Views: 5210 | Comments: 2
In Angry Hodge Plays Mario Kart Entry Tools
  #9 New 05-27-2010 05:03 PM

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago I watched the incredibly entertaining King of Kong documentary for the first time, after being recommended it by a friend. If you’ve never seen it, I’d highly recommend checking it out. It basically charts the progress of a Steve Wiebe who’s desperately trying to become the world greatest Donkey Kong player.

The whole thing got me thinking about my good friend Andrew Hodge and the fact that he often claims to be the world ...More Read More
Views: 687
In Angry Joining Entry Tools
  #8 New 05-23-2010 04:35 AM
This year I've been pretty much flat out on the whole music thing, with an ultimate goal of turning my passion into something that can support me financially. So along with the constant song writing, recording, video blogging, podcasting, twittering and sending out CDs etc.. I've now decided to bite the bullet and join

I've had a few tunes used in independent productions in the past, its something I'd like to do more of, and Taxi claim to be-able to help with that. I've toyed with t ...More Read More
Views: 704 | Post Comment
In Angry Ltd Edition Single on 3.5" Floppy Entry Tools
  #6 New 04-20-2010 05:27 PM

Recently, at the headquarters in Cambridge, a lively debate broke out over whether or not the 3.5” floppy disk was truly dead as a data storage format. Over the last few years it’s definitely taken a beating, starting with the first Apple Macs to be released without a floppy drive. Dell followed suit, then one by one the major high street names such as PC World and Staples stopped selling the ‘once revolutionary’ format.

With a tot ...More Read More
Views: 596
In Angry Plastic Beach Entry Tools
  #5 New 04-07-2010 05:26 AM
Been listening to this over and over again, and seem to love it more each time, actually got to see the band live in Cambridge last month which has got me into tracks that I wasn't that into before. Rhinestone Eyes especially, I didn't expect that to be such a massive crowd pleaser.

Anyway, as a result I've started experimenting with loops and Reason yet again and toying with the idea of doing something live in the same way but on a much lower budget obviously. Plus doing a guitar song ever ...More Read More
Views: 462
In Angry Sir Clive Sinclair Entry Tools
  #3 New 03-09-2010 05:16 PM
Have written and recorded a song about Clive for Geek Pop, which is gonna come out this Friday. Even purchased an old C5 to use in the YouTube clip to go with it :-)
Views: 364
In Angry YouTube Videos Entry Tools
  #1 New 03-05-2010 06:24 AM
Was getting pretty stressed out last night, am trying to put out a new video each Friday to go with my weekly song, and it's proving to be just as time consuming, if not more so than the actual Song A Week song!

To add insult to injury, I posted last weeks video, and then discovered that the audio goes out of sync half way through, which was really annoying as it worked fine on my computer. Then last night I uploaded the next installment of my video blog, and the same thing happened again!! ...More Read More
Views: 355

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