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Old 02-18-2011, 04:45 PM   #586 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin View Post
@ S K personaly man I dont think your rude in any kind of way really, and even if you were that would just make me respect you more.
Why would that make you respect me more?
And I know I'm not rude, but I know I can seem that way.
Thanks for saying I'm not, man

Sure common courtesey is a good trait to have and all, but dont feel afraid to draw the line. Especially if others have drawn it with you.
Ultimatley who cares if you've offended someones precious views on something. Its been happening since the begining of time, and it will continue to happen.
I just care an awful lot what people think about me.
I want to feel welcome and wanted. So I do care if I offend someone, yeah. Only problem is that I do sometimes indeed offend people without knowing it myself. And as dumb as it may sound: I can't change it, so they'll have to live with it. I do change, bit by bit, but in the meantime people will have to be patient with me. Except for the people who have no problem at all.
Luckily most people are fine with me

Ive never found any of your posts in the least bit offensive. Just try not to misconstrue good hearted humor with insult.
It's not easy for me to read between the lines. If you read into autism and aspergers in particular, you will find that that's often a problem.
I also have a problem with the language. Altough my English may be quite allright, it's really tough to find the right tone and put the right feeling into postings. I will need ten times the amount of postings I have now to achieve that.

Keep up the good work, and dont worry about anyones opinion man. Theres no lottery winners for being a good person or being an arse. Just say what you think and if somebody doesnt like it well...boohooboohoowahwahwah... Unless of course you piss the mods off and get banned.
Haha, thanks for that last sentence.
This usually happens at some point. It sounds pretty negative, but as I've mentioned before: Let this be the first exception. There's always one mod or at least one important member who just won't be banned that dislikes me. And then I'm lost.

But untill then, let's be nice to eachother

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