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it writes itself... Blog Tools
Creation Date: 11-24-2007 02:11 PM
under under is offline
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i write a lot and i have some feelings toward certain things...
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 18
Comments: 47
Views: 100,095

In Angry Nothing Entry Tools
  #17 New 03-13-2008 10:37 AM
theres nothing to be said here. i've been bored all my life and there seems to be no way out.
Views: 1053 | Comments: 3
In Angry Depression - Hurts Other People Too Entry Tools
  #16 New 03-10-2008 10:38 PM
Does it really hurt the people around you? Im sure it does because i've known a few friends who have suffered with it and it pains me to see them that way. i dont like it but it's something that we have to live through. God made us different. It could have made us the same but It didnt.
Views: 729 | Comments: 2
In Angry free time in a non free world Entry Tools
  #15 New 12-16-2007 03:11 PM
why is it that when we have free time we don't do anything.
but when we dont have free time we wish we had it?

its like.
when we want something we dont have, we work for it.
when we get something we want, we don't do anything with it.

Views: 1835 | Comments: 2 (1 Private)
In Angry most awkward thing in the world. Entry Tools
  #14 New 12-02-2007 01:42 PM
parents make everything in the world very awkward. i mean when they ask you questions like "are you depressed?"
god, i cant say anything because its dont want to talk to them about that.
or if there like "so, hows your love life?" i literally just walk away....

you know what i mean?
Views: 745 | Comments: 1
In Angry emo Entry Tools
  #7 Old 12-01-2007 01:48 PM
what exactly is "emo"
most people find it believable that cutting yourself and sitting in your room listening to crappy From First To Last is "emo"
others say getting your lip pierced and having an emo fringe is "emo"
other think that if you say you're "emo" you're "emo"
even if you write sad poetry people consider you "emo"
there are so many things that people beyond stupidity say what "emo" is.

what i find funny is when/if you're "emo", and somebody calls you "emo", you're like "im no ...More Read More
Views: 371
In Angry tongue piercings Entry Tools
  #5 New 11-30-2007 08:50 PM
i dont understand them
what the hell is the deal with them.

i mean they cause pain, you can't eat spaghetti with them and its just gross.
there is a plus,
its fun to makeout with someone with a tongue ring because it feels all bally and stuff.

but i still don't like them
Views: 394
In Angry the law against Gay marriage Entry Tools
  #4 New 11-30-2007 06:16 PM
first off.
i hate George Bush for passing this law

because im always reading in archives that people should love anyone and be who we want to be. shouldn't that mean we should marry who we want to marry.
i mean a man and a woman can marry, why cant a man and a man or woman and a woman.

its not fair.
i would go to war to bypass this law.
i would even let myself die if it were to lead to make it legal for gay people to marry.

i'd be one of those people who would marry.
Views: 370
In Angry some things are better left unsaid Entry Tools
  #2 New 11-24-2007 02:25 PM
why do people in this universe like to hate on people who are different?

i mean come on. were all human beings here. it doesn't seem right that discrimination is legal.
it shouldn't be.
im willing to go to the end of the earth just so i could make it a law that you can't discriminate.

because i've gone through it. i'm sure everyone who has come out and who's different has gone through it.

don't you agree?

its not something big to most people. but when it affects feelings of certai ...More Read More
Views: 388 | Comments: 2
In Angry Poetry ™ Entry Tools
  #1 New 11-24-2007 02:14 PM

the day i return back,
is the day i let my life go.
i won't turn back to what you want.
i'll always be what i want to be.
and always follow what i believe.

change is not a big thing i do.
you can't force it.

it's only when i think all is good,
when you come in and ruin it all.
you destroy what i want,
you destroy what i love.

you can't always do this.
it doesn't follow at all.

just stop.
stop the yelling you do.
that you think will change me.

...More Read More
Views: 453 | Comments: 1

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