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mind vs. Mind Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-23-2007 02:06 PM
everything is beautiful from some perspective, everything is ugly from some perspective. everything is true from some perspective, everything is false from some perspective. go under, rise above.
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In Music Proto-Punk Entry Tools
  #3 New 01-25-2007 01:51 PM
Proto-Punk is about as much a genre as Classic Rock is. That is to say, rather than being a concrete stylistically-defined genre, it's used more as an umbrella term. In this case, the term is used to refer to the multitude of bands who preformed in the sixties or seventies and whose experimentation and stylistic innovations can be seen as direct precursors to the punk-rock explosion of the late seventies. The influence of many of these bands can be immediately picked up on, from the raw, snotty garage rock of early bands like The Seeds or The Sonics to the somewhat later manifestations of MC5 and The Stooges. The influence of other bands is more obtuse, often providing more the stripped-down, barebones frame in which punk rock would flourish rather than the actual sound. Bands such as The Velvet Underground or Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band certainly fit into this category. The ionly true common factor between all proto-punk bands is that they were all exploring new ground, pushing the limits on what was considered acceptable in rock music, and they were all kickin' out the jams.


The Stooges - S/T
MC5 - Kick Out the Jams
The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat
The Sonics - Boom
Television - Marquee Moon
Richard Hell & The Voidoids - Blank Generation
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica

MC5 - Kick Out the Jams

An absolute classic. Wild, self-destructive garage rock at its very best. Guarantee: more punk than your favorite punk band. Kick out the jams motherfuckers!

The Monks - Black Monk Time

One of my absolute favorite proto-punk records. Recorded by American GI's stationed in Germany, this album is unlike most anything I've ever heard. Its blunt minimalism hits you first, with occasional blasts of guitar feedback, chaotic organ, and even occasionally some electric banjo. The lyrics range from quirky relationship songs to delirious diatribes about the Vietnam war. Why this album hasn't caught on more is completely beyond me, it's original, infectious, and historically relevant. Oh, and it kicks ass.

Rocket From The Tombs - The Day the Earth Met the Rocket From the Tombs

Rocket From the Tombs were the precursors to two very important bands: Pere Ubu, maybe my favorite post-punk band, and Dead Boys, a great punk rock band. Most of the songs on this album were recorded in 1975, and feature terrible production and sound quality, but can very easily be called punk rock a year before The Ramones released their self-titled debut. In fact, one of the songs is the familiar "Sonic Reducer," which features David Thomas on vocals but contains just as much furious punk-rock spirit as the ultimate Dead Boys version. Maybe they would have today been hailed as the "first punk band" if in 1975 they'd been able to raise the funds to get in a studio and get a record released.

The Modern Lovers - S/T

The Modern Lovers' debut is another great proto-punk album. It's teenage geeky angst set to minimalist stripped-down rock'n'roll, no doubt slightly indebted to its collaborator, John Cale. I don't really have much to say about this album, it strikes me as the type of album which would generate mixed reactions, but its certainly worth trying.
Views: 2801 | Comments: 3

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "Proto-Punk"
#3 01-28-2007 12:13 PM
White Lies Says:
The Modern Lovers and The Monks are awesome! Your blogs rule, dude.
#2 01-25-2007 04:02 PM
Unfortunately not, but I haven't been on soulseek in a while so I'll go check there. EDIT: I found it and I'm downloading it, it's three discs though so it might take a while, and hopefully the guy doesn't cancel the upload. Otherwise if it's finished by tomorrow I'll upload it in here.
#1 01-25-2007 03:27 PM
You had any luck with that Destroy All Monsters stuff yet?

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