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Dan Hayes's Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 03-05-2009 08:37 AM
dhayespw dhayespw is offline
Music Addict
Mostly about my life and our work in the music industry....hope you al enjoy an inside look.
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In Music David Hayes - Peace and Waves Entry Tools
  #1 New 03-16-2009 03:19 PM
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. … I get most joy in life out of music.”
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Widely recognized as one of the smartest, most influential people in the history of ever, Albert Einstein said these words in an interview for the Saturday Evening Post in 1929. Long before the introduction of the Internet, big budget film and TV, or satellite radio, Albert got the feeling that his life would not be what it was if it weren’t for music.
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Even the most obtuse among us show daily their personality and character through the music they enjoy. Our varied musical tastes compare, in my opinion, to the 6 billion fingerprints in the world today. While we may love some of the same songs, we are often disgusted by the style of music another person appreciates. “I can’t believe you like that song”, “Why do they scream so much”, “I can’t even understand what they are saying”. Only a few of the phrases our generation has grown up hearing way to much.
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I propose a renewal of our musical appreciation on a scale that would be catastrophic to the world infrastructure “IF” it were to actually happen. It would make the same impact if we appreciated everyone’s beliefs and feelings as if they were our own. I will call it the “End to musical discrimination”, and it will start with us.
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Pay attention to the music around you over the next few days. The 40 year old man driving in his car to the High School Musical soundtrack, is he happy? The college guy with the cell phone at work that plays Nickelback every time someone calls him, is he happy? The teeny-bopper-gangsta girls with Soulja Boy still on their Myspace page, is she happy? Would you really want to live in a world that only plays the music you like? How dull and boring to hear Jack Johnson playing “F-Stop Blues” while Frank Lucas is shooting someone in the head.
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In saying all of this, I know Einstein was a smart guy. Even the most air headed, ignorant people would agree with me on that point. Far fewer, I fear, would allow me to propose banishing Brittany Spears or the Jonas Brothers from the planet. I am going to try and accept people for who they are, musical differences aside, from this point forward for the good of humankind. It may be uncomfortable at first for me to sit through an entire Kids Bop album, but I will persevere for the respect of my children.
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However, for this plan to work you must all listen to my music also, and reserve your judgment. Even though you may not like David Hayes, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, MGMT, Jack Johnson, or Avenged Sevenfold, give it a chance once. I can almost guarantee you will feel your soul move even if your head doesn’t, and you will earn another level of respect in the process.
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Let your soul be moved enough and soon your head will exit the sand to see a world of variety that we often miss.


Views: 725 | Comments: 4

RSS Feed 4 Responses to "David Hayes - Peace and Waves"
#4 05-14-2013 04:20 PM
Em3391 Says: Thought you may like this, this guy is amazing!
#3 02-17-2011 08:53 PM
3songs4hanna Says:
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#2 09-13-2010 06:27 AM
Music Jokie Says:
its nice to know about... thanks for sharing dude...
#1 01-26-2010 11:50 PM
zldj0101 Says:

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