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Old 02-18-2011, 01:56 PM   #581 (permalink)
Queen Boo
From beyooond the graaave
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: The state that proudly brought you Disco Duck
Posts: 1,513

I keep checking back in this thread thinking that somebody has made a list but that's never so. I guess I'll make one.

Dayvan Cowboy: She's not smart, funny, cultured, and very cool for "a girl her age". She's just smart, funny, cultured, and very cool. I don't really get the people that don't care for her, she's full of life and I love her to bits.

DJChameleon: I love talking to you. You're one of my favorite shoutbox regs and we manage to have a conversation about pretty much anything. We use each other as a bitchbox sometimes. It works. We're buds. We like the same commercial pop music. Dunno if we're musically compatable outside of that, I keep forgetting to download that Roots album you told me about.
And you're definitely smarter then you let on.

Conan: I think you're fantastic but you're a HUGE PEOPLE PLEASER.

Anteater: You're really smart and I'm intimidated by that so if you're in the shoutbox or something, I usually say something vulgar rather then pursuing a conversation with you. Call you a faggot or something.
All the prog I've ever listened to is still dick though..... :P

TheCunningStunt: You're a complete asswipe sometimes but 60% you're cool. (60% is an F.)

Paloma: ~*~*vomiting noises*~*~

Vegangellica: Tried to "mommy" me a bit. You're sweet. Thank you. Rather take risks then take your advice though.

TerribleLizard: I adore you and not just because I think you're dreamy or whatever. I love your dialect, I lurk your old posts sometimes, when I see that you've visited my page I smile. Wish you were still a FUCKING REGULAR YOU FUCKING TWAT.

Urban Hatemonger: Figured you thought I was a dumbass. Lurked you, left silly messages on your page, never really thought we'd ever have a conversation. I sort of was a dumbass but you seemed to like me anyway.
Looked at you as a god of sorts before we started talking. I wasn't far off. I'm so glad you're my friend.

Engine: I have more in common with you then anybody I've ever talked to, internet or IRL. Same music, same politics, same issues with anxiety. lol, you're my real father. or Steve Albini.

SleepyJack: Like two years ago in an AIM/IRC chatroom, I think you trolled me and used two accounts to have a conversation with your "boyfriend" about peen size or whatever trying to make me uncomfortable. I stuck around and chimed in occasionally although at that point in my life I knew very little about peens. Boobs says that you troll'd n00bs like that pretending to be gay. I lol. Please remember this.

TheBigThree: I'm part of the group that doesn't understand what you're saying at all 2/3 of the time. Also:

James: I like it when we argue like siblings.
I hate your taste in music....not so much the music itself but the way you listen to it, I guess. I like you though. A pile of **** has fallen on you in your life and you've handled it beyond gracefully. ilu Jimbo/Jim Bob/Jim Bawb/Jimmy Dean/Jimmy Dean Lowfat Breakfast Sausage/St. Jimmy/James.

Bonesaw Orchestra: You're my favorite n00b. You're a great conversationalist and I love your sense of humor. I'm not just complimenting you because you flirt back with me and you're really, really, ridiculously good looking either.

boo boo: Unban him y'all. I argue with people in the shoutbox all the time and say way worse things then "I hate you". Forum is slower then molasses and he'd come back and post in every single thread like he used to. He's a controversial person but I like him and I don't think calling WeeaboBizarre a doody face warrants a year banning. Please? Please? Please?

Dirty: For the first 2 monthes you were here, I thought you were a "rapist/borderline retard". You're not, you're actually very intellegent, interesting, and nice (not in a pussy sort of way, I've just never seen you be mean to anybody.)

jackhammer: You're too hard on yourself bro, I love you to bits, I wish you felt the same way about yourself.

bob.: Bawb has rec'd me a total count of 12 albums and the ones I've listened to so far have been great. (Unsane....jesus.....fantastic.....) I feel rude putting him off and putting him off. He's on a 2 week hiatus so I guess that gives me some time to download them all....I thought of you as a ball-less, completely nonviolent person that let out all angry thoughts and urges through music but after I've talked to you a bit (about necrophillia), you have this fantastic dark side that I'd like to get to know.

I think I got just about everybody. I got IMed that the site was down so I copypasta'd this into an email folder. I hope it posts.

Originally Posted by boo boo
A whole bunch of stupid sh*t that I regret
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